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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 outselling the 360 by 10,000 with US and Others COMBINED!!!

So 2 price cuts? Does that mean people are counting each $100 off per console?

Once again

Thats all they did, I mean doesnt that mean the 360 had two price cuts as well? Both SKU's got price drops.

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@ Jandre

According to their logic, the 360 has had 3 price drops, across all Skus. The PS3 really only had one price drop 60 GB version. US 600 to US 500

They then announced the forty gig, which was priced less than the sixty because of the lack of b/c, lower HD, less USB ports, and no card readers.

madskillz said:
PS3 outsold the 360 WW for another week - cool. To say it's dominating? Not so much. I still see a 7M console lead for the 360 - and right now, the PS3 is only leading by 10K. Even with a huge boost, it's like 50K-75K lead. Big deal. It's still 7M behind the 360, and 11M behind the Wii.

Let spring settle in - if the PS3 is still beating the 360, then and only then will I believe that the PS3 has turned the corner.

I still love the fact it took the PS3 two price cuts, 4 skus to get to this point. It's a good start, but believe you me, it's a long, long, LONG road ahead.

Funny, I remember peopel saying "wait until the holidays are over" when Sony fans celebrated the PS3's good Christmas.  Now that the holidays are long past, it's wait until spring?  Huh, that's so funny, you sound just like a number of PS3 fans from last year.... "Just wait 'til ____ happens"

So, madskilz, 360 domination starts again at what time?

You do not have the right to never be offended.

andersonalex said:

 That's not how you'd do that math... You would take 8 million units sold for 360 and add an additional 40% of 8 million to that to get the total new units sold for PS3. So that would be 3.2 million more PS3's than 360's, or 11.3 million vs. 8 million. So your total would be 25 million 360's and 21.3 million PS3's.

 Yea, I was thinking that on my drive home. I took 40% of PS3 sales, not 40% of 360 sales and add them to the 360 sales. Ops.

I came back here to correct myself. Thanks for doing that for me. So it looks like if sales stay like they are this week, it will be around 31-32 million when they meet. 

@Jandre they like to consider the 40gig replacing the 60gig.

So they say chain of events are like this

20gig = $500
60gig = $600
20gig = discontinued
80gig = introduced at $600
60gig = $100 price drop and discontinued
40gig = introduced to "replace" 60gig at $400
^thats where $200 price cut comes in.

But really it goes like this

no more 20gig
60gig recieves $100 price drop and discontinued
40 gig introduced at $400
80 gig recieves $00 price cut.

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Its the beginning of the PS3 stand up a fight and Microsoft holy ground. Will be interesting how long it can keep up. If Sony can win NA over at all, it will take much more time, because MS will defend NA at all costs.

madskillz said:
PS3 outsold the 360 WW for another week - cool. To say it's dominating? Not so much. I still see a 7M console lead for the 360 - and right now, the PS3 is only leading by 10K. Even with a huge boost, it's like 50K-75K lead. Big deal. It's still 7M behind the 360, and 11M behind the Wii.

Let spring settle in - if the PS3 is still beating the 360, then and only then will I believe that the PS3 has turned the corner.

I still love the fact it took the PS3 two price cuts, 4 skus to get to this point. It's a good start, but believe you me, it's a long, long, LONG road ahead.

It's actually more than 10k since JPN numbers are not in yet. Also, 7M for 1 year lead is pretty shameful, not actually something to be proud of. I expect PS3 to eat through those 7M within 18 months.

Regarding multiple SKUs and price cuts, we've been over this many, many times. It really does not matter what Sony did to improve sales. Sony is committed to their PlayStation business and PS3's future so they did what they had to do to repair they initial mistake of launching a console at $599. If MS wasn't so greedy they could have done a second price cut last year and that would have increased their 7M lead. Instead they introduced a gimped 360 arcade SKU, pretty lame.

Right now I don't think it matters if MS cuts the 360 price. Sony's entertainment division reached profitability and they will most likely match any 360 price cut (if they need to). Also, the PS3 with blu-ray and wifi is a much better value. I actually wonder what MS will do...

But this week's PS3 lead (NA+Others) was pretty unexpected and we all know next week things will be back to a statistical tie between the 2 consoles. But the PS3 line up for this year is pretty good and that will certainly boost sales starting in May with MGS4. Also the doom of HDDVD is very close and that will help with PS3 sales too.


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


StarcraftManiac said:

Holy fuck! PS3 is outselling the X360 by 10k... No way!... Now it will only take 2203 weeks before the PS3 overtakes the X360!... PS3 domination starts now!...


Why isn't this thread closed yet?... 10k is within the margin that i consider to be under the 'who fuckin cares, stuff happens' category. 

Your sarcasm would work better if you put a little effort into it. Like do the math first. And read the thread, the part where the 10k does NOT include Japan. Pretty rare the PS3 beats X360 w/o Japan.

Just for the record, at 10k/week it would take 700 weeks to catch the X360.

At the expected 70k/week rate it would take 100.

Reality is somewhere in between.


Trying to convince me the Wii is a real adult game machine 'if you play it right' is like trying to convince me Tofu tastes great 'if you just cook it right'


bravo dude....bravo

thats the only way to deal with such foes....

& it is so funilly remnisicient of what they were

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Thank you. Always happy to please. :)

You do not have the right to never be offended.