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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Core exclusives Sony (PS3) Vs MS (X360).

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Th3PANO said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Domination where it matters.

Oh dear. If Move would have been as successful as Kinect you would see a lot more games for it too.

Yes, probably a few years down the road. Sony has never, ever put very much stock in the Move or Eyetoy a generation earlier. They focus on the core games. Sony had the kinect before the kinect so they kind of know the shortcomings of such devices and their abilities. Even though they screwed up at least give them some credit for their decisions.

Now I have to give theme credit for a Wii clone which failed dramatically?

I love how you have always have to give Sony credit for everything they pull off cause they are Sony xD

Also, confirming their decisions by comparing it to the EYE isn't actually creditable at all.

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Since 2010, exclusive games for ps3 i bought: God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, Uncharted 3, Journey, Ni No Kuni, God of War Ascension and The Last of Us.
exclusive x360 games that i'd bought in case of owning a x360: Halo Reach, Halo 4, Gears of War 3.
If maths don't fail me that's 9-3 in favour to ps3. I think that this result speaks for itself.

Just noticed that some of those PS3 games are on Vita as well so they don’t count (if we use the logic of the creator of the list that defines an exclusive as “only playable on that system and nothing else”)


Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sly Cooper 4, Ratchet Full Frontal, Dragon’s Crown all have Vita ports.



Also, there are a number of games as well with Vita versions that are incredibly similar to the PS3 versions. The MLB the Show games come to mind. Little Big Planet on Vita, and Mod Nation Racers Vita are different enough to claim they are unique games, but they are incredibly similar.


colafitte said:
Since 2010, exclusive games for ps3 i bought: God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, Uncharted 3, Journey, Ni No Kuni, God of War Ascension and The Last of Us.
exclusive x360 games that i'd bought in case of owning a x360: Halo Reach, Halo 4, Gears of War 3.
If maths don't fail me that's 9-3 in favour to ps3. I think that this result speaks for itself.

Math isn't failing you. What it is failing is misinformation.

sales2099 said:
Can't argue with the criteria, as it is the thread in question.

I would like to see a thread comprising digital, retail, and multiplats on one and not the other. Now THAT would be a real list.

But as for this, the results aren't surprising in the least.


The problem with console exclusives is they hold considerably less selling power (in regards to pushing sales on the console) than their exclusive counterpart, since a very large and growing number of people have PC's capable of matching the PS3/360. 

I'll also never understand people who boast about console exclusives, especially MMO's (looking at you FF14 ¬_¬). It's literally someone proudly exclaiming they have the worst version of a product .-.

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Wright said:
colafitte said:
Since 2010, exclusive games for ps3 i bought: God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, Uncharted 3, Journey, Ni No Kuni, God of War Ascension and The Last of Us.
exclusive x360 games that i'd bought in case of owning a x360: Halo Reach, Halo 4, Gears of War 3.
If maths don't fail me that's 9-3 in favour to ps3. I think that this result speaks for itself.

Math isn't failing you. What it is failing is misinformation.

Mmmm, that's the first time that someone tells me that i'm misinformated in gaming, really funny if you know me at all. No, it's not misinformation, it's called preference, because that's the games that i'm interested, and the ultimate reason why i bought a ps3 and not a wii or a xbox 360.

colafitte said:
Wright said:
colafitte said:
Since 2010, exclusive games for ps3 i bought: God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, Uncharted 3, Journey, Ni No Kuni, God of War Ascension and The Last of Us.
exclusive x360 games that i'd bought in case of owning a x360: Halo Reach, Halo 4, Gears of War 3.
If maths don't fail me that's 9-3 in favour to ps3. I think that this result speaks for itself.

Math isn't failing you. What it is failing is misinformation.

Mmmm, that's the first time that someone tells me that i'm misinformated in gaming, really funny if you know me at all. No, it's not misinformation, it's called preference, because that's the games that i'm interested, and the ultimate reason why i bought a ps3 and not a wii or a xbox 360.

I don't see how could you not buy Fable or the XBLA games among other examples, judging your chosen games for Ps3. I can't argue about your interests, but yet again, it doesn't look like you know what games are the console offering.

So sony start a gen weak and finish strong.

Ms start a gen strong and finish weak.

Justifies me buying a ONE within the first 6 months & a ps4 year 5 then.

Thanks for the insight.

kowenicki said:
bananaking21 said:
kowenicki said:

an unannounced exclusive doesnt exist.

even announced ones sometimes dont exist.

really? so your logic is if there is something you dont know about it does not exist? very logical 

Saying we have 20 exclusives coming in the first year but not showing them is questionable at best. 

Not even the title? not even a concept art?


As you say some announced ones sometimes don't exist, so just showing a logo or a video is nothing special at this point. Key is release dates, I think then we can truely see what is going on.

We really dont know when most of these games are coming out yet, so I don't think anyone should be getting over excited about the Next Gen line up yet on either platform.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

I don't see how could you not buy Fable or the XBLA games among other examples, judging your chosen games for Ps3. I can't argue about your interests, but yet again, it doesn't look like you know what games are the console offering.

I played Fable 1 on pc and it didn't click with me. I know that there is a lot of fans of that game, but it happens with me with some ps3 games too, like littlebigplanet or infamous, . And about XBLA, i'm not a fan of indie games, Journey was the exception because it have tremendous audiovisual values.