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You've TOTALLY missed the point of my thread (not meant rudely, lol...don't think were actually that different on opinions---I just don't worship the all mighty "REVIEWERS"--I believe the word AAA is ABUSED--I wasn't giving THE definition of AAA--I was hinting for people to think of more than just reviewers (who I don't listen to much)...(and by the way, Madden 08 on 360 wouldn't be has like an 82% rating). I wasn't saying that MY formula is right (that was off the top of my head in about 30 seconds) I was saying for PEOPLE TO THINK--it must be more than getting a 90%...AAA MUST BE SACRED....I was saying THINK...define SOMETHING.....getting above a 90% IN MY OPINION is not the "God-factor"of AAA games (but is part of it).

Consumers and our DOLLARS MUST have a say in what is AAA...not just a score from 30 different reviewers--(hell, millions of others have an opinion on it too and that is shown by sales) or big budget. A combined reviewer score from the consumer means more to me than an actual "reviewer"...I'll take the word of mouth of my friends anyday.

Don't get me wrong--I think SCORE IS A HUGE FACTOR....

In fact, I don't think our opinions are that different....I said...
1. Score--We agree
2. Sales (not just games, consoles too--Console Seller)
3. Hype--We agree
4. History/Tradition (I'm not saying that just because FFX was good that FFXIII will automatically be AAA....I think "tradition" somewhat blends together with hype & console seller....(games with a great history have EARNED the right for hype...e.g. everyone is hyped for Team ICO's new game to be announced even though they only showed a picture of a chain--whoopie dooo! But the ICO world is "proven" so people have a right to get hyped)

Also, Bioshock and Mass Effect are WONDERFUL GAMES...Mass Effect is probably my favorite game of the year other than Rock Band (Which was hyped big time, has a score of OVER 93%, and had a fairly large budget--but I still don't think it's AAA...) But I'll still reserve giving it the AAA title until down the road when the dust settles--I just don't feel right giving a rookie an A+ on his first Sunday game day....he must continue to prove sell tickets for the team, to sell jerseys, and memorabilia, to have people begging for more....not just win the first game of the season for his team. Mass Effect is definitely a AA and one of my favorites though...THAT'S THE THING--It's all OPINION BASED.

Anyhow, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I feel a AAA game (which I would only say about 25-30 truly exists IMO) must be held SACRED and high....not a one hit wonder, not a great game that sells poorly, not an expensive game that sucks...its a cumalative of many different factors to me--and not many titles reach it.

I agree on your points--I just feel that there must be even MORE stringent qualifications.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

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