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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Civilization Wii was canceled: Developers didn't expect wii success

You get smacked for not believing in the Wii. And apparently the DS too? Yea, these guys deserves their trouble.

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Their logic dosn't make sense to me. They will make a wii version if the PS3 and 360 and DS versions do well.

Even if I had a PS3 or 360 (will probably get a PS3 someday) I would not buy this one of those consoles. Only interested in a wii version.

There are other games I may prefer a PS3 or 360 version, but this is not one of them.

 They should base their decision on how well other wii games they make sell, not on how well 360/PS3 versions sel..

"Civilization? What game is?"

AAARGH console gamers. Hear heathen: Civilization is the beginning and the end. The best game to ever grace a computing device.

On a more serious note it's an addicting world simulation where you build cities, armies research new technologies etc. pp.
I am not sure if consoles are the right place for it and I am not sure if the Wii would have been the best place for it anyway. The gameplay is a bit more complex than Mario Party and the Wii has not been lauded as the place for complex PC origin games. On the other hand the Wii Remote could have possibly been a better mouse replacement than the standard controller.

jlauro said:
Their login dosn't make sense to me. They will make a wii version if the PS3 and 360 and DS versions do well.

Even if I had a PS3 or 360 (will probably get a PS3 someday) I would not buy this one of those consoles. Only interested in a wii version.

There are other games I may prefer a PS3 or 360 version, but this is not one of them.

 It makes a lot of sense to me. If 2K doesn't see PS360 (especially 360)  sales making a profit then they will not support Firaxis continuing with the Wii version.  Also this game had Xbox Live in mind from the beginning so while it coming to PS3 it's really aim  more toward X360. The reason why they bring to PS3 instead of Wii is it easy to port since it has the same total ram as the 360.

superchunk said:
That is fucking bullshit.

Civ is one of my favorite games. Wii + Civ would have been perfect. The Wiimote would make it so much easier to play a turn based game like that. It aint gonna sell ish on ps360. Just because its pretty is fucking stupid.

That's it. I'm not buying a Firaxis game until a Wii version comes. ps360 should have been scrapped and full focus should have been on wii/ds as their inputs/controls are better suited for the game.

I think it might sell well, C&C Tibirium Wars 3 managed 480k on the 360 on a much smaller install base.

"Just because it's pretty is fucking stupid" - not really, 'prettiness' is the reason a lot of 360 and PS3 owners own their console.

As for not buying a Firaxis game, that seems a bit petty. The developers did state the reason was because they didn't predict the Wii would be successful.

Your opinion on the controls is also subjective.


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Maybe the Wii will get the new Alpha Centauri.
One can only hope...

seems to me like they should pull a rockband and at least try to get it out...

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

So basically he's saying: "We weren't originally going to do a Wii version, but decided to do that too when the console turned out to be so succesful. Then we noticed we didn't have the resources to finish it, and were forced to scrap the project."

Regrettable, but quite understandable. Hopefully they'll know how to allocate their resources with their next project.

pity, ah well, at least they'll know better next time



I saw that article earlier today as well. Very disappointing. I mean, this is pretty much what we figured; Take-Two assumed that the Wii would be a flop, panicked when they saw the tremendous Wii sales (and slow PS3 sales) into announcing a version, then realized that there weren't enough developer resources to get it done. Firaxis Games is a pretty small developer; I should know, since I worked there in 2005.

I'm a humongous fan of the Civilization series, so I'd like to see this game be successful. However, I can't avoid the feeling that this is the wrong game on the wrong platform, like Viva Pinata on the 360. The slow pacing of turn-based strategy games doesn't lend itself well to the 360's demographics. Ever wonder why there are lots of turn-based strategy games on the DS, and practically none on the PSP? There's a good reason for that.

On the Civilization forums I frequent, there's been a lot of resentment over the cancellation of the Wii version. A lot of Civ fans are hardcore PC jerks, who look down there noses at all consoles to begin with, so the thought of buying a "dumbed-down" version of Civ for the 360/PS3 doesn't hold much appeal. The anecdotal evidence I've read suggests that a lot of these individuals were more open to a Wii version, simply because of the mouse pointer functionality. Anyway, I don't know how this game will end up selling. I hope it will manage 500k, but I'm worried it might be totally ignored.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)