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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Things are happening!

Change is good.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Ryuu96 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Ryuu96 said:
Jazz2K said:
Hope the two Halo shows will be complementary and not competing with each other.

I thought Spartan Ops was great and provided lots of story elements. Would love a similar approach on the Covenant but agains't another foe than humans.

Well...I kinda hope they both try to do better than eachother Lol, Ridleys is apparently like Forward Unto Dawn in length last I heard and Stephens I'm guessing with be full 60 minute episodes (or 40) so Stephens will be the bigger one 

I'm not sure for what one (possible Ridleys?) but it will be focusing on a character from the games that isn't Master Chief

I like the sound of that. Please please please be The Arbiter.

Arbiter for after Halo 3 - 5 would make most sense for Ridley, won't be that big of a time frame to cover, could also be Johnson during first contact but I doubt it since his dead Lol, Arbiter makes sense if they are planning on reintroducing him into the game

Stephen doing Blue Team like Shika said would be good too and make sense for his being full on tv show most likely (40-60 minute episodes) would have to cover from Halo 1 - Halo 5 if they plan on reintroducing Blue Team

Would like to see Ridley do something with the Flood though...

thats one reason why i think stephen doing fall of reach works well since if i rember right it introduceses us to the whole team plus it wouldnt take away from them being in 5 where as a show just based on them would kind of get rid of the surprise

This Q's shipments will also be shockingly low. Now only are they probably sending any units out, but they overstuffed the channel.

Q3 will be IMMENSE tho. It's already usually the second highest Q in the year with September a big month, but they have the cheaper Sku, all those shipments that are waiting to replenish the channel, and the release in the other 30+ countries, including Japan and China.

Q2 - 350k
Q3 - 2m+ easily
Q4 - 6m+


what is up with the ki one eewww

shikamaru317 said:
Azerth said:
what is up with the ki one eewww

Yeah, looks like an ugly bowling ball, lol.

lol i knew it looked familier 

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All of those are abominations.


Yall so straight, Iceland get in here and tell them they look hideous!


Hmm, kinectless Xbox One... glad I got mine with Kinect on day 1.

Proclus said:
Hmm, kinectless Xbox One... glad I got mine with Kinect on day 1.

It's still available with Kinect!


Guys, remember when the Titanfall bundle was announced and we were all sure sales would plummet? What if the opposite happens again because of the Xbox Live news