shikamaru317 said:
Lost Odyssey 2 will happen, even if it doesn't come to Xbox One. How can Mistwalker possibly pass up making a sequel to their bestselling game? I still feel that Xbox One is the most likely platform for Mistwalker to choose after the Wii U's failure since they dislike Sony. And I'm not buying Phil's claim that he hasn't spoken to Sakaguchi, there's no way the Microsoft is launching a new console in Japan soon and they didn't even bother contacting the developer who made two of the bestselling Japanese exclusives on the 360 to see if they wanted to make an Xbox One exclusive.
I'm pretty sure MS owns the IP, so it would have to come to Xbox... I'm not sure if this is 100% though. Like Nintendo and The Wonderful 101. I know they're not Square Enix, but it's hard to predict what Japanese devs want and the decisions they make. Again, I hope you're right, since it would only benefit all of us in the end.