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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

JayWood2010 said:
TheSting said:
Come on with that title man seriously

Lol you have Seece to blame, not me :P  

Ill edit it though xD

Oh noooo just the person who specifically typed the idea

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TheSting said:
JayWood2010 said:
TheSting said:
Come on with that title man seriously

Lol you have Seece to blame, not me :P  

Ill edit it though xD

Oh noooo just the person who specifically typed the idea

lol obviously seece had me at gunpoint......That is the only explanation here :P haha


If it did one to ps4 it would be a bad port


Thats how the ps4 guys play it. "deal with it"

Now suddenly they probably won't care about titan fall but is what it is.

We shouldn't be trying hard to sell these consoles.......maybe if I was getting some profit or something.....

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)

Been thinking about next years line up.

I believe Q1 looks like this

Garden Warfare
Project Spark (Possibly?)
Kinect Sports Rivals.

August onwards will have Fable, Forza Horizons (Or PGR if we're super lucky) Halo and some other surprises.

I hope we don't get a drought between April - July. This is the perfect slot for Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break!!


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I've seen 3 Xbox One ads in 1 hour of watching TV :O

Don't know if this has been posted but they're doing Ryse's armor and it's pretty well done

The news means nothing to me, when sales results come in there's always the possibility of change.
Despite getting an Xbox one I will be buying it for PC regardless, as it will be the hands down superior version even if they someday 180 like Microsoft and release it for PS4.

Soooo on my PC using a dual shock 4 just for fun :)

JoeTheBro said:

I don't know about you guys, but for me personally I can't take advantage of any of these features. I have an upstairs TV in the family room for watching cable and just casual movies while other things are going on. All my game systems however are hooked up to a TV in the basement that doesn't even get cable.

Might need to buy two xbone's and just use one for gaming and the other upstairs for multimedia.

What about one of the TV apps?  Several cable companies have their own apps. (Time Warner, etc.)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Frequency said:
The news means nothing to me, when sales results come in there's always the possibility of change.
Despite getting an Xbox one I will be buying it for PC regardless, as it will be the hands down superior version even if they someday 180 like Microsoft and release it for PS4.

Soooo on my PC using a dual shock 4 just for fun :)

Soo um, you getting an xbox one to play halo or just for the heck of it?

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)