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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Speaking of TitanFall, my review should be up any moment :)


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Seattle has soooo many devs there ...


Ryuu96 said:
Seece said:
Seattle has soooo many devs there ...

Any 1st party studios? I'm thinking if it's a Ip pack it will be 1st party studios since it will be harder to get Ip packs from 3rd party games, Ip packs will be so awesome =P easier to recreate games too, Banjo Ip pack, Conker, Viva Pinata Lol

343, Popcap, Black Tusk I think? Turn 10, Undead Labs (State of Decay) Good Science, Big Park, MS Redmond ... off the top of my head.

edit - before anyone says it yes I know popcap and undead are not 1st party.

Interesting how MS can get exclusives from Seattle devs easily


Seece said:
Seattle has soooo many devs there ...

I did the true achievement sign up. Sent you a request also.

Ryuu96 said:

First we had Goat Simulator! (Which looks really fun) 

Now BEAR SIMULATOR! and tbf this does look pretty awesome xD (Bigfoot!)



Beware of the end ...

lmao so this is what a bear actually sees.  Just what ive always wanted xD


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Ryuu96 said:

Hint for the big Project Spark announcement next week...

What is Seattle familiar with guys??! Loll
I wonder if it's a IP Pack...What games are based on or set in Seattle ?

Seattle is where Xbox and 343 are based right?

Ryuu96 said:

At first I was wondering why the hell was the Bear walking on two legs xD then he explained it sadly =P

If smoky and Yogi the bear(the two most legit bears) can do it they all can :p


ironmanDX said:
Angelus said:
ironmanDX said:

That's insane. Both Xbox One? Did he get anything for completing it?


Yep. Add me to your friends, we'll play sometime.

And no, unfortunately there's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow 

What "data centre" are you using? You in the US?

I live in Germany so I'm usually playing on West Europe, but I have a ton of friends in the US and all over so I'm constantly playing on different servers. It honestly doesn't affect me much in TF, the servers are amazing. There are very few instances where I actually feel at a disadvantage. 

Holy mother of all god that post.



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