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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Slade6alpha said:
Raven722 said:

Why? You wouldn't know what to do with them anyways.


It's funny because it's ironic. 

Gooch destroyer, sounds like cooch destroyer. And he's implying you wouldn't be very knowledgable despite the username... xD

Totally read that in an Indian accent.

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Ryuu96 said:

FFS! I was just going to say that about you xD took too long to reply to your message =( Loll


Wait a minute... I know their plan!!!

We're going off topic and they want us both to get banned... (like Gooch did)

Quick talk about Xbox!!!!!! 

OT: I recently saw a post about Jet Set Radio. Has anyone here actually played that game??? Is being like JSR a good thing? (for Sunset Overdrive)">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Ryuu96 said:
JayWood2010 said:
I saw you made the list in the mass pm message slade lol Welcome to your inbox being raped lol

Mass pm message? what....where was I during this?!

Every time I refresh... someone new posts in it; another orange notification, . It gets... a little, just a tad, annoying for the non participants. 

You would have to have a Wii U to be apart of it. :P (Mario Kart 8)

HOLY SHIT... I go to Yahoo... and see 25 new messages... all from vgchartz and that damn mass message. xD

Its beyond annoying.  I had to get off vgc because i was tired of that exclamation mark and all the messages going to my email.  No more -_-


Morning Woody!

shikamaru317 said:

Personally I've always cared more about the quantity of games and therefore achievements within them than I care about actually 100%ing said games. I think I have one platinum, and it's a 400gs arcade game, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, lol.

Im that same. The only games i try to get a lto of achievement points in or 100% them is games that i really really like.  That is very few lol


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I've only seen videos of it. Also heard great things about it.

gooch_destroyer said:
Morning Woody!

Morning Buzz!


Ryuu96 said:
starcraft said:
Ryuu96 said:

Wait who? Cone and Starcraft? xD I hope they don't actually hate me Lol! just because...they're mods, I'm sure they would struggle pressing that ban button and cry themselves to sleep at night =P

I think I am also....probably 200 comments outside off here....the rest in here xD

Was that a challenge?

Was it!? Idk ;) would it be a challenge for you? =P

If you push me into posting a challenge accepted meme, you will be banned.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:

If you push me into posting a challenge accepted meme, you will be banned.

You should just ban him for funsies. I need to post it on his wall (no one better steal it...)">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

FFS The most annoying itch ever is when it's right inside your ear and you can't scratch it ¬.¬ think I'm going to end up popping my ear drum xD Lol! that's off-topic.. and yeah it's exactly what i've had right now and it's pissing me off.....

I played Jet Set but can't remember almost anything, the gameplay was pretty awesome though, just watch gameplay off Jet set or Hover ROG, Sunset will probably be like either one off them or a mix of both

wtf? LOL I actually just busted out laughing from how random and true that was. xD

Shikamaru may know more about Jet Set Radio (this is a SEGA IP right? :P)">"><img src="