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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Requirements for game to be considered AAA

I agree with Naz.

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score of 9.0+, or 2million min sales

ssj12 said:
I agree with Naz.

I am going to hold you to that standard from now on.


You've TOTALLY missed the point of my thread (not meant rudely, lol...don't think were actually that different on opinions---I just don't worship the all mighty "REVIEWERS"--I believe the word AAA is ABUSED--I wasn't giving THE definition of AAA--I was hinting for people to think of more than just reviewers (who I don't listen to much)...(and by the way, Madden 08 on 360 wouldn't be has like an 82% rating). I wasn't saying that MY formula is right (that was off the top of my head in about 30 seconds) I was saying for PEOPLE TO THINK--it must be more than getting a 90%...AAA MUST BE SACRED....I was saying THINK...define SOMETHING.....getting above a 90% IN MY OPINION is not the "God-factor"of AAA games (but is part of it).

Consumers and our DOLLARS MUST have a say in what is AAA...not just a score from 30 different reviewers--(hell, millions of others have an opinion on it too and that is shown by sales) or big budget. A combined reviewer score from the consumer means more to me than an actual "reviewer"...I'll take the word of mouth of my friends anyday.

Don't get me wrong--I think SCORE IS A HUGE FACTOR....

In fact, I don't think our opinions are that different....I said...
1. Score--We agree
2. Sales (not just games, consoles too--Console Seller)
3. Hype--We agree
4. History/Tradition (I'm not saying that just because FFX was good that FFXIII will automatically be AAA....I think "tradition" somewhat blends together with hype & console seller....(games with a great history have EARNED the right for hype...e.g. everyone is hyped for Team ICO's new game to be announced even though they only showed a picture of a chain--whoopie dooo! But the ICO world is "proven" so people have a right to get hyped)

Also, Bioshock and Mass Effect are WONDERFUL GAMES...Mass Effect is probably my favorite game of the year other than Rock Band (Which was hyped big time, has a score of OVER 93%, and had a fairly large budget--but I still don't think it's AAA...) But I'll still reserve giving it the AAA title until down the road when the dust settles--I just don't feel right giving a rookie an A+ on his first Sunday game day....he must continue to prove sell tickets for the team, to sell jerseys, and memorabilia, to have people begging for more....not just win the first game of the season for his team. Mass Effect is definitely a AA and one of my favorites though...THAT'S THE THING--It's all OPINION BASED.

Anyhow, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I feel a AAA game (which I would only say about 25-30 truly exists IMO) must be held SACRED and high....not a one hit wonder, not a great game that sells poorly, not an expensive game that sucks...its a cumalative of many different factors to me--and not many titles reach it.

I agree on your points--I just feel that there must be even MORE stringent qualifications.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

I believe that a game has to be great and sell well to be considered AAA.

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ikilledkenny said:
I believe that a game has to be great and sell well to be considered AAA.

And I guess that sums it up for me when you boil it all down.....sell a ton of games, sell a ton of consoles, pump people up, get good reviewer scores, and get good consumer scores, and DO IT AGAIN WITH you're a proven AAA veteran.


Lol...I've GOTTA get to bed guys (running a 101 degree fever and have to get up for work at 6:00 A.M.)...thanks for the discussion, lol....

(Must have my beauty sleep for Lost Odyessy next week too!)

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

It all depends on from what perspective you look at the term "AAA". From a gamers perspective or a business perspective?

As a market analyst, my personal definition of AAA is a game that is a proved systemseller. For instance, I consider Wii Sports an AAA game even though I wouldn't reward it with a 90 % score. Simply because it's a MAJOR system seller.

Aj_habfan said:
90% +


naznatips said:
I think it's a stupid term and we should all stop using it.

I agree.

Baring that. A game you know is going to sell 2-3+ million copies bare minimium. In other words, one that's going to get some serious budget and advertising. Even that seems not to stick anymore, since Mario and Sonic got two of those and not the third.

Actually lets say it has to be all three.

2 Million sold bare minimuim.

Lots of TV adds

20+ Million budget. (10 on the Wii I guess.)


Metacritic gives Madden NFL 08 for the 360 a score of 85%. Thats just a prime example of why you have to have a stringent system. The more nebulous you make the definition the more unsightly games sneak in. The interesting thing about a score average over 90% is the fact that it permits no dissent what so ever. The majority of the scores for the game must be 90% or above, and there can't be any low scores even if they are tiny voices in the wind.

While I appreciate the accolades you thrust upon your fellow players. Deep down you have to know your playing with millions of brain dead fools. No I am not talking about every gamer, but there is a silent legion that buy certain games for the most asinine of reasons. We see it every time we look at the charts.

Take Mario Party 8 for an example. Metacritic has it pegged at 62%. Yet we know the title has sold 4.5 million copies. Should I believe a slew of professional reviews that it is a bad game, or take the word of 4.5 million fellow gamers. They can't both be right, but I am reasonably sure there might be ten million idiot gamers out there. Never underestimate stupidity on a massive scale, or when it is entrenched inside of a mob mentality.

No the people don't know what they necessarily want, and more to the point they wouldn't know quality if it slid up their nose and laid eggs in their face. Watch late night infomercials, and realize with a dull ache in your heart that the reason they are in is that they are actually selling products to people. Thats right there are people who need knives so they can cut up their old shoes, and think they can replace a barber with a box.

The only bright side is the fact that there is a sizable population of intelligent gamers that diligently buy wonderfully made games, because they are wonderfully made.