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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony announcements in Japan. (New pack and colour & The best line-up)

Looks like Sony is finally getting the PS3 moving in Japan. Now it's time to focus on America. Give us some cool stuff now.

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pretty sweet. if i do consider getting a ps3 or 360, a silver satin one would definitely be the deciding factor! hahaha. actually it still comes down to the fact that 360 isn't reliable.

the Wii is an epidemic.

if the Folks Soul/Folklore cheap edition has an option for english texts , I will import it for sure :)

Meh, I am not keen on silver, much less dull silver... I still prefer PS3 in black, I think it's bulky stance [large and convexed sides] suit dark colours better.

According to kotaku the bundle with Yakuza 3 is limited to a thousand units.

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twesterm said:
Wow, those boxes are even uglier than that Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Konami's Best box art.
  You had a link that didn't go to your profie? you toy with me sir, you toy with me. 


"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

hmm.. that's a bit disappointing ,that the bundle is only 1k units - I hope they will have yakuza 3 bundles for the other colors in larger quantities

Who on earth designed those boxarts?!... Damn...


But still, nice Silver PS3 + cheaper games! Although RFoM1 is a bit dated in comparison to the Orange box and CoD4 ofcourse ... And Gundam: Target in Sight makes no sence! 


^ it makes sense in japan

Awesome covers for the platinum box cases. I dont get all the hating, I like the balance of yellow and silver and its designed coherently aswell.

*looks at Yakuza bundle*

I just spotted my new avatar...

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