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Forums - General Discussion - PROJECT CHANOLOGY

Shade said:
@SSJ12 um no it isn't, it's not even close.

 pease listen to anonymous

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ok, that video did nothing to prove their point. I want some simple facts that can show scientology as a cult vs a regular religious group like any other far out sect.

SuperChunk do you believe in Scientology?

Going to sleep be back tomorrow

Hi i'm new
EA will buy as many Companies they can,so they can make a super Console that
will have the most exclusive games, and Will win the next GEN

Have you not watched any of the documentaries about them released from the UK?

Here's a simple difference between Scientology and a "regular" religion. Most religions don't require that you pay thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars in self help courses to move up in ranks so that you can learn more about the religion.

Another difference is that unlike most religions, anyone who says anything bad about Scientology seems to find themselves on the wrong side of litigation.

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Hi i'm new
EA will buy as many Companies they can,so they can make a super Console that
will have the most exclusive games, and Will win the next GEN

That video did nothing to change what I said earlier, both are still incomparable to each other.


Edit: 300 spartan descend apon the Persian empire to celebrate my 300th post hurrah

superchunk said:
ok, that video did nothing to prove their point. I want some simple facts that can show scientology as a cult vs a regular religious group like any other far out sect.

It's a little hard to give a definition of cults even, because unless you take a lot of things into context, you could almost write off any cult as a regular religious group.

Looking at it from another religion's point of a view, it's rather simple to distinguish a cult from denomination of a religion...if they're not consistent with the basis of beliefs that religion, they're simply not the same.

Looking at it secularly, I guess a big tip-off would be how power and control are exercised inside the group. Manipulation and mind control are big hints.

Also, if it's a religion, ask "Who are they worshipping?"  Be it God, yourself, whatever, if you're religious you worship something.  You can have the religion of the Television, where it is your belief that the TV is God, and it's your right to think so. 

But what are Scientologists doing?  All it seems to be, all it IS, is a group of elites with special information, that you need to work for to need to pay for to need to follow a set of rituals...just to find this information.  It's called manipulation, and it screams cult.  When you hear "Scientology" you don't think of a group of people worshipping something, following a set of beliefs, a moral think of a group of elites that are hiding "secret knowledge" from lower members until they are deemed worthy to know.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

ok, I'm Muslim. I have extensive education and research in world's religions, granted at the time Scientology was nuthin' so I openly confess to know nothin about it.

All religions have some sort of financial push on its followers. How else do they build such extravagant buildings and such.

All religions have either had or do currently have laws that "strongly" push people to never defy their religion or leaders. To do so has consequences from banishment, fines, or even death.

To say that if it isn't similar to Christianity then its a cult is just stupid. Christianity has all of the same notions I described above.

Certain Christians cut themselves and lash themselves as part of their beliefs. Muslims nations have death sentences to people who disavow Islam. There are ignorant/barbaric actions in all religious circles. Catholicism is the largest money machine there is, maybe Mormans are worse.

Point is what is it that is so bad about Scientology that it must be physically destroyed?

They want more power. What religious group doesn't.
They do all they can to ensure they keep followers. Again, name one that doesn't.

They are not different than any extreme sect in any religion as far as I can see. At least they don't knock on my door at 7am on a weekend.

BenKenobi88 said: think of a group of elites that are hiding "secret knowledge" from lower members until they are deemed worthy to know.

 And what did Christianity do for its first thousand years. Only the preists could actually own and read a Bible.