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Forums - Sales Discussion - GTAIV: PS3 vs. 360

360 will sell more copies of the game.

However, I think the game will benefit PS3 console sales more.

Why? I think that majority of people who would want to play this game on a 360 will have one, so the game will sell well on the platform but only drive modest spike in consoles. I do not think that majority of people who would go with PS3 have bought yet, therefore I expect to see a better spike in consoles for the platform as GTAIV combined with BR and better library convinces people to make a choice.

I'm sure MS knows this as well, and that is why it is going to go crazy with the marketing and paid for the exclusive DLC as their plan must be to try and reduce as much as possible the spike for PS3 and hopefully convince some prospective PS3 purchasers to go with the 360 instead.

The DLC doesn't matter if you have a console already. There can't be many PS3 owners who would buy a 360 just to get a few extra episodes (there may be some, but not enough to matter in the big picture). The DLC is all about something extra to attract fence sitters.

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What about those deluded PS3 fanbots who have predicted that the PS3 will pass the XBox 360 in total hardware sales by the end of 2008. Lol. The Wii will have around 50% market share. The PS3 may sell 2 or 3 million more than XBox 360 this year, but 7 million difference is a huge gap to make up in a year.

Rumour has it that a cheap and affordable, mass produced Blu Ray player will be out this year around $199 US. What would that mean to the PS3?

well look at the poll another way. For every 118 PS3 versions sold 89 Xbox 360 versions will sell. Or its just simply that 118 PS3 owners are buying the game on this site and 89 360 owners are buying the game on this site.

We will have to wait and see.

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360 version will outsell the PS3 version by a lot.
By Region:
Japan: Irrelevant, they don't care for this game, but PS3 version will do way better than 360.
America: 360 version will probably get around 75-80% of American sales.
Europe: Very close, with a slight edge to PS3.
GTA is the biggest by far in America, so obviously the 360 will get the most sales.

360 will obviously win - just look at the install bases

As for the DLC, most people don't give a rat's a*s about that, most who buy won't give that a second thought, or just won't know at all.

Thing is with the 360 we've had a couple of years now and big hitters like GOW, Halo3, Forza2 so enthusiastic gamers, FPS Xbox fans like myself have already taken to the system a while ago it's debatable if a 360 can have a "system Seller" per say anymore (saying that though if one exists GTA4 is it).

The PS3 though is only getting it's first string of system sellers now so even though I think the 360 will sell more copies - I still feel this title will benefit the PS3 more as a combination of MGS4, GT5, GTA4, LBP will attract a "lot" of people next year (including myself).

I'm just waiting for DS3 to come bundled with 40GB then i'm getting it.