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FF XV for sure!">"><img src="

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shikamaru317 said:
I believe I might have around 2000 gs for April, but I'm sure that several of you guys have me beat. I would have more gamerscore this month were it not for my low game budget and Gamefly's slow shipping, lol.

How has gamefly been going for you btw?  I heard you was upset with them last i had seen


Slade6alpha said:
jlmurph2 said:

Lol I'm getting Child of Light on friday. Another 1000GS incoming! HAHAHAHAHA!!

*stalks JMurph's Xbox profile*

Damn you're only at 22,000, but are destroying the Xbox One games. What the hell came over you this gen? lol

Greater than, or equal to 1000 in Peggle 2 (damn), Strider, PVZ GW, Lococyle, and Max... 

I can match your Xbox gamerscore, come June. :)

I was a Halo tryhard lol. Halo was my life.

21 days in Halo Reach

21 days in Halo 4

This one is so tough. I'm hyped for both these games. FFXV could be the first one in ages that's a actually good (if you like XIII, I'm sorry, but it's shit), and I've been wanting a Mirror's Edge sequel for ages

im really not hyped for either. I never even played a FF game until FFXIII, ugh, never again -_-

And I didnt play Mirror's Edge but it looks good.

Ill pick FF because i think it looks good. Though im not super excited for it either. mirror's edge looks good too, but idk, not something i get excited for either


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Ryuu96 said:
I'm not that dedicated to achievements this time around

This site is really distracting xD and I'm coming to the end off college so have to finish stuff anddd.... honestly... tv shows are more important xD I watch too many at the same time

I keep having random breaks where I don't even turn my Xbox One on for like almost a whole week....I love playing the games and getting achievements but that's when I'm actually playing xD for some reason I just don't feel like playing a game until I'm actually playing it .... if that makes sense Loll

Summer I will be forcing myself to 100% some 360 games though

lol TV TV TV would be a slap to the face for many xbox fans, but then you have Ryuu chanting TV TV TV xD


Too many people here voting FFXV already so I guess I'll vote Mirror's Edge

shikamaru317 said:
Final Fantasy XV for me of course, it + KH3 were enough for me to briefly plan on getting a PS4 instead of an Xbox One following Sony's E3 press conference, thankfully the following day Square Enix clarified that both were coming to Xbox One which Sony casually failed to mention during their press conference, lol

There wording in the conference lol  I remember that, when i first heard it i recognized it immediately but i knew there would be a ton of confusion around it.   Both a cheap move and brilliant move at the same time by sony lol


FF XIII was amazing!!!!!!! Come at me!">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:
shikamaru317 said:
I believe I might have around 2000 gs for April, but I'm sure that several of you guys have me beat. I would have more gamerscore this month were it not for my low game budget and Gamefly's slow shipping, lol.

How has gamefly been going for you btw?  I heard you was upset with them last i had seen

Could be alot better, that's for sure. Xbox One games are usually listed as low-medium stock, shipping times are like 5-6 days roundtrip. I upgraded to 2 games at a time last week, it took them until today to finally ship me my 2nd game from their shipping center, still have to wait a few days to actually get it in the mail.  

Yeah theyre super slow with shipping.  And youll be lucky to get a new game in the first month lol