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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Welcome back slade and hope the funeral went ok. Or the best it can go anyways


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Slade6alpha said:
Damn Noble, you're going to get got for those gifs xD

Lol, that Killzone GIF is the last one I'm probably pushing my luck.

JayWood2010 said:
Welcome back slade and hope the funeral went ok. Or the best it can go anyways

Grandmother passed on May 8th... aka Fizzie day :(

It was a long week, but I'm glad she's out of pain. 

Sorry to go off toipic.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
JayWood2010 said:
Welcome back slade and hope the funeral went ok. Or the best it can go anyways

Grandmother passed on May 8th... aka Fizzie day :(

It was a long week, but I'm glad she's out of pain. 

Sorry to go off toipic. 

No worries about going off-topic.  My condolences


A lot of users said this too...
If MS is willing to announce a price cut and kinect less sku now, wow at their conference...
Hope to see some games!

And agreed Shika, people would be pissed and rightfully so, if they announced that and someone bought the console in May, that gives the public a decent amount of time.">"><img src="

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Ryuu96 said:
Slade6alpha said:

@Ryuu The E3 MS hype thread is going to be the actual thread for the conference. Haven't worked on it much though.

Yeah I know they are both the same thing =P Just was wondering when it would open up ;)

I'm waiting for Cone's and Pi's. 

I kind of think it's too early, like Seece said. Maybe even last week of May would be nice. May check with Cone.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Ryuu96 said:
Slade6alpha said:


I'm waiting for Cone's and Pi's. 

I kind of think it's too early, like Seece said. Maybe even last week of May would be nice. May check with Cone. 

Pi's was up earlier today.  


Slade6alpha said:
JayWood2010 said:
Welcome back slade and hope the funeral went ok. Or the best it can go anyways

Grandmother passed on May 8th... aka Fizzie day :(

It was a long week, but I'm glad she's out of pain. 

Sorry to go off toipic. 

My grandpa died on April 13th, it was the first funeral I ever went to (usually I avoid them). Definitely a rough time for everyone in the fam. I'm sorry for your loss.

iceland said:
Slade6alpha said:
JayWood2010 said:
Welcome back slade and hope the funeral went ok. Or the best it can go anyways

Grandmother passed on May 8th... aka Fizzie day :(

It was a long week, but I'm glad she's out of pain. 

Sorry to go off toipic. 

My grandpa died on April 13th, it was the first funeral I ever went to (usually I avoid them). Definitely a rough time for everyone in the fam. I'm sorry for your loss.

Thanks man! This was my first real funeral for someone in my immediate family. I've been to like 2 others, but they were distant relatives. I felt more sorry for my dad and his two brothers and also her husband; married 64 years.">"><img src="

Yeah, I saw Pi's. I'll be updating a lot tomorrow and into thursday.

Do you... especially Ryuu... have any suggestions to add?
I'm adding a countdown timer, a nice heading like what Jay has, Seece allowed me to put up the bingo cards. I'll ask for predictions in that thread, some gifs maybe, timezones, etc. Once the conference begins, I'll add links.

@Ryuu Maybe... it's a lot to keep up with. I need a separate word document to jot down all the important information, my thread to post in (will let others do most of the posting), maybe this thread... and then skype. That's a lot to keep up with.">"><img src="