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shikamaru317 said:

Took me a awhile to figure that one out. State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition

I haven't played that game before. Weird because I love zombie games. Will the Yobe version include all the DLC?

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JayWood2010 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Congrats Ryuu on your victory in the user tournament with 196 points :)

Also congrats to Starcraft and good job everybody else

Woooooo!!! Xbox Empire taking over!! :D Congrats Ryuu and Starcraft for making it to the next round!

shikamaru317 said:

I haven't played it either, considering at least renting it once it releases on Xbox One.

I think it does include all of the DLC so far.

I bet they'll up the res to 1080p too. Do you currently rent from Gamefly? How long do you usually have to wait on new releases before getting a new copy of a game? I might give it a try sometime and see how it works out.

shikamaru317 said:

Just found the original news post. They're upping the res to 1080p, upping the fps to 60, upgrading the textures, animations, and environment detail & effects. They're also creating some new content just for the Year One Survival Edition, and it includes both DLC's they already released on 360. 

It depends on the game, sometimes I'll get a copy from the first batch they send out, other times I won't. If I don't get a copy from the first batch they ship out it can take weeks or even months to get new games. The best way to insure that you get a copy as soon as it releases is to add the game to your GameQ as soon as it's announced and as soon as Gamefly lists it. For instance I put Saints Row 4: Re-Elected in my GameQ the day that Gamefly listed it so hopefully I'll get a copy as soon as it releases. 

Sounds like it'll be a $60 game. I'll have to think about it especially since I also want to get Shadow of Mordor and SR IV Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell.

So basically the better the game the harder the chances of getting it quick. Like if you rented GTA V when it came out on last gen the chances would most likely be slim to none on getting it right away. I'd still like to see MS do rentals though. I'd take that over Gamefly anytime.

darkenergy said:
Also just to let everyone know that Halo 3 is about to cross the 12 million mark :)

Woah, that's pretty impressive. Those legs! Wonder how well Halo 5 will do when it comes out. 

Also many congratulations to Ryuu and Starcraft on their victory also. Both awesome users.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Conegamer said:

Woah, that's pretty impressive. Those legs! Wonder how well Halo 5 will do when it comes out. 

Also many congratulations to Ryuu and Starcraft on their victory also. Both awesome users.

20+ million cause the game will be so badass people will buy 5+ copies for their friends and family.

Wow that's awesome for Halo 3. I'm sure it would have crossed it sooner if it hadn't been free with Gold in 2013.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Linchpin said:
Conegamer said:

Woah, that's pretty impressive. Those legs! Wonder how well Halo 5 will do when it comes out. 

Also many congratulations to Ryuu and Starcraft on their victory also. Both awesome users.

20+ million cause the game will be so badass people will buy 5+ copies for their friends and family.

Heh, I'd love to see that! Would likely be well deserved if it's as good as the previous entries in the series. 

But somehow I doubt everyone will but 5 copies, we can dream though...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:

Heh, I'd love to see that! Would likely be well deserved if it's as good as the previous entries in the series. 

But somehow I doubt everyone will but 5 copies, we can dream though...

We sure can. Well realistically I think 5+ million would be awesome. Althought I'd love to see it hit 10+ LT.

I think Halo 5 will sell around 6m in 2015, and 10m+ lifetime.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54