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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination Tourny Coin Thread, Join Up! Kid Icarus Right Now Post 2 join

fmjasinski said:
Can I play 2 or 3 games? Bracket 2?

sure thing join in bracket 2 in exactly 2mins ok

Around the Network

So about 10 people will race in bracket 2? O.o

I think thats exactly 8 racers guys!

I can't remember if we ever went to Daisy Hills last time. Well regardless, my favorite track so I'ma be pickin it!

So about 10 people will race in bracket 2? O.o

i think its 8 racers now, but to be sure I will put others in bracket 3

Around the Network

is everyone in this one?

Who is missing? If somebody missed out pls post, so you can join next grand prix race ok

Final Fant not here so i thnk we have exactly 8 raacers!

I'm in! Dont see any1 tho.

am i out since i came last?