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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge magazine goes CRAZY- "ps4 is your next console", "One; titanic failures"

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Carl2291 said:
Is there a summary yet? I wanna know the key points they have for being pro-PS4 and anti-One.

Price? Power? Games? Strategies? What?

Well when it comes to the multiplat gamers we all know which console they will choose. Its the same reason the 360 had a shot against the PS3 this gen. Most of the multiplats, cheaper price, good online. Thats pretty much all the majority ask for.

What are you talking about xD

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Wright said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Carl2291 said:
Is there a summary yet? I wanna know the key points they have for being pro-PS4 and anti-One.

Price? Power? Games? Strategies? What?

Well when it comes to the multiplat gamers we all know which console they will choose. Its the same reason the 360 had a shot against the PS3 this gen. Most of the multiplats, cheaper price, good online. Thats pretty much all the majority ask for.

What are you talking about xD

Well its the reason MS went from 24 million consoles sold to 70+. They got the multiplat gamers whom make up the majority of gamers on consoles. Split Sonys marketshare right down the middle because of it. If you want a large amount of consumers, these are the initial consumers you want to keep happy. Its why Nintendo went from 60 million gamers during the SNES era to 30 million during the N64 era. I know Im not crazy here, but I've recognized a threaded trend throughout the gens. Fanboys of each console will mostly stay loyal and some will go but the multiplat gamers have no loyalty to a brand.

If you're referring to the multiplat gamers picking PS4 because of the same point you listed the 360 as having then the good online part still has yet to be proven especially now that its pay to play. I know plenty of customers who only played COD on PS3 because it was free but wanted to play on Xbox. Now the choice to move to Xbox is easier to make.

Logic dictates that indie devs want their games on as many platforms as possible. Furthermore Sony better get to showing these 20 games they have been talking about. So far they haven't shown anything interesting.

Edge was critical of the ps3? O rly?

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tuscaniman99 said:
If you're referring to the multiplat gamers picking PS4 because of the same point you listed the 360 as having then the good online part still has yet to be proven especially now that its pay to play. I know plenty of customers who only played COD on PS3 because it was free but wanted to play on Xbox. Now the choice to move to Xbox is easier to make.

Its a new generation and the online play will be dead on similar. Gamers are taking sides as we speak. Xbox Lives allure will only carry over with the faithful. Multiplat gamers will have to pay for online either way, so really what does it matter which console they choose? The $400 console with the $50 PSN Plus and multiplayer subscription or the $500 console with the $60 Xbox Live Gold subscription?

My friends at home (not at school, don't know about them yet) are even contemplating PS4 for the first time since the PS2 era. They never played the exclusives, they just bought the console the other had so they could enjoy it during the free time. The majority of gamers are going to be doing this. The faithful will have the consoles they personally desire though. Xbox Live subscriptions spread like wildfire because of word of mouth with gamers getting their friends to buy the consoles and game with them. The PS4 will have a similar reaction this gen but from the start just like the Xbox One will.

You honestly think there will always be a $100 difference between the two consoles? Both will be priced evenly by fall of 2014. Most of these multiplat gamers you are talking about can also be referred to as casual gamers. These casual gamers aren't going to drop that kind of money on next gen till the consoles drop to $299. COD can still be played on PS3 and Xbox One for at least a couple more years.

Amazing cover. Microsoft sucks so much.

User has been banned for this post ~Barozi

tuscaniman99 said:
If you're referring to the multiplat gamers picking PS4 because of the same point you listed the 360 as having then the good online part still has yet to be proven especially now that its pay to play. I know plenty of customers who only played COD on PS3 because it was free but wanted to play on Xbox. Now the choice to move to Xbox is easier to make.

Normal customers don't have loyalty to any big business; they'll pick whatever is the best option for them. A lot of ps2 owners switched to 360 because the ps3 was kind of a mess at launch and by the same token, many 360 owners will switch to ps4 simply because because it's more affordable. Given the choice to pay for either xbox live or psn +, the ps4 is still cheaper; and for the average gamer who only buys call of duty and don't care about kinect or its tv functionality- ps4 is looking like the better option.

Print is dying. The title and subject matter elicits an emotional response in their target audience. This is Marketing 101. Any perceived lack of professionalism will be dismissed by that same audience.

Of course any reasonable person knows that there it is ridiculous for them to do this as of right now ...