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In other thread some people think early adopters might be angry about the Kinectless sku... imo most early adopters choose X1 for what it was and that included Kinect. I think it has more value with it... now that you can buy an X1 without Kinect is good for those that don't want it... but it prevents advancement in gaming experiences imo.

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Phil Spencer is the Savior! lol but seriously my hype level is through the rough right now.

My head exploded from all this good news. I don't care for the Kinectless console but everything else is awesome!

A victory for gamers that is for sure. A bit early to announce this though. Phil Spencer deserves a statue...

Imagining Don Mattrick still running Xbox gives me shivers

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Jazz2K said:
In other thread some people think early adopters might be angry about the Kinectless sku... imo most early adopters choose X1 for what it was and that included Kinect. I think it has more value with it... now that you can buy an X1 without Kinect is good for those that don't want it... but it prevents advancement in gaming experiences imo.

Early adopters knew what they were getting and it annoys me that people ignore that.  They wouldnt have got it if they didnt want it.  Obviosly im not upset at all but i guess my feelings doesnt matter :(


It's incredible... if only government would act as fast as MS does when people complain... some things would be great...

I usually find this youtuber highly annoying but i saw Phil Spencer had tweeted this a while back and decided to watch it.  it was actually pretty good


Jazz2K said:
It's incredible... if only government would act as fast as MS does when people complain... some things would be great...

You would have to get our useless congress out of office for anything to get done. xD

Ryuu96 said:

Yeah...Idc about Dark Souls! Lol

Dark SOuls is good but i already own it for PC. I might just dload it to have it on X360 though