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jlmurph2 said:
Watch Dogs PS4/X1 900p/792p 30fps. I dont mind but I know some people might be eating their words right now

Lol PS4 can't handle 1080p confirmed. xD I kid of course or am I?

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NobleTeam360 said:
jlmurph2 said:
Watch Dogs PS4/X1 900p/792p 30fps. I dont mind but I know some people might be eating their words right now

Lol PS4 can't handle 1080p confirmed. xD I kid of course or am I?

The hits just keep on coming lol

I would've preferred if they kept the kinect bundled but good news today.

jlmurph2 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
jlmurph2 said:
Watch Dogs PS4/X1 900p/792p 30fps. I dont mind but I know some people might be eating their words right now

Lol PS4 can't handle 1080p confirmed. xD I kid of course or am I?

The hits just keep on coming lol

May has been a good month for Xbox. June will only be better.

kowenicki said:
jlmurph2 said:
Watch Dogs PS4/X1 900p/792p 30fps. I dont mind but I know some people might be eating their words right now

is this confirmed?  So Sony lied and thats why they had to take the 1080p 60fps down from their site.

And people told me it was because Ubisoft insisted they took it down becasue the ONE version wasnt 1080p and 60fps... lol.

By Ubisoft themselves. Its on IGN

Yeah ikr lol

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NobleTeam360 said:
jlmurph2 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
jlmurph2 said:
Watch Dogs PS4/X1 900p/792p 30fps. I dont mind but I know some people might be eating their words right now

Lol PS4 can't handle 1080p confirmed. xD I kid of course or am I?

The hits just keep on coming lol

May has been a good month for Xbox. June will only be better.

May isnt over yet ;)

Ryuu96 said:
shikamaru317 said:
I have to admit I'm kind of disappointed about the Kinect-less SKU. Yes I'm happy that it'll surely mean higher sales for Xbox One, and therefore increased marketshare and less 3rd party exclusives on PS4. However I currently don't use the Kinect for much of anything, it's just sitting there. I was actually interested in getting into motion gaming some this generation since I skipped that craze last generation, so I was happy with Microsoft's plan of bundling a Kinect with the Xbox One in order to make the Kinect install base large enough to convince 3rd party developers to make Kinect games. Now though, the X1 Kinect's install base will likely end up even smaller than the 360 Kinect's install base, meaning even less Kinect games. I kind of feel like I bought a $100 doorstop, lol. Sure I hope to be able to afford to get cable or satellite again at some point in the future, and the Kinect will be useful for me again in that case, but that's not a guaranteed thing.

Thinking of selling my Kinect once the kinectless bundles drop xD really doubt many devs will use it now, was interested in the face scanning tech but lets be honest, only exclusive games will use that and even then....I doubt many games can Lol would that tech seriously be able to go from the style of KSR to something as detailed as Elder Scrolls characters Lol we will definetely get studios using less Kinect features in games now and even less Kinect only games since the bigger audience will not have a kinect now, no point wasting resources on something that will only be used by the minority of people

I am like you, little disappointed but happy it means higher sales for Xbox One and it seems like they are going hard with the bigger focus on games annnouncing all this now

I hope Rare don't go back to what they were like in 360 gen xD Phil needs to give them a gentle...massive push towards their older Ip's or new Ip's

yeap exactly...


and what people fail to realize is I bought a XBox one because it was more than just an other gaming console.... and it was the same for MS... the point of the XBox was to compete with PS sure but also with apple TV, amazon fire TV, google TV and the likes and get a foot in the mainstream home entertainement market.... now that it is more and more just an other gaming machine it is less and less relevant for MS to keep the thing for their long term plans.... with their constant backward whining gamers might have won a new gaming only rig but also maybe condemened a big future competitor and succesfully killed any hope of true all in one entertainement for the time being... I think the possibility of XB being axed is more alive than ever before if it keeps going back to just a gaming rig.....

Round 2: Most Anticipated Xbox Game Pre-E3

Starwars Battlefront  (9)  
Halo  (33)  Halo
The Division  (39)  The Division
Cyber Punk 2077  (11)  
Destiny  (31)  
Evolve (9)  Destiny
Final Fantasy XV  
Dying Light  
Dragon Age: Inquisition  
Witcher 3  
Deus Ex  
Project Spark  
kingdom Hearts 3  
Tomb Raider  
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor  
Sleeping Dogs:Triad Wars  
Mass Effect 4  
Sunset Overdrive  
No Man's Sky  
Quantum Break  
Hyper Light Drifter  


Hope the two Halo shows will be complementary and not competing with each other.

I thought Spartan Ops was great and provided lots of story elements. Would love a similar approach on the Covenant but agains't another foe than humans.

Jazz2K said:
Hope the two Halo shows will be complementary and not competing with each other.

I thought Spartan Ops was great and provided lots of story elements. Would love a similar approach on the Covenant but agains't another foe than humans.

well my guess the speilberg one will be based on the books say the fall of reach since speilberg really liked that one.  while the other one will be used to market halo 5