JEMC said: That gif and the size of that bee, are anything but regular. But I'm glad that you're ok |
Itchy, and my left hand/wrist is still swollen.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
JEMC said: That gif and the size of that bee, are anything but regular. But I'm glad that you're ok |
Itchy, and my left hand/wrist is still swollen.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
zarx said:
Aww, what if she kisses your hand?
I'm sure now you feel better. I've said your hand, you little perv!
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.
Shanghai by night. It’s raining. Everywhere’s a film noir set in January. A slender figure, framed against neon, runs as if pulled by his nose. He reaches the postbox, thrusts something inside, and slumps; assailants close over him like a venus fly trap.
Four days later, a dossier falls across my desk. From our man in China, it spills the beans on a Far Cry sequel. The case, it is blown wide open.
Oh, alright. It was a LinkedIn profile.
More than 2,200 players are fighting a battle that dwarfs all previous contenders for the largest skirmish in Eve history. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are estimated to have been lost in destroyed ships since yesterday afternoon - and the back-and-forth is expected to continue for several hours yet.
The conflict began by accident, when one corporation failed to pay their station rent - and an entire sector promptly unravelled around them.
By Nathan Grayson on January 28th, 2014 at 12:00 pm.
Back in my day, we played the original pre-NGE Star Wars Galaxies, and we liked it. No seriously, we really did, and I think the tide of public (or at least, gamerly) opinion has started lapping at those same shores over the years. Sure, the MMO was a mess when it first tractor-beamed money out of thousands of wallets, but it tried to be legitimately different. It set out to let us authentically inhabit the Star Wars universe, a brilliant vision hampered by half-finished, well, everything. But then the New Game Experience happened, everybody became a Jedi, and SWG was never the same again. SOE, it turns out, regrets that one big time, and they’d like to apologize. With a new game.
By Nathan Grayson on January 28th, 2014 at 11:00 am.
Time for more numbers from the LUDICROUSPHERE, aka League of Legends. The MOBA with mo’ mo(nies) than any other ba is now at 27 million players per day. 27 million different people. Every day. And per month? 67 million unique human beings, each snowflakes in their own rights, all crashing blizzard-like into Riot’s behemoth. Those are impressive numbers, certainly. RPS, however, would like to announce some even more impressive numbers.
By John Walker on January 27th, 2014 at 8:00 pm.
I’ve yet to put on some Oculus Rift goggles, which rather annoys me. I imagine March’s GDC will see that cherry popped for me, but I suspect not in a way as innovative or intriguing as is offered by Gender Swap. As part of The Machine To Be Another, an ongoing experimental art project, this uses the virtual reality headset to give users the experience of being someone else – and in this case, someone of a different sex.
By John Walker on January 27th, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
While the main Humble Bundle is diverting itself from gaming with a really quite splendid collection of audiobooks, it seems to have snuck out one of the best collections of games so far in its Weekly Bundle. Rather than showcasing games from one studio, this week it’s a collection of Roguelikes. (Everyone who wants to have a fight about the terminology, please do so here.) That’s Paranautical Activity, Dungeons Of Dredmor Complete, Hack Slash Loot, The Binding Of Isaac + DLC, Teleglitch Die More Edition, and Sword Of The Stars: The Pit Gold. Cor.
2K Games and Irrational Games have released a trailer for the second episode of Bioshock Infinite’s single-driven episodic DLC, Burial at Sea. Spoiler alert: do not watch this trailer if you have not completed the first episode of Burial at Sea. Burial at Sea Episode 2 will put the player in the role of Elizabeth as she explores Rapture during its fall, and will be priced at $15. Enjoy! Continue reading
Gamer Network announced today that Alien: Isolation, the new survival horror game from Creative Assembly, will be available for the public to play for the first time anywhere in the world at this year’s EGX Rezzed. Published by SEGA, Alien: Isolation will be playable on three formats: PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Continue reading
In October 2013 Square Enix announced it was partnering with Indiegogo to create a new crowdfunding platform called Collective, to help developers turn their pitches into games. Today, Collective went live, revealing the first three games that users can vote on.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
BasilZero said:
(It was me xD) |
@TheVoxelman on twitter
DC churns out a mind-boggling array of comics month after month, reboot after reboot, so it shouldn't be all that surprising that DC Universe Online is already on its ninth chunk of DLC. War of the Light Part 1 is the first part of a planned trilogy of expansions and adds a new storyline, a new powerset, introduces the Blue Lantern Corps (they're the chilled ones) and throws in some new mechanics for good measure. It launched today, and already the various Lanter Corps are getting all up in each other's grills.
Demis Hassabis, computer scientist, chess prodigy and creator of the excellent Evil Genius and Republic has just made a killing by selling his AI firm, DeepMind, to Google for around £400m. The startup founded by Hassabis along with Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman brought together neuroscientists and computer scientists was exploring the potential for AI to mimic the human brain, and developed a system able to play games.
Facebook had previously attempted to acquire the firm, reports The Information, and Google snatched it up instead. This has also led Google to establish an ethics board in an effort to stop AI from being abused. The board will set up rules which dictate how Google can and cannot use this technology, hopefully stopping a Judgement Day or Wargames scenario.
Since it started consuming lives and ruining relationships in 2004, Blizzard has been diligently collecting World of Warcraft stats on everything from the faction split (the Alliance are more popular, damn them) to how many PvE instances folk have run (900K per day). So now they've made a handy infographic so that we can drown in glorious stats, and some of the numbers are, frankly, a bit crazy.
Poor Garrosh Hellscream has been killed 400K times, for instance, which is a lot of punishment, even if he is a bit of a douche.
Folk have been sitting in their castles, swimming in Scrooge McDuck style pools of gold, safe from pillaging for too damn long. No more, says Ubisoft. The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot, where players will amass a fortune by raiding other players' castles and fortify their keeps with traps, is entering open beta on February 25th, and not one castle will be safe.
Witcher fans, here is something for you to drool all over your monitors. Three new screenshots from CD Projekt RED’s upcoming RPG have surfaced, showcasing the game’s mind-blowing visuals. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is planned for a 2014 release on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Enjoy! Continue reading
Konami has issued a second development video, focusing on the huge open-world environment of its upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 title. Featuring Dave Cox, Producer of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and Studio Head of European Production for Konami Digital Entertainment B.V and Enric Alvarez, Head of Development at MercurySteam, the video details how the events of the new game take place during the course of one night, within both a modern city setting and Dracula’s castle. Continue reading
Juggernaut Games announced today their first title – StarCrawlers, a sci-fi dungeon-crawling RPG. In StarCrawlers, players will run a crew of talented fixers taking shady jobs on the fringes of space where their choices dynamically change the way they explore the environment, fight their foes, resolve encounters, and how their story ultimately unfolds. Continue reading
By John Walker on January 28th, 2014 at 6:00 pm.
Today is likely to be one of the most interesting days for Kickstarter watchers. Broken Age, the adventure game that made the crowdfunding format a gaming household name, is out on sale today. Right now, in fact. So the question that’s left to be answered is: how many people are there who are interested in buying it, who weren’t interested in funding it?
By Nathan Grayson on January 28th, 2014 at 5:00 pm.
Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians is an intriguing prospect despite its name also functioning as a dictionary of cliche fantasy words. It’s the vision of Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre creator Yasumi Matsuno, who played a huge role in popularizing turn-based tactics RPGs on consoles. Its Kickstarter has already soared to nearly $500,000 of its $600,000 goal, so things are looking up. However, developer Playdek has provided depressingly little concrete information, and a cursory reading of the Kickstarter gives the impression that Unsung Story will be a mobile game first and foremost. I got in touch with Playdek CEO Joel Goodman to find out whether or not the PC version will be a port, how the Kickstarter plays into that, how much Matsuno will be involved in actual development, and whether or not we need to worry about DRM. His answers could’ve been a bit more detailed, but oh well. Early days and all that. Go below for more.
By Craig Pearson on January 28th, 2014 at 4:00 pm.
Uncy Dave is back, floating in space. A new Elite: Dangerous dev diary usually gives me a giddy thrill, but ever since I had that angerous/">brief taste of the alpha, all I can see is a game that I touched and now don’t have. It’s torture. Watching the new video has only made it worse: there’s a small look at the next alpha update, and when it lands it’ll bring the first moments of multiplayer. Playing Elite with friends… I have never been this close to spending £200 on a game in all my life.
Read the rest of this entry »
By Adam Smith on January 28th, 2014 at 2:00 pm.
I don’t think anyone at Paradox expected Crusader Kings II to spread into India with quite as much gusto as it will this March. The next expansion adds around 50% to the world map, with almost 400 new provinces, three new religions and a continent’s worth of new events, including the possibility of chained ‘reincarnation’ plotlines. As always with these generous chunks of DLC, a free patch will be released alongside the expansion and it will contain a surprisingly hefty amount of content, including the entirety of the expanded map, and Steam matchmaking and Workshop support. While it may not have the immediate appeal of the Old Gods to many (Vikings vs Buddhists anyone?), Rajas is the biggest expansion since. More details below.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
League of Legends is monolithic with it's player counts, more active players in a day than the amount of people that live in Australia.
I bet Brandon Beck swims in a swimming pool filled with monies because of it.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--
Pemalite said: League of Legends is monolithic with it's player counts, more active players in a day than the amount of people that live in Australia. I bet Brandon Beck swims in a swimming pool filled with monies because of it. |
It's only Tencent's second biggest revenue generating game....
@TheVoxelman on twitter
zarx said:
So this is what that woman Basil looks like in real life.
darkknightkryta said: So this is what that woman Basil looks like in real life. |
Supa kawaii desu ne?
@TheVoxelman on twitter