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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination Tourny Coin Thread, Join Up! Kid Icarus Right Now Post 2 join



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Saying "please wait." -_-

Einsam_Delphin said:
Saying "please wait." -_-

No worries. If the countdown starts we can just exit and re-enter.

ok whoever miss its their faults!

did bracket 2 start?

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I backed out

if their are only 7 people then we all will join together at the 6:30 grand prix ok guys!

Any progress, Einsam?

Einsam_Delphin said:
Saying "please wait." -_-

No worries. If the countdown starts we can just exit and re-enter.

Thanks, and sry bout this. My second attempt gave me a communications error. Rargh!

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