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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 outselling the 360 by 10,000 with US and Others COMBINED!!!

The Beast of Blu-Ray is getting frisky.

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Legend11 said:
Didn't the 360 experience shortages in certain areas this month? (At least that seems to be the case based on threads in different message boards like GAF).

Yes sir. I can tell you what I saw at a Wal-Mart - 4 40gbs, 1 Premium and no Wiis. Here in ABQ, the Arcades are sold out, and you see either a Premium and a Halo 3 edition every now and then. Regardless, the bots will say 'Excuses, excuses,' even though ... correct me if I am wrong, but the lead is still - STILL - 7M ahead. And that's based on a console without a great brand - without an HD device built in - and really on good games only.

PS3 bot should realize one thing - SONY is soooo pushing the devil out of Blu Ray. Who woulda THUNK the Warner annoucement would have boosted Blu Ray sales?

Are the software sales there? I still say if it's selling big time in the Spring, I'll be convinced. 

FunKrusher said:
It's good that the Ps3 is covering some ground.

But they have a ways to go. I don't know how it is in others being that I live in the US. But quite honestly the next gen system of choice seems to be the 360 here and of course the Wii.

If you go into a chain store like Best Buy or Walmart the space for 360 and Wii generally seems to take up more floor space than Ps3. Sure the 360 has the biggest library's. But to me that's very telling and it's the truth. At least in Philadelphia, USA.

At the Hollywood video store chain I rent from in my neighborhood as well as the Blockbusters. First when you walk into the game rental section theres'a bout 3 rows of 360 games (with their mutliplatform titles outweighing the Ps3's in sheer volume). the Wii has about 2.5 rows. and the ps3 has 1, single isle.

This is in TWO MAJOR CHAIN VIDEO STORES downtown, center city in one of AMERICAS LARGEST cities. I think that's very, very telling.

Most kids I've talked to in local stores (gamecrazy, ebgames, etc.) mainly talk about 360 and Wii with Ps3 being talked about by the diehards.

These are just my observations and I don't intend them to be indicative of what the rest of the world has going on. But just some things of noticed.

It's good that the PS3 is covering ground.

I don't how how it is in others being that I live in the US, but quite honestly here PS3s have been selling boatloads more ever since around November, at least in Los Angeles, USA.

At the Fry's Electronics store I go to, the first thing you go into there's a special PS3 display with a huge flat-screen TV and leather armchairs, on top of the PS3 demos in the video games section. The XBOX 360s were hidden in the back. Wii's were nowhere to be found. At the Circuit City I went to, the PS3 section and the XBOX 360 section were about the same size, and again, no Wii's could be found.

This is TWO MAJOR CHAIN ELECTRONICS STORES in one of AMERICA'S LARGEST cities. Oh, it's also two and a half times the size of Philadelphia. I think that's very, very telling.

Most people I've seen/talked to (the adults, the ones who actually buy the systems) seem to like the PS3 for its blu-ray capabilities. A lot of them only buy an XBOX because their kid wants Halo, and although they are interested in the Wii it's very hard to find.

But you know, ANECDOTES FTW.

the beginning of the PS3 comeback but will stop at second place

I have to say I'm surprised as well, usually its Japan that pushes the PS3 count over 360 worldwide.

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I also love how once the PS3 starts selling good "it has to be an error"

the past couple of months have convinced me that ps3 will have a much better year than 360's. it will at least close the gap by 2 million this year.

zackblue said:

This was unexpected, but this is bad for the xbox 360, in january ps3 outsold it by 200,000 , if this trend continues the ps3 may outsell the 360 by as much as 300,000 in february.

The Install base of the ps3 is growing at a rapid rate, dont be suprised if by the end of the year the ps3 is within 1M of 360's install base.

Will the gap between PS3 and Xbox 360 lifetime sales become slimmer this year? Yeah, I think so. Will it be erased or even be brought that close? That, I doubt.

when does software chart get updated?

360 has shortages. It's that simple. Several people on GAF said their stores recently got their first shipments of Xbox's in a long time. Probably the supply was petering out and people dont like to buy leftover Arcade and Halo3 sku's causing some drop in 360 numbers.

360 has GDC coming up to show a lot of new games and I expect a price cut soon as well. It will be more than fine.