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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Just out of curiosity, where is the post count for the thread? xD

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Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddd I finished forza horizon (not maxed though) but 795 is good enough....

Ryuu96 said:
Jazz2K said:

Don't give him the idea... other mods might just come in a get the 30k post... should write in the title "Who will take the 30k post crown from X1 Nation!"

Other mods should actually ban us all and it can be a battle for the mods! I can report them all to Ioi who will see they have gone mad, he will take them all down in one and name me head mod....It's for the greater good =P

Actualy Ioi might just ban them all and claim the sweet spot... 

Ryuu96 said:
So we got a big Sunset news blowout last week

This week we got GWG, Kinectless SKU, Paywall for Apps removed

Next week? looks like we might get some big news every week leading up until E3! Next week will be Quantum Break!....

Yeah i would think Quantum Break.  That seems to be the most obvious one.  Maybe even Fable Legends though i think Fable Legends Gameplay at e3 and then a teaser for the new Lionhead Ip would work better.


I'll be honest I didn't expect any huge news when they said that may would be a good month for news. Can't wait to see more info.

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Seece said:
Yall so straight, Iceland get in here and tell them they look hideous!

LOL They're pretty bad, Sunset looks the best out of them (biased?) IMO but it's pretty bare bones. D4's... dat red

Well if we do start to see Xbox One sales drop then I suspect retailers will just discount whatever stock they have left.

well according to our inside web site guy well atleast be getting more news this month

I always find it cute when people say one company copied another.

As if PSN wasnt inspired by XBL. As if Trophies werent inspired by achievement points. As if PS Move wasnt inspired by the Wii-mote. As if the new PS Eye wasnt inspired by Kinect. As if the X360 and PS3 wasnt already pretty much identical.

Oh this list could continue on and on whether we talk about Sony, MSFT, or Nintendo. The companies take ideas and create their own version because they think it can work so lets stop worshiping them acting like what theyre doing is something truly innovative. There is creations like XBL and Wii-mote that was truly innovative for their time but who cares, get over it. Its how the industry, not one manufacturer, but the industry moves forward. Its not what is the most innovative but how it works for their own platform and better off, for their audience.


shikamaru317 said:
BTW, awesome Tifa profile pic Noble. I really hope that Square finally makes an HD remake of FFVII sometime this generation.

Thanks. Tifa Is one of my all time favorite character in the Final Fantasy universe, and yeah I would love it if they made an HD remake (also on Xbox of course).