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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

MoHasanie said:
This is the only thread I can come to without having to see annoying people argue about consoles which haven't even released yet.

come to the PS nation thread, its the same thing but we also always try to have sex with each other. 

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bananaking21 said:
MoHasanie said:
This is the only thread I can come to without having to see annoying people argue about consoles which haven't even released yet.

come to the PS nation thread, its the same thing but we also always try to have sex with each other. 

LMAO sounds like a good time. 

NobleTeam360 said:
bananaking21 said:
MoHasanie said:
This is the only thread I can come to without having to see annoying people argue about consoles which haven't even released yet.

come to the PS nation thread, its the same thing but we also always try to have sex with each other. 

LMAO sounds like a good time. 

cum join us.

Oh, and I'm just going to start adding everyone in the Xbox Nation since I did a sweep of my friends list recently.

ooooooooh yeah.


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Am I the only one eagerly waiting to see what Microsoft Studios Osaka is working on?

I wonder how big the studio is

Is anybody picking up Battlefield 4 at XBO launch? I want some kind of shooter to try the impulse triggers so i think i may get it.


iceland said:
Am I the only one eagerly waiting to see what Microsoft Studios Osaka is working on?

I wonder how big the studio is

I am as well.  WOuld like to see Lost Odyssey 2 personally, though i never finsihed the 1st i did enjoy it.


JayWood2010 said:
Is anybody picking up Battlefield 4 at XBO launch? I want some kind of shooter to try the impulse triggers so i think i may get it.

Are you getting Dead Rising? I know it's not an fps, but being exclusive means it might make better use of them for the few guns in the game.

JoeTheBro said:
JayWood2010 said:
Is anybody picking up Battlefield 4 at XBO launch? I want some kind of shooter to try the impulse triggers so i think i may get it.

Are you getting Dead Rising? I know it's not an fps, but being exclusive means it might make better use of them for the few guns in the game.

nah, im not a Dead Rising fan really. I like more serious zombie games like State of Decay and ZombiU where things are a little more tense.