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Forums - Website Topics - Does VGChartz need an IRC channel?

I just thought of this, we consistently have 100-300 members online on this site so we have more than enough people to support a channel so why don't we have one?


Personally I really enjoy using IRC (although I haven't been able to recently due to some port or something not letting mIRC connect =\) and I think this community would be a great one to talk to on IRC.


Yay or Nay? 

Around the Network

i agree, we should start an irc chan

what is an irc channel?

i say yay!

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Yeah, it would be quite fun. It has my vote *cleans the dust from old mIRC*

Around the Network

@Wiiforever, a chat room pretty much.

Also if it does happen could a mod set it up, just to make it official like?


This would be a great idea, i would idle in the channel all day. Someone should go make one on Gamesurge.

I'm very interested in this idea. I've got IRC on pretty much all the time my computer is on (12ish hours per day), and I haven't been on an English speaking channel for ages.

Bring it on, I say!

So, on Gamesurge?