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Forums - Gaming Discussion - No more NCAA sports game after this year!

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I never got the appeal of NCAA games anyway but I do think this is a good thing as college athletes were getting screwed with their likenesses being used in games and not receiving a dime while the NCAA and their schools made out like bandits for years.

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PDF said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
Chris Hu said:
Meh, not a big loss last time I played a NCAA football game was NCAA 06 on the original X-Box. Also they are planing to continue the franchise but with generic schools but who is going to be dumb enough to buy that I think if they release that it will fail harder then NBA Live 14 which I think will bomb.

No, they will most likely have all the schools, they just have to work it out on a school to school basis. 

The rosters are still going to be a big problem.  If you can't use the players as they have been doing, they are probably going to have to randomize the rosters to an extent.  Who wants to play a game where the teams don't play like the real life counterparts?  I'm sure they will keep the average stats of each team the same, but indivdual players will need to be removed.

I know they say they haven't been using the players, but the only thing missing is the name of the player.  Physical stats, ratings, and approximate likness have all been used in the past.

Also, how the hell does this thread have only 11 posts on a sales site.  This is pretty big news for EA.

I don't understand how this stops them from still doing all that.  This actually affects the game very little.  What it does do is allow for competition.  Hopefully we will see 2k enter the sphere or atleast bring back their college basketball game.

The NCAA is getting sued over this very issue.  It is why they just ended their partnership with EA.  Why wouldn't the players come after EA with a lawsuit if they continue to do it?

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theRepublic said:
PDF said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
Chris Hu said:
Meh, not a big loss last time I played a NCAA football game was NCAA 06 on the original X-Box. Also they are planing to continue the franchise but with generic schools but who is going to be dumb enough to buy that I think if they release that it will fail harder then NBA Live 14 which I think will bomb.

No, they will most likely have all the schools, they just have to work it out on a school to school basis. 

The rosters are still going to be a big problem.  If you can't use the players as they have been doing, they are probably going to have to randomize the rosters to an extent.  Who wants to play a game where the teams don't play like the real life counterparts?  I'm sure they will keep the average stats of each team the same, but indivdual players will need to be removed.

I know they say they haven't been using the players, but the only thing missing is the name of the player.  Physical stats, ratings, and approximate likness have all been used in the past.

Also, how the hell does this thread have only 11 posts on a sales site.  This is pretty big news for EA.

I don't understand how this stops them from still doing all that.  This actually affects the game very little.  What it does do is allow for competition.  Hopefully we will see 2k enter the sphere or atleast bring back their college basketball game.

The NCAA is getting sued over this very issue.  It is why they just ended their partnership with EA.  Why wouldn't the players come after EA with a lawsuit if they continue to do it?

Pretty much, EA might be able to get over it by having randomized character models (such as the QB for Florida or the Florida school being a different race or body build then the actually one currently) but what I suspect they will wind up doing is add a custom team colors/character creator with the ability to share, so that the fans will do the dirty work for them.

NoirSon said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
Chris Hu said:
Meh, not a big loss last time I played a NCAA football game was NCAA 06 on the original X-Box. Also they are planing to continue the franchise but with generic schools but who is going to be dumb enough to buy that I think if they release that it will fail harder then NBA Live 14 which I think will bomb.

No, they will most likely have all the schools, they just have to work it out on a school to school basis. 

The rosters are still going to be a big problem.  If you can't use the players as they have been doing, they are probably going to have to randomize the rosters to an extent.  Who wants to play a game where the teams don't play like the real life counterparts?  I'm sure they will keep the average stats of each team the same, but indivdual players will need to be removed.

I know they say they haven't been using the players, but the only thing missing is the name of the player.  Physical stats, ratings, and approximate likness have all been used in the past.

Also, how the hell does this thread have only 11 posts on a sales site.  This is pretty big news for EA.

I don't understand how this stops them from still doing all that.  This actually affects the game very little.  What it does do is allow for competition.  Hopefully we will see 2k enter the sphere or atleast bring back their college basketball game.

The NCAA is getting sued over this very issue.  It is why they just ended their partnership with EA.  Why wouldn't the players come after EA with a lawsuit if they continue to do it?

Pretty much, EA might be able to get over it by having randomized character models (such as the QB for Florida or the Florida school being a different race or body build then the actually one currently) but what I suspect they will wind up doing is add a custom team colors/character creator with the ability to share, so that the fans will do the dirty work for them.

You are probably right.  They actually sort of do that now.  Fans add all the real names to the rosters, and you can download it for your game.

It would be a lot more work to adjust all the players looks and stats though.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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NoirSon said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
Chris Hu said:
Meh, not a big loss last time I played a NCAA football game was NCAA 06 on the original X-Box. Also they are planing to continue the franchise but with generic schools but who is going to be dumb enough to buy that I think if they release that it will fail harder then NBA Live 14 which I think will bomb.

No, they will most likely have all the schools, they just have to work it out on a school to school basis. 

The rosters are still going to be a big problem.  If you can't use the players as they have been doing, they are probably going to have to randomize the rosters to an extent.  Who wants to play a game where the teams don't play like the real life counterparts?  I'm sure they will keep the average stats of each team the same, but indivdual players will need to be removed.

I know they say they haven't been using the players, but the only thing missing is the name of the player.  Physical stats, ratings, and approximate likness have all been used in the past.

Also, how the hell does this thread have only 11 posts on a sales site.  This is pretty big news for EA.

I don't understand how this stops them from still doing all that.  This actually affects the game very little.  What it does do is allow for competition.  Hopefully we will see 2k enter the sphere or atleast bring back their college basketball game.

The NCAA is getting sued over this very issue.  It is why they just ended their partnership with EA.  Why wouldn't the players come after EA with a lawsuit if they continue to do it?

Pretty much, EA might be able to get over it by having randomized character models (such as the QB for Florida or the Florida school being a different race or body build then the actually one currently) but what I suspect they will wind up doing is add a custom team colors/character creator with the ability to share, so that the fans will do the dirty work for them.

EA already has a custom team creator for the game, there is just a limit on the amount of teams you can import. There are already a lot of official teams both new and old on there, so I doubt anything at all will change unless they can't get conference licenses. 

Around the Network
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
Chris Hu said:
Meh, not a big loss last time I played a NCAA football game was NCAA 06 on the original X-Box. Also they are planing to continue the franchise but with generic schools but who is going to be dumb enough to buy that I think if they release that it will fail harder then NBA Live 14 which I think will bomb.

No, they will most likely have all the schools, they just have to work it out on a school to school basis. 

The rosters are still going to be a big problem.  If you can't use the players as they have been doing, they are probably going to have to randomize the rosters to an extent.  Who wants to play a game where the teams don't play like the real life counterparts?  I'm sure they will keep the average stats of each team the same, but indivdual players will need to be removed.

I know they say they haven't been using the players, but the only thing missing is the name of the player.  Physical stats, ratings, and approximate likness have all been used in the past.

Also, how the hell does this thread have only 11 posts on a sales site.  This is pretty big news for EA.

I don't understand how this stops them from still doing all that.  This actually affects the game very little.  What it does do is allow for competition.  Hopefully we will see 2k enter the sphere or atleast bring back their college basketball game.

The NCAA is getting sued over this very issue.  It is why they just ended their partnership with EA.  Why wouldn't the players come after EA with a lawsuit if they continue to do it?

I just looked it up and EA Sports is already named in the lawsuit.  So they are already being sued over this.

Say goodbye to the accurate team rosters.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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PDF said:
theRepublic said:
PDF said:
I don't understand how this stops them from still doing all that.  This actually affects the game very little.  What it does do is allow for competition.  Hopefully we will see 2k enter the sphere or atleast bring back their college basketball game.


The NCAA is getting sued over this very issue.  It is why they just ended their partnership with EA.  Why wouldn't the players come after EA with a lawsuit if they continue to do it?

They can get to all the schools easily through the CLC.  

The most important part of the game is having actual teams, and having them play and preform like their real life counter part.   I am sure they will keep the individual stats for players and provide a very very rough likeness to the actual players.  For example the race for most notable players will be accurate.  That is all that will really matter to most people playing the game.  Along with the ability to have fans add in the names most people will be happy and notice no change.

When the playoff system is added we might see a problem arise without the NCAA license. 

Sorry, didn't see your post when I quoted myself.

School licensing is not the issue.  I never said it was.  I already know about the Collegiate Licensing Company.  They are also a co-defendant in the lawsuit.  School colors, logos, staduims, fight songs, etc. should all be safe though.

What the NCAA, EA, and CLC are being sued over (there are at least 3 lawsuits now), is player likenesses.  So it looks to me, that in the near future, EA will NOT be able to use rough approximations of the players as they have been doing.  They have been making the rosters look roughly like the player, same height and weight, and same skill ratings.  Say goodbye to all of that, and hello to randomized rosters.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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PDF said:
theRepublic said:

Sorry, didn't see your post when I quoted myself.

School licensing is not the issue.  I never said it was.  I already know about the Collegiate Licensing Company.  They are also a co-defendant in the lawsuit.  School colors, logos, staduims, fight songs, etc. should all be safe though.

What the NCAA, EA, and CLC are being sued over (there are at least 3 lawsuits now), is player likenesses.  So it looks to me, that in the near future, EA will NOT be able to use rough approximations of the players as they have been doing.  They have been making the rosters look roughly like the player, same height and weight, and same skill ratings.  Say goodbye to all of that, and hello to randomized rosters.

I just realized you are not the same guy I first quoted.  

I think its very hard case to take ownership over a skill rating.   At most I think you would see randomized looking players but with team accurate stats for the players.   I don't even think it will go that far.  I bet race accuracy will remain too as it is hard to prove that white generic QB is you.   The body size is the one that would require most change.  You can get around that fairly easy too though.  Changing it by a inch or two or making a guy slighlty a bigger or smaller.    I fully expect to be running the ball as Oregon next year with a speedy black guy who may or may not be De'Anthony Thomas. 

but I guess we need to see what happens to this lawsuit first.   All the same there will be a game and it will still sell very well until competition shows up.

Agreed that we will have to wait for the lawsuit, but I don't think it is a stretch to think the ratings will be affected.

Think about how much work must go into rating all those players.  There must be coutless hours of pouring over stats and real game footage of the players.  It would be easy enough to just subpoena those records, and bam, you have a ton of proof.

Playbooks are from the coaches, so I think that will be safe.  So Oregon will play the same, but with unrecognizable players.  Not sure how the running backs will turn out though.  There will likely have to be some level of randomization.  Like say they decide that Oregon needs to be rated 95, so they do a normal distribution on the starters that equals out to 95.  They could probably do both offense and defense like that.  Going position specific though might be tricky.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
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PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

Time for Nintendo to buy in. Piss in EA's eye.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Time for Nintendo to buy in. Piss in EA's eye.


There is nothing to buy into.  The NCAA is just done with licensing video games now.  They are too worried about exposing themselves to a lawsuit from the players.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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