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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:
I require an E3 thread to hype myself up in! Slade! =P

Who is joining mine and Seeces skype chat anyway?! Lol

I was considering making an E3 prediction thread but I've been waylaid by another project which should hopefully be up later tonight. 

I just made a Skype account earlier today, so I'll be in the Skype chat during Microsoft's conference.

YOu have a project coming tonight?


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NobleTeam360 said:


lol Never did like Killzone, horrible "Halo Killer" imo

iceland said:
NobleTeam360 said:


lol Never did like Killzone, horrible "Halo Killer" imo

I liked Killzone 2.  Killzone 3 was ok but never bought it.  Just played the beta.  Shadowfall is really bad imo though.  I havent been able to push myself to beat the story yet and the multiplayer just seems boring and generic.  Its a very pretty game though. 


shikamaru317 said:
iceland said:
NobleTeam360 said:


lol Never did like Killzone, horrible "Halo Killer" imo

Me either. I'm surprised it sold as well as it did.

Anything would sell well with the lack of anything else to play. (In terms of retail AAA games, before someone thinks I'm saying PS4 has no games)

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JayWood2010 said:

I liked Killzone 2.  Killzone 3 was ok but never bought it.  Just played the beta.  Shadowfall is really bad imo though.  I havent been able to push myself to beat the story yet and the multiplayer just seems boring and generic.  Its a very pretty game though. 

I'm going to sound like an Xbot but when I play Killzone I just can't help to think how much better Halo is...

I'm glad GG is working on something else, I hope it's good.

^ well it's not like they have much choice as a candidate for """""halo killer"""""

iceland said:
JayWood2010 said:

I liked Killzone 2.  Killzone 3 was ok but never bought it.  Just played the beta.  Shadowfall is really bad imo though.  I havent been able to push myself to beat the story yet and the multiplayer just seems boring and generic.  Its a very pretty game though. 

I'm going to sound like an Xbot but when I play Killzone I just can't help to think how much better Halo is...

I'm glad GG is working on something else, I hope it's good.

Besides Killzone 2 i find GG to be nothing more than mediocre devs that cant figure out how to make a good game beyond pretty graphics, much like crytek.  That is prob the most vocal ill be about these thigns on this site but they dont have the best track record. Ill praise them once they deserve to be praised, not because they can make something that is pretty with no substance.


Goes to funeral all day... misses megaton :(
Not sure I want to view Kowen's 500 plus thread either... saw some of it in the drive home. LOL at the reactions.
Someone put, they complained about the Kinect being included and then they complained saying MS doesn't believe in their own project... This speaks volumes...

@Ryuu The E3 MS hype thread is going to be the actual thread for the conference. Haven't worked on it much though.

For me, I enjoy my Xbox One and the Kinect. I only use it for voice controls, but I've gotten a lot out of it. Unlike the 3DS I do not feel burned BY MS. I wake up at 8:30 ish, 9 am maybe, and the damn thing is on most of the day, unless I'm away. I've gotten 8 games (retail) 3 digital, plus like 5 arcade games, so that's plenty of use, alongside the countless hours of blu ray and tv use.">"><img src="

Damn Noble, you're going to get got for those gifs xD">"><img src="