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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumer alert!: Kingdom hearts 3 the big secret rpg coming to wii.

Neos said:
Damstr8 said:
When did this KH 3 on wii thing even start? There even hasnt been the slightest bit of information on kingdom hearts 3? Kingdom Hearts has been very successful on the ps2,why would they put it on the wii when all there fanbase is on a sony platform? it just doesnt make sense to me.

it doesn't?

to me it really does considering the userbase and SE/(disney) usually goes where the money is. The KH fans will buy the system the game is on, not like you say it.

 I wont and im a massive KH fan. It could come out on either console, but regardless it aint coming out till mid 2009 at the earliest. Nomura is a pretty amazing director, but I dont think he could work on versus XIII and this simultaneously.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

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Soriku said:

Look, I can do that too: what proof is there of it going to the PS3? Right, none.


Why not? When he was working on KH2, he was also working on CC: FF VII, KH: CoM, likely FF XII, and KH: FM+. I don't see why he can't work on two games. Not to mention the spin-offs are almost done. 358/2 Days comes out in the Summer, and most likely Coded as well. BBS might come sometime near that too. Fall '08? And for FF XIII, he's only doing the character art. Not that hard of a job that'll wear him down.

Not saying what this guy saying is necessary true (although it might, but kinda small chance...IDK) but that's no reason to think he CAN'T do it.

Btw, isn't FF IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse a cell phone game? Why is it in NP? Unless they're making connections with FF IV? Or...NINTENDO MAKING CELL PHONES CONFIRMED!

 Aye, but for versus XIII hes doing the art and hes also the director. Plus, he never worked on FF12 so thats why I question his ability to work on three major projects (albeit not a major role in one in terms of extended work). Im sure he could do it, but I dont think square would really want him that stretched, I know I as the consumer wouldnt.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

Soriku said:

Look, I can do that too: what proof is there of it going to the PS3? Right, none.


Why not? When he was working on KH2, he was also working on CC: FF VII, KH: CoM, likely FF XII, and KH: FM+. I don't see why he can't work on two games. Not to mention the spin-offs are almost done. 358/2 Days comes out in the Summer, and most likely Coded as well. BBS might come sometime near that too. Fall '08? And for FF XIII, he's only doing the character art. Not that hard of a job that'll wear him down.

Not saying what this guy saying is necessary true (although it might, but kinda small chance...IDK) but that's no reason to think he CAN'T do it.

Btw, isn't FF IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse a cell phone game? Why is it in NP? Unless they're making connections with FF IV? Or...NINTENDO MAKING CELL PHONES CONFIRMED!

...the fact that the first two were on the would be a start



super_etecoon said:
@ Iron megalith...

Next-gen, huh? First off, you carry your troll badge too high.

Do you really think that KH was utilizing the full capacity of the PS2? Do you think it was pushing its limits? The game probably could have been made just as well on the PS1. KH has never been about amazing graphics or pushing polygons.

If KH ends up on Wii, expect to see a major graphical improvement over previous installments.

If KH ends up on either the PS3 or won't sell. Not like it would on the Wii. It's all about the demographic, you see. The 360/PS3 cater to a much different gamer. Not hardcore gamers, mind you....but gamers that are hard-core. They want DMC4 blood, and GTAIV mayhem. It will be a purely practical business decision to take the series to the Wii. And it will be next-gen...afterall...the Wii is in the next gen.

 whoah easy. You sound like a troll yourself. I haven't attacked anything infact what I would preffer is that they would release something different for wii and the different for 360/ps3. Please stop acting like that you're fanboyism shows. Gud day

BengaBenga said:
iron_megalith said:
BengaBenga said:
davygee said:
souixan said:

End result: Possible but I'd think late 2008/early 2009 To any naysayers, FF13 and DQ9 have been getting so much attention they could easily sneak in a big production until it was near completion.

I very much doubt they could conceal production of KH3 for this long if it's expected out later this year. As I said earlier, the DS and PSP KH games have been in development for 9-12 months now and they were announced 6 months ago and as far as I know, the DS game is expected late this year and the PSP game isn't even expected until next year. Dissidia is another game; been in development for 12 months or so and is expected in 6 months or even later. IMHO, for KH3 to be released in December 2008, it would have needed to have been in development since the beginning of 2007, so I seriously doubt it's been hidden for 12 months so far.

Why? Tecmo concealed Fatal Frame 4 even longer. That game comes out this summer in Japan.

Everyone that says it can't be done explain to me how Square could deliver 3 Final Fantasies, Dragon Quest 8, 2 Kingdom Hearts, a sh*tload of GBA and DS games last gen, but all of a sudden they lack the capacity to work on more then 3 games?!?

And to iron megalith: I'm sorry but expect more of this to happen. And you're complaining about graphics you haven't even seen yet. Be sure to see a big improvement over the PS2 FaFrames.


Oh trust me I've seen Metroid on Wii and was a fun game but not making me want to own one. Pretty much I'm still not over it. But maybe some time and handful of games will make me forget it and maybe eventually buy a wii. The reason why I can't probably stop it is because I'm not willing to buy one yet. Like Xbox and GC, I bought them when they were really cheap from they are supposed to be. Although GC didn't get me that excited and all except for the Xbox but hey it was cheap.


Can't wait for the spinoffs but please give me a next gen KH too. Be it 360 or PS3 I don't care just give me a next gen.

Fist of all I respect your choice not to want a Wii, but:

1) If you don't like Metroid 3 at all, what on earth are you playing?!? I mean graphically it can match PS360 (not my words, but of several gamesites reviews) except it's not in HD. Besides that there are not a lot better "shooters" around this gen yet. (it's there with Gears, CoD4, BioShock, Halo3, Orange Box)(I assume you like shooters most because you have a 360 and started about Metroid).

2) According to your argument you won't ever play previous generation games anymore because you can't stand those gaphics? I still love some of the old NES/SNES/N64/GC/PS2 games and for most of them I don't care about the graphics. Besides that, games like Galaxy and Brawl look a lot better then what weve seen last gen and this is just the beginning.

3) You'll miss out on a lot if you don't buy a Wii. I don't understand you're going to buy a PS3, but complain about Wii. 360 and PS3 have most games in common and the major PS3 exclusives won't be around until 2009. (Except if you're a big MGS fan, which I doubt since you didn't have a PS2 last gen).

4) If only part of the rumours are true then expect some of these games to go Wii: Skies of Arcadia 2, Timesplitters4, Kingdom Hearts, Suikoden, Mega Man, Beyond Good and Evil 2, etc.... And the confirmed line-up looks even better with: Brawl, Fatal Frame4, MKart, Tales of Symphonia 2, PES08 (amazing controls), Okami Wii, Fragile, Monster Lab, Monster Hunter 3 etc....

I would want a wii if I have enuf money.  Priority is that I buy a PS3.

well that figures actually I'm bleeding financially right now. I just bought an 60" HDTV before christmass and I still haven't recovered. Oh and btw since you're probably wondering why don't I get a job just in case. I'm still a minor can't work yet. :D

Around the Network
Damstr8 said:
Soriku said:

Look, I can do that too: what proof is there of it going to the PS3? Right, none.


Why not? When he was working on KH2, he was also working on CC: FF VII, KH: CoM, likely FF XII, and KH: FM+. I don't see why he can't work on two games. Not to mention the spin-offs are almost done. 358/2 Days comes out in the Summer, and most likely Coded as well. BBS might come sometime near that too. Fall '08? And for FF XIII, he's only doing the character art. Not that hard of a job that'll wear him down.

Not saying what this guy saying is necessary true (although it might, but kinda small chance...IDK) but that's no reason to think he CAN'T do it.

Btw, isn't FF IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse a cell phone game? Why is it in NP? Unless they're making connections with FF IV? Or...NINTENDO MAKING CELL PHONES CONFIRMED!

...the fact that the first two were on the would be a start


I could counter that by saying it was on by far the most popular system last generation.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Damstr8 said:
Neos said:
Damstr8 said:
When did this KH 3 on wii thing even start? There even hasnt been the slightest bit of information on kingdom hearts 3? Kingdom Hearts has been very successful on the ps2,why would they put it on the wii when all there fanbase is on a sony platform? it just doesnt make sense to me.

it doesn't?

to me it really does considering the userbase and SE/(disney) usually goes where the money is. The KH fans will buy the system the game is on, not like you say it.

ok, but what else is there to suggest that KH will make it to the wii? is there any?

Ah yes, the illusion of brand loyalty, I got news for you. Videogames brand loyalty will ONLY net you around 15-20,000,000 total sales. Brand loyalty in videogames is an illusion, admit it or not but the casual gamer and non-gamers decide our market and we gotta hope they vote with us. SE tends to go where the biggest user base is NES -> SNES -> PS1 -> Ps2 etc there is absolutely no loyalty in SE and there's no loyalty in this market. A kingdom hearts game will sell to it's fans in majority no matter where it goes. A hundred, hell a thousand, people here can say "I'm a kingdom hearts fan I wouldn't buy it for Wii" and I got news for you, it'd be a dent at best SE likely wouldn't even notice it. Plus Disney characters tend to draw the not typically RPG/adventure crowd where the Wii has a great advantage.

@Souixan: to be fair, it may be a bit different this time with SE, as Sony owns 10% of them. But your point is quite valid.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
thekitchensink said:
@Souixan: to be fair, it may be a bit different this time with SE, as Sony owns 10% of them. But your point is quite valid.

It's less then 10%. Due to Enix being worth more during the square-enix merger. Their 19% of Square dropped by more then half.

Was something like 8%. Since then they've aquired more companies, so Sony's share is probably down more.

If they owned any significant amount of stock you'd be seeing Dragon Quest on the Playstation, screw Kingdom Hearts.

I'd be surprised if it was more then 5% at this point.  The merge with Taito was fairly huge afterall.

Soriku said:

Look, I can do that too: what proof is there of it going to the PS3? Right, none.


Why not? When he was working on KH2, he was also working on CC: FF VII, KH: CoM, likely FF XII, and KH: FM+. I don't see why he can't work on two games. Not to mention the spin-offs are almost done. 358/2 Days comes out in the Summer, and most likely Coded as well. BBS might come sometime near that too. Fall '08? And for FF XIII, he's only doing the character art. Not that hard of a job that'll wear him down.

Not saying what this guy saying is necessary true (although it might, but kinda small chance...IDK) but that's no reason to think he CAN'T do it.

Btw, isn't FF IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse a cell phone game? Why is it in NP? Unless they're making connections with FF IV? Or...NINTENDO MAKING CELL PHONES CONFIRMED!

Fatal Frame IV.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"