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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Requirements for game to be considered AAA

Its hard to compare AAA games when so many use different formulas or ideas on what you consider a AAA title.

So to help everyone out... 

What do you consider to be a AAA game and what do you believe the rest of the gaming community believes to be a AAA game.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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90% +

AAA is a game that averages 90% plus in gamerankings and I think most see it as 90% or higher as AAA.

Me-- above average gameplay, above average graphics and or art style, great sounds/music, above average controls

rest of teh world---graphics and hype


I think it's a stupid term and we should all stop using it.

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A game with no problems >_>;

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I agree with Naz to be honest a AAA game to me is something I enjoy alot I could care less what gamerankings gives it.

PS3(60GB)/360(Elite)/Wii/SNES/Ultimate Gaming PC owner :)

naznatips said:
I think it's a stupid term and we should all stop using it.


OBJECTION!!!!  ... ?



Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


It's a take from the minor league term and really doesn't compare. A system seller or heavy hitter would be more appropriate. I would be mad if I was considered a prospect instead of an All-Star ...

An AAA title would be something that moves systems as a result of it being released on a system. Rankings having little to do with actual numbers of consoles moved.

naznatips said:
I think it's a stupid term and we should all stop using it.

 Agreed. AAA = hype and big budget, nothing more. AAA =/= high quality or great sales.


*zips up flamesuit* 

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.