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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Core exclusives Sony (PS3) Vs MS (X360).

zorg1000 said:
Why arent any of the Kinect/Move games considered core?

They're the casualest of casual games made to bring a large new audience to video games that otherwise would not have been interested in gaming (fitness people, old people, people who like dancing or singing, etc) or to appeal to people who don't know any better- thus not core. They're cheap, easy to make, very basic and not too hard to turn a profit.

If there was a kinect game with as much depth as Halo or Gears- it would be considered core - but given the shitty nature of move controls and who are interested in it: it's probably not gonna happen or it's gonna be butt cheeks.

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kowenicki said:
pezus said:


MS try again

Good old Sony, doing what Sony does.

announcing things way in advance again..... anyone seen Agent or Eight days or Last Guardian recently? 

Yeah, make them look like crap when they've offered more new IP's than any other brand. Good going. Beat down on a very proud brand that has restored some credibility to its name in a home grown fashion without constant outside help like in previous generations. MS should try it on for size.

zorg1000 said:
Why arent any of the Kinect/Move games considered core?

Socom and Killzone 3. Sony found out a way to make peripherals play core titles, without watering down the play factor. Doesn't mean they care about the secondary experience more than the casual. If Sony paid more outside developers made more core titles for their console like Nintendo and MS, the Move would actually be quite a competent piece of tech. Its just that the games aren't there. Look at the Vita, best handheld tech on the market, but doesn't have the proper software support.

kowenicki said:

Good old Sony, doing what Sony does.

announcing things way in advance again..... anyone seen Agent or Eight days or Last Guardian recently? 

Yeah, they're coming with Milo, Ryse, and Crimson Dragon for 360.

Figgycal said:
zorg1000 said:
Why arent any of the Kinect/Move games considered core?

They're the casualest of casual games made to bring a large new audience to video games that otherwise would not have been interested in gaming (fitness people, old people, people who like dancing or singing, etc) or to appeal to people who don't know any better- thus not core. They're cheap, easy to make, very basic and not too hard to turn a profit.

If there was a kinect game with as much depth as Halo or Gears- it would be considered core - but given the shitty nature of move controls and who are interested in it: it's probably not gonna happen or it's gonna be butt cheeks.

I know the majority are casual games but the op labels all move/kinect games as casual. A few of then arent, DBZ, Star Wars, Sorcery, Fable, The Fight, Fighter Uncaged.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
zorg1000 said:
Why arent any of the Kinect/Move games considered core?

Socom and Killzone 3. Sony found out a way to make peripherals play core titles, without watering down the play factor. Doesn't mean they care about the secondary experience more than the casual. If Sony paid more outside developers made more core titles for their console like Nintendo and MS, the Move would actually be quite a competent piece of tech. Its just that the games aren't there. Look at the Vita, best handheld tech on the market, but doesn't have the proper software support.

I dont think u understood me, ill clarify. The op implies that all Move/Kinect games are casual but there are a few in that list that I would conaider core. For some reason motion controls automatically equels casual which I strongly disagree with.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

DarthVolod said:
J_Allard said:
DarthVolod said:

According to Wikipedia:

List of Xbox 360 games = 959 games (multiplatform: 757; exclusive: 123; console exclusive: 79) on this list as of June 6, 2013.

List of PS3 games = 772 games (multiplatform: 621; exclusive: 143; console exclusive: 8) as of January 14, 2013.

Wow, so that is over 200 360 games you cannot play on PS3 versus over 150 on PS3 you can't play on 360. And even if you take out "console exclusive", the difference is 20 games. A ton of which (most definitely more than 20) can be attributed solely to Japan. Yet people talk as if MS is terrible at pumping out games, let alone exclusives. Thanks for this tidbit of into, very eye-opening. I assume it includes XBLA/PSN?

The lists are not perfect, but even if one puts a 20-30 game margin of error on each number you still see a clear difference. The notion that Sony dominates 360 in exclusives is largely a myth. The difference is in composition and not quanity. Far more console exclusives on 360 than PS3. Even in terms of pure exclusives, the difference is only 20 games or so at most (about 5-6 or those are MLB games and at least 10-15 are Japanese games that would never have been ported to 360).

The lists, for the most part, don't count PSN/XBLA games either as far as I can tell (just looked up a bunch of XBLA titles like Shadowcomplex, Stae of Decay, ect. and none are on the 360 list so this is retail only). Japanese exclusive games are counted on these lists (both 360 and PS3).

I don't expect most of the posters on this thread to care though. The original list itself was already distorted beyond reason because of its timeline and its definition of an "exclusive" game.

Since 2006,  Microsoft has not released a full-fledged (non XBL) AAA title (90+ reviewed on Metacritic)  not named (Gears, Forza or Halo).    

No one cares how you're trying to spin the facts.   Microsoft hasn't produced games, that's why they've been outsold categorically since 2009 despite having a comparable graphics console that had a headstart, cheaper price and the largest software market in the world behimd it's sails.  While this list may have flaws, it's still an accurate portrayal of how miserable Microsoft has been in terms of game development, specifically with new IPs.

Stop spinning, start admitting.  It will benefit you, Microsoft and future discussions.

Holy Shit guys, just wanted you to know that watching kowenicki getting burned from all sides when presented to evidence of his bias is the most funny and amusing thing i have ever saw in my lurking yearson vgchartz.

Keep going kowenicki. Please, don't stop responding. Keep fighting the bad fight.

Sorry, it's just too entertaining. :)

Not-so-proud owner of every current-gen system. 

Next-gen is upon us folks!

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― Oscar Wilde
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― Bernard M. Baruch
zorg1000 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
zorg1000 said:
Why arent any of the Kinect/Move games considered core?

Socom and Killzone 3. Sony found out a way to make peripherals play core titles, without watering down the play factor. Doesn't mean they care about the secondary experience more than the casual. If Sony paid more outside developers made more core titles for their console like Nintendo and MS, the Move would actually be quite a competent piece of tech. Its just that the games aren't there. Look at the Vita, best handheld tech on the market, but doesn't have the proper software support.

I dont think u understood me, ill clarify. The op implies that all Move/Kinect games are casual but there are a few in that list that I would conaider core. For some reason motion controls automatically equels casual which I strongly disagree with.

Yes, but I am saying the only console capable of the control needed for core titles is the Move. Killzone, The Fight, Sports Champions and Socom are probably the most responsive and accurate games you're ever going to get with peripherals. That and it doesn't give you an inch unless you go that inch yourself physically.

Exactly why I think the PS3 is better now. At the beginning of the gen the 360 was better. Now it's not even a contest. Sony kept improving, while MS settled and you could even argue that they became worse.