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Damn. Sleeping Dogs on Xbox One already dropped to $46

Nice work SE and their pricing models, absolutely clueless. Will pick this up in the Bargain Bin. $25-$30 :)">"><img src="

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shikamaru317 said:

Congrats! Maybe I'll go for 1000/1000 in Sunset afterall, can't let both Murph and you have more GS than me in Sunset xD

Still sad that MS replaced Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin and 1st Movement of the Odyssey by Incubus in Halo 2 Anniversary. But at least we can still hear them by switching to classic mode for the 2 levels where those songs play. Or at least I think we can. 

I'm at 995, and this last one is based off of luck. Hopefully I get it by the end of this week. And nah all the single player ones are an absolute cakewalk 3/10 at most for difficulty. 

The online ones (the last one) is the only real challenge. If you have like 3 competent people that know the strategies and are doing what they are supposed to do it's not that hard. I ended up with my team with 13/20 of the vats still in tact. If it reaches zero it's over.">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:

I'd say that if anything, today's events show just how little 343 knows about the Halo fanbase. All it took was 7 seconds of video footage and the internet exploded. 343 couldn't possibly have not seen that coming unless they know nothing about us. Halo fans have always been highly resistant to change. Like I said before, out of all the game fanbases out here Halo fans are one of the groups that is most resistant to change. 343 took a very modern FPS approach with Halo 4 multiplayer and it blew up in their face, the end result was the fastest multiplayer player drop-off rate in Halo history, within a month of release Halo 4 had less concurrent players online at any given time then Halo 3 had a year after it released. Knowing that, why would 343 go for another highly modern approach with Halo 5?

343, killing Halo one step at a time

                                                            - NobleTeam360

NobleTeam360 said:
shikamaru317 said:

I'd say that if anything, today's events show just how little 343 knows about the Halo fanbase. All it took was 7 seconds of video footage and the internet exploded. 343 couldn't possibly have not seen that coming unless they know nothing about us. Halo fans have always been highly resistant to change. Like I said before, out of all the game fanbases out here Halo fans are one of the groups that is most resistant to change. 343 took a very modern FPS approach with Halo 4 multiplayer and it blew up in their face, the end result was the fastest multiplayer player drop-off rate in Halo history, within a month of release Halo 4 had less concurrent players online at any given time then Halo 3 had a year after it released. Knowing that, why would 343 go for another highly modern approach with Halo 5?

343, killing Halo one step at a time

                                                            - NobleTeam360

I wouldnt go all out yet, wait until the full reveal of the Halo 5 Beta. If all your fears are true then blast them to your hearts content but just wait for the moment. I still have faith for 343. On halo waypoint, MODS are all going out, so many people are banned on all these forums 343 should be worried. Also guys which games should i get for Christmas, note i can get only 1 before hand. On my interest list are, AC UNITY, MCC, SO and to a lesser extent FH2

I'd get MCC, The rest will be dirt cheap in no time.

Around the Network
NobleTeam360 said:
shikamaru317 said:

I'd say that if anything, today's events show just how little 343 knows about the Halo fanbase. All it took was 7 seconds of video footage and the internet exploded. 343 couldn't possibly have not seen that coming unless they know nothing about us. Halo fans have always been highly resistant to change. Like I said before, out of all the game fanbases out here Halo fans are one of the groups that is most resistant to change. 343 took a very modern FPS approach with Halo 4 multiplayer and it blew up in their face, the end result was the fastest multiplayer player drop-off rate in Halo history, within a month of release Halo 4 had less concurrent players online at any given time then Halo 3 had a year after it released. Knowing that, why would 343 go for another highly modern approach with Halo 5?

343, killing Halo one step at a time

                                                            - NobleTeam360

Bungie started down a road that they couldn't turn back from. Reach changed into a COD clone and that was all Bungie. Halo
 4 was actually good story wise but it seemed like they rushed the multiplayer which resulted in that mess

Halo 4 on MCC is buggy as BALLS so far for me, anyone else notice this?

So far i have had:
- Crash to black screen with tiny red text when trying to save in between level segments
- HUD completely failing to appear along with all onscreen prompts
- Crash to black screen in the middle of a game with no messages at all, had to back out to dash and quit the game then reload to get back on again.
No screenshot of this, because, well, a black screens pretty boring.

Only over one i have tried so far was Halo CE which seemed fine, its just Halo 4, and yes before someone asks, it is 100% installed, not just Halo 4 but the entire MCC game is 100% installed.

Slade6alpha said:

FINALLY... Just got that chaos Downtown achievement. Thanks Murph on the Ice Bomb Hint, really slows down the herkers and OD at your vat. 

Also want to thank this song for being there for me, repeated like 4 times  


Still need that fucking amp upgrade......... -___________________________________-

Lol see slade? Its easy! Now just keep playing Harbor defense and maybe you'll get the amp upgrade.

OMG I once again looked at that MCC achievement list and I am still in awe. This is going to take some time!!! there are so many its not funny :/. Looks like I will start on Wednesday :)

FightingSmile said:
OMG I once again looked at that MCC achievement list and I am still in awe. This is going to take some time!!! there are so many its not funny :/. Looks like I will start on Wednesday :)

lol lets see how long it takes somebody to get all 4500 xD  With some people here theyre doing 1000 relatively quick