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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Wright said:

Voted for Project Spark, but I know I'm alone on this one xD

Project Spark does look good and is getting buzz.  KSR just looks really good xD  I think it has shocked people how well they are doing with kinect.  Though the Rock Climbing looks kind of dumb lol

I love Rare Ltd.  Really excited to see their other games as well.


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Seece said:
JayWood2010 said:
Seece said:
Is it possible to condense the OP a bit? Everytime I visit it my page lags badly and I'm a on a 60mb connection!

Yeah, ill get rid of some of the vids and maybe the tournament section.  The tournament stuff was kind of a failure anyways

Hey, some stuff works, some stuff doesn't, this is a great thread! Like Criss just said, can have decent discussion here without any naysayers.

Thanks for doing the OP.

Hopefully it stays that way too.  When i was posting threads a lot I was getting pretty annoyed with every Xbox thread being bashed.  I try to just avoid them now.


Completely off topic for an Xbox thread but let's be honest here, many of us just like games regardless of the platform xD

So who all is getting Pokemon XY this weekend? I can not wait personally :)


^ Not me. Gotta save money for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team xDDDD

ToraReaper posted this on my wall. Welcome him to the Xbox One Club and let him know that others is excited as well! :)

ToraReaper's Wall

Dude I just pre ordered the xbox one today, guaranteed to get one day one (just not the day one branded edition), so hyped, you the only pro xbox dude i know on the site, had to tell you... SO EXCITED


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Wright said:

^ Not me. Gotta save money for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team xDDDD

Ugh, how dare you take M&L over pokemon -_-  im disappointed in you :P lol


Surprised that Project Spark isn't winning (tied so far).

Yay!!!!!!!! Project Spark is wining now!!!

NobleTeam360 said:
Yay!!!!!!!! Project Spark is wining now!!!


Wright said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Yay!!!!!!!! Project Spark is wining now!!!


:-O you dare mock me!!!!