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Forums - Sony Discussion - So my friends are jerks and set the parental controls on my PS3...

So last Saturday I had a party at my place for Groundhog's Day (none of us cared about the Superbowl so we wanted to watch Groundhogs Day instead and get drunk) and it went fairly well.  Apparently I wasn't watching one of my friends who happens to turn into a douche when he's drunk close enough.

 Just a little bit of history before the rest of the story: we're both jerks and we both like to be jerks to each other.  One time at a party he decided to take several pisses over the course of the night in my cats litter box to leave me to clean it the next morning.  I got back at him for screwing by screwing with his printer drivers to say "<insert his name> luvs the cock" on top of every page (and he didn't notice the first time he turned a paper in ).  And things go back and forth like that.

So back to last Saturday.  He somehow got a minute or two alone with my PS3 and decided it would be funny to set the parental controls.  Luckily he just set the internet controls and not the controls on everything but it's still annoying.  To make it worse, he was too drunk to remember what he set the password to so now I don't really think I have a way to access the internet on my PS3.

Now I'm not real worried about accessing the internet since I keep a laptop in my living room, but I would like to have my parental controls password and I don't want to try all 10,000 combinations it could be.  Is there any way to reset that password without reformatting my PS3? 

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There's is a way. Kick the guys ass until he remembers. I had to bea my friends ass' multiple times. Sometimes that's what you need to do.

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hahahahahahaha. sorry man but that is funny. lol.

you could restore your entire PS3.

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Uhhhh.....when something happens to my PS3, I just hold the power button on the right side of the disk tray (the I/O looking thing). Hold it until it beeps I think twice, and that restores to default settings without wiping anything.

I had to do this when I accidently set my display to 1080I on a tv that said it was 1080i, but shat out, and the screen was all fuzzy because of it.

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It's ok... You don't like the ps3 anyways :P j/k... try 0000 might reset it or ring ps3 support. Also - you can't play games if he set it to a certain level. I tried it for one of my guest accounts - and set it to level 9 (I think) and couldn't play Warhawk on my main account. Can you play games?

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ssj12 said:
you could restore your entire PS3.

 How do you restore your PS3?  (I don't think it's the double beep think since I hear that every now and then when I turn it off and it's asking me if I want to quit playback)

finalsquall said:
It's ok... You don't like the ps3 anyways :P j/k... try 0000 might reset it or ring ps3 support. Also - you can't play games if he set it to a certain level. I tried it for one of my guest accounts - and set it to level 9 (I think) and couldn't play Warhawk on my main account. Can you play games?

 Tried 0000 and luckily he just set the internet browser password but he did set the restriction to level 9 and I can still play all my games.

And if it turns out I do have to restore or save my PS3, how do I keep my game saves?  I don't remember where I put my USB drive but I do have an SD card handy.

go to settings>system settings > restore default settings. it wont wipe your ps3 out (gamesaves, updates), but will restore everything under the setttings tab.