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Forums - General Discussion - The Super Tuesday Thread

Come on Americans: Vote Obama!!!!! (oh and buy Zack & Wiki).

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I'm European.

A few weeks ago, I researched a bit on the main candidates' stances.

The only republican I dared to check was Mccain, and even he seemed batshit insane regarding some issues (calling for Hollywood to self censor themselves, comparing guns to violent movies, wants more death penalty). However, he certainly seemed more likeable than Bush.

Regarding democrats, Obama and Clinton seemed very similar in their opinions, but Obama FTW.

PS: Doesn't Clinton want to censor violent movies/games??

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I want Clinton to lose.

Not because I hate her or because I think she'll do a bad job. She has some bad ideas, but they're not Bad Ideas, just typical well-intentioned bad policy that all governments end up doling out in some measure.

I want her to lose because she's a polarizing figure. And the last thing the US needs is more polarization.

McCain and Obama are figures which are capable of drawing support from both ends of the spectrum. And that's what I think American political culture needs to heal. It's my hope that one of these candidates becomes president and the American public and their leadership turn down the anger in their hearts and turn up the power in their brains.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

All I am really going to say on this subject is that I am thrilled to finally have an election where my primary vote might actually matter. Usually both sides have canidates locked by now so this is very interesting.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

If america wants the rest of the world to hate them less, Obama is the only choice.


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NJ5 said:
I'm European.

A few weeks ago, I researched a bit on the main candidates' stances.

The only republican I dared to check was Mccain, and even he seemed batshit insane regarding some issues (calling for Hollywood to self censor themselves, comparing guns to violent movies, wants more death penalty). However, he certainly seemed more likeable than Bush.

Regarding democrats, Obama and Clinton seemed very similar in their opinions, but Obama FTW.

PS: Doesn't Clinton want to censor violent movies/games??

 I'm supporting Obama over Clinton for essentially one reason. He spoke out against the invasion of Iraq from the very beginning.. in fact, he made a statement in 2002 outlining all the things which are happening now. Clinton supported the war and now claims she was duped and that mistakes have been made. I want a president with sound judgment who cannot easily be swayed to make catastrophic blunders. Clinton's excuse just isn't good enough.

She isn't exactly calling for censorship of games and movies. She is proposing high fines for people who sell violent video games to minors in a desperate attempt to pander to parents who feel like they're too busy to raise their own kids. Unfortunately, Obama is not too much better on this matter.


I'd love to see Obama becoming president, but I could live very well with a president Clinton too.

On the republican side, I still don't understand why Guiliani failed so miserably. I thought he'd be the canditate with the best chances and also with the best ideas (from the republicans, that is).
Out of the remaining three, noone is a future president imo. McCain is just too old, Romney is far too conservative and I don't even want to start on Huckabee.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

Guiliani didn't make any impression in Iowa and New Hampshire. Its kind of like how Guilani was the gamecube and McCain was the PS2. McCain started earlier and parlayed his momentum from Iowa and New Hampshire into success later on in the other states.

Since Iowa and New Hampshire are both so early, they become like free national publicity, since those two primaries are the only ones going on at the time.

Also Guiliani hasnt really said anything about anything. He was only picked as the fore runner because of name recognizability.(sp?) Anyway, he is also Pro Choice and has other liberal views that will never get a Republican the nomination.

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damkira said:

McCain will crush Romney and become the nominee of his party.. Romney should only win Mass, and even there.. the delegates are proportional. The Republican nomination is settled, despite the protests of the conservative media, although I don't really understand why he is hated so much in his party. The only issue McCain seems to differ from the majority of conservatives is his stance on immigration. He will be tough to beat in the general election.

 Campaign Finance Reform + Being for not deficit spending.

The Big Buisness conservatives are deadly afraid he's going to change how they're elected and hurt how many funds they can misproportion.