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Forums - Gaming Discussion - First full Destiny track, 'Awakening', released - Better than Halo? You be the judge

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Not even close to Halo

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No. Halo 3's theme song is memorable and considered one of the best theme songs of all time.  Good but nothing compared to this.


pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:

No. Halo 3's theme song is memorable and considered one of the best theme songs of all time.

This isn't the theme song...

Compare this against some of Halo's less iconic songs

 Halo is not remembered for only one song but for all of the songs Halo has had.  It was why people was upset that Halo 4 went with a different composer.

Have you even played a Halo game?


Halo 2 even had Breaking Benjamin do a song for them.


JayWood2010 said:
Halo 2 even had Breaking Benjamin do a song for them.

This is horrible.

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LurkerJ said:
JayWood2010 said:
Halo 2 even had Breaking Benjamin do a song for them.

This is horrible.

It is an extremely popular rock song by Breaking Benjamin which at the time was one of the most popular rock bands.  Even if you dont like it MILLIONS of others do.  It's unofficial video has 15m views for example.  Not many songs created for a video game will go anywhere near that.

Halo, Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear, etc are all series that is known to have great music.  While Destiny has potential to have good music seeing as Bungie is behind it, it has big shoes to fill.

Halo's theme song is at 4.8m.  


Battlefield 1942 best soundtrack ever

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Good stuff for sure. Probably a perfect fit for the game's setting.


But for now Halo still has the lead by far:

JayWood2010 said:
LurkerJ said:
JayWood2010 said:
Halo 2 even had Breaking Benjamin do a song for them.

This is horrible.

It is an extremely popular rock song by Breaking Benjamin which at the time was one of the most popular rock bands.  Even if you dont like it MILLIONS of others do.  It's unofficial video has 15m views for example.  Not many songs created for a video game will go anywhere near that.

Halo, Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear, etc are all series that is known to have great music.  While Destiny has potential to have good music seeing as Bungie is behind it, it has big shoes to fill.

Halo's theme song is at 4.8m.  

Other Halo songs you embeded are better in my opinion.

pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:

Have you even played a Halo game?

So you could start whistling any Halo song after hearing it once or twice? Doubtful. The reason the whole soundtrack is so iconic to you is partly that the games themselves are some of your favorite games. Halo has a great soundtrack, but isn't this song great as well? After 3 listens now I have to say it sounds like it's from a great sci-fi movie.

Yes, I've played a Halo game...and listened plenty to some Halo songs. Why do you ask? I haven't even said my opinion on it lol.

As soon as people hear the beginning of the halo theme people recognize it so yes pezus.  Also go look online for all the covers people do of halo songs, especially the one i first posted.

Yes it is a great song. YOu shouldnt have even posted Halo in the title.

I asked because I know you dont own any xbox platforms so I was curious if you have played 1 and 2 on PC.