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How did Xbox_JP even manage to get almost 50k followers?.... *follows*

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I'm mostly excited to see more Achievement Hunter Lets Plays in Worms. They just released one a couple days ago I think for Revolution.

shikamaru317 said:
jlmurph2 said:
I'm mostly excited to see more Achievement Hunter Lets Plays in Worms. They just released one a couple days ago I think for Revolution.

Yeah, I just watched it last night, hilarious as always. I especially loved how Gavin screwed up his first chance at actually winning a Worms game by walking his last Worm right off the edge into the water, I laughed so freaking hard. Gavin is such an idiot and I love him for it.

He ALWAYS has a chance to win and screws it up lol damn.

I just thought of a show Microsoft can revive.
The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Terminator of course. That would be a wet dream.

God damn that's a lot of posts since I went to sleep.

And ya, I'm watching the playoffs too Jay. They're so good this year. The west is crazy

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Sad news oxm shutting down, Ryan( IGN ) today wrote a blog about its favourite moments with oxm. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

FrontlineJaguar said:
Sad news oxm shutting down, Ryan( IGN ) today wrote a blog about its favourite moments with oxm. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


that's completely inaccurate. The magazine will continue to be made, just by a different team. Please amend the story.

lol, every girl is somebody's ex-girlfriend

I can't lie....I'd buy the ME trilogy again on next gen. Love it too much not too. Especially if they included all the DLC

Angelus said:
lol, every girl is somebody's ex-girlfriend

Lol I think they meant they felt like the rebound guy