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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Home vs. Brawl

YES i know those are from different categories, i just want to know this:

>>>Will Home push the PS3 sales enough to win this war or at least beat X360?

>>>Will Brawl push the Wii sales enough to beat PS2(been the best selling non-bounded game)? 

what do u guys think?

NOTE: plz do not post retarded coments comparing the software cuz as i said they r from

          different categories


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1st: No. It's a simple add-on or feature rather than a system seller game.
2nd: Yes. It probably will end as the best selling Wii game with around 20,000,000 copies.

i dont think that home will do much, but SSBB will deffinantly do wonders, i dont think it will be responsible for beating the PS2 tho. but i think that it would be interesting if u replace home with MGS {(eventho ofcourse the rumors of non exclusivety r still floating around) wich i dont believe btw}

1. No. It appeals to existing users rather than the casual market that provides the "last" 100 million hardware unit sales. No one who won't buy the PS3 at its current price would be persuaded if you packed it in with a cut-down The Sims and a clone of Xbox Live.

2. Wii is tracking above PS2 sales already, though I think Brawl will boost it even further.

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Home won't be a system seller. People won't buy a system just to hang out in a graphically updated Habbo Hotel.

Now, Brawl will sell millions. Heck, Brawl will outsell SMG.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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Anonimus said:

YES i know those are from different categories, i just want to know this:

>>>Will Home push the PS3 sales enough to win this war or at least beat X360?

>>>Will Brawl push the Wii sales enough to beat PS2(been the best selling non-bounded game)?

what do u guys think?

NOTE: plz do not post retarded coments comparing the software cuz as i said they r from

different categories


 If you don't want people to compare Home to Brawl then don't make a thread called Home vs. Brawl.  It's not a hard concept.

  1. Almost nobody is going to buy a PS3 specifially for Home.
  2. Not Brawl alone, but a combination of games will push the Wii past the PS2. 

1. No, there is a big diff between a killer app for a console to push the sales, and home...
2. There is no going to be a noticiable change of demand after the launch of SSBB, the Wii is already hard to find in a lot of places... probably is going to help to kept that way... maybe brawl and some quality third party games are going to move the Wii to the PS2 category...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

/retarded comment

Why would you compare an application, to a game. An add-on, to one of the most anticipated games of all time, on one of the highest selling systems (in the future) of all time? I happen to think that the retarded comment is coming from you. But I will answer your silly question.

1. Home will not push PS3s, but it will make every current and future PS3 owner happy.
2. The Wii will continue to sell out whenever it's stocked regardless of whether a new game is out or not. But I don't see the Wii achieving PS2 success unitl third parties fill in the gaps of software that nintendo isn't hitting, and no, I'm not getting into that argument again.

/end retarded comment.

no and no

Software very very rarely has enough of an impact to change the market. I don't think Home is even worthy of a mention in that category and Brawl is (as I've said elsewhere) on the lower end of what could possibly have a long-term impact. But I still don't think there will be a long term impact from will obviously boost sales for a few weeks provided extra units are shipped but beyond that it won't do much.

To Each Man, Responsibility

lol, I know sony fanboys are gonna hate me for playing into this retarded topic title, but:

Home is to Brawl


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I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.