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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Ryuu96 said:
JayWood2010 said:
I saw you made the list in the mass pm message slade lol Welcome to your inbox being raped lol

Mass pm message? what....where was I during this?!

Every time I refresh... someone new posts in it; another orange notification, . It gets... a little, just a tad, annoying for the non participants. 

You would have to have a Wii U to be apart of it. :P (Mario Kart 8)

HOLY SHIT... I go to Yahoo... and see 25 new messages... all from vgchartz and that damn mass message. xD">"><img src="

Around the Network

People of Earth!!!!

gooch_destroyer said:
People of Earth!!!!

Oh great... you back. 

What do we owe this pleasure Maddam Gooch?">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

Wow =( Loll

I'm going to make a mass Pm with every mod on the site and act like I'm one off them xD try blend in.... =P


Let me know over Xbox message how that went down, becuase you'd be banned. 

I want you to get banned, so I get to write on your wall, "You have failed this city Ryuu96." 
GET BANNED!!!!!!!!! xD">"><img src="

Surrender all your women on to me.

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
People of Earth!!!!

People of Cooch!....

Fixed xD">"><img src="

gooch_destroyer said:
Surrender all your women on to me.


xD">"><img src="

gooch_destroyer said:
Surrender all your women on to me.

Why? You wouldn't know what to do with them anyways.

Raven722 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Surrender all your women on to me.

Why? You wouldn't know what to do with them anyways.

Oh, yeah?! Watch whore-bag

Raven722 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Surrender all your women on to me.

Why? You wouldn't know what to do with them anyways.


It's funny because it's ironic. 

Gooch destroyer, sounds like cooch destroyer. And he's implying you wouldn't be very knowledgable despite the username... xD">"><img src="