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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumer alert!: Kingdom hearts 3 the big secret rpg coming to wii.

thekitchensink said:
Does nobody realize that they can still announce the game for a far-off release date? Even if they haven't started it yet, it doesn't mean they haven't planned it out and set the platform it will be on.

That's what I was thinking.  They could announce that KH3 will be on Wii, but it doesn't neccessarily have to be released anytime soon.

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KH is coming to the Wii - in the form of a spin off. Get used to it Wii fans. You can't get every game on the Wii. Enjoy the spin off!

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

It´s true? I buy it


If you despise bad grammar so much, then perhaps I should suggest you fix the mistake in your sentence. It's nothing too major, and even widely accepted in conversational english, but you just can't give a singular noun a plural pronoun. For example, "Somebody left their waller," is not accepted in formal english.

Just wanted to let you know. =) You probably already knew this and overlooked it when you posted your comment. If that is the case, then I am a LOSER and I am sorry. XD

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

finalsquall said:
KH is coming to the Wii - in the form of a spin off. Get used to it Wii fans. You can't get every game on the Wii. Enjoy the spin off!

 Any proof? o.O

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Hyperion said:

If you despise bad grammar so much, then perhaps I should suggest you fix the mistake in your sentence. It's nothing too major, and even widely accepted in conversational english, but you just can't give a singular noun a plural pronoun. For example, "Somebody left their waller," is not accepted in formal english.

Just wanted to let you know. =) You probably already knew this and overlooked it when you posted your comment. If that is the case, then I am a LOSER and I am sorry. XD

 I don't consider missing obscure rules bad grammar. 

The best thing that has come from this thread thus far is someone trying to disprove it by pointing out typos in a post where someone was copying out details they read themselves... yeh.. lets completely forget about the fact that it is nothing more than someone claiming they read it somewhere, but have no visual proof of any sort

Still not convinced, though with all the rumors floating around im sure theres a grain of truth to it. Guess i wont find out what happens to sora and co. but after playing the second one im not sure i care to much anymore either. Bitter sweet feeling.




finalsquall said:
KH is coming to the Wii - in the form of a spin off. Get used to it Wii fans. You can't get every game on the Wii. Enjoy the spin off!

Clearly a single console isn't going to get every game exclusively but I don't see how it rules out KH3 for the Wii. If you have proof post your source, otherwise you're just posting your opinion and touting it as fact.


As for the "rumer" (lol) people need to just let these things alone. Does it really change anything to know a few months ahead of time whats coming? I know you guys are excited and I am actually looking forward to hearing what console the game is on also but there really isn't any reason to put stock into these things.

On the subject of if it is actually believable I have a hard time swallowing that winter 2008 thing also but it is possible. A lot of the work they are doing for their other games right now is more in the finishing stages so its not impossible for them to have some extra manpower to work on updating/modiyfing/making an engine for KH3. The real killer in my mind is that they would have announced it by now, I just cannot imagine them not wanting to build some hype for the game and this is definitely a series that has a lot of hype around it.

PS - @riot,

If KH isn't a big game, and it isn't big news, and DQ is that much better of a series why do you feel the need to bash KH and praise DQ in a topic about KH? Seems kind of odd that such a bad game would garner attention from you when you could be out playing a great game like DQ. Oh...I suppose you are just posting that as a community service and have no alterior motive and only wish to educate the rest of us to these facts huh?

Well, job well done! You can go now

To Each Man, Responsibility

I hope it's true because I'm getting sick of the rumors and speculations of what console it'll be on. If it turns out to be truth though then expect a lot of happy/angry fans from both sides.