Another news dump of vaguely interesting PC related news stories I grabbed from various news feeds because IDK. People could justr check the feeds themselves but I post them here anyway. These days I avoid posting the whole articles so it feels less like piracy, but I doubt many people bother to click through to the source anyway. Probably just skim the headlines like I did before I copy and pasted them. Occasionally I add my thoughts about stories, I am not sure I am that interesting tho. And who cares about some tosser's one half coherent sentance on a message board anyway. Maybe I should change the poll again, that or finaly run that short story writing contest I said I was going to run a couple years ago... Ah fuck it maybe I shuld just start writing fanfiction and posting it here instead. Everyone likes badly written fanfiction right? Or maybe I should write "origonal" stuff instead I have been kicking around that short story about that kid trying to scavange power cells from the remains of a battlefield. Of an endless war between AIs that were once created to automate armies but then ran out of control. But the story is not about the war of course it is about one young man's (Or maybe woman's, I shouldn't use tropes vs women in my writing. I guess it's pretty sexist of me to concive of it as a man in the first place, that or I am just creating a mary sue for mayself. Or maybe it's all the same thing) struggle to provide for and protect the ones he (or she) loves in the wake of the emotionless machine that is war, that has destoryed their lives (get it? Ain't I cleaver.)
Watch Dogs PC specs released earlier today were not the official configurations
Looks like the Watch Dogs PC specs which were released earlier today were not the official configurations, apparently.
EA cuts executive chairman Larry Probst’s annual salary now that he’s no longer acting CEO

On October 1, EA filed a Form 8-K with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, noting a change in Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers. Basically, what this means, is that EA has cut the salary of executive chairman Larry Probst from $1.03 million to $515,000 annualized, minus applicable deductions.
Analyst firm Superdata believes we’re due for a console market crash

Analyst firm Superdata believes a console market crash is headed our way, as the market is saturated and consumers are reluctant to purchase next-gen systems.
Folks will play Zombie Studios’ Daylight on Oculus Rift at IndieCade this weekend

How do you make a (theoretically) scary game even more frightening? You play it in virtual reality. Zombie Studios supports the OculusVR headset with their upcoming horror title Daylight, and attendees of IndieCade in Culver City this weekend will have the chance to give it a go at the Unreal booth at IndieCade Village. So watch out for impressions in the next couple days.
New Hearthstone beta patch arrives, destroys player progress as planned

Blizzard’s Hearthstone beta is receiving today the new patch that wipes all in-game player data and significantly updates (improves, in theory) the experience. Blizzard claims this will be the only wipe, though, and that they’ll continue adding players who opt in soon. We described the other changes coming with this patch Tuesday, but full patch notes are inside.
Nordic offering nine games in Humble Weekly Sale

A new Humble Weekly sale has begun today, and it’s a bit beefier than the norm, with Nordic Games throwing nine games into it. $1 or more gets you Red Faction Armageddon, Supreme Commander and its expansion Forged Alliance, The Guild 2 and Neighbors From Hell. $6 or more adds Painkiller Hell and Damnation, ArcaniA, Darksiders 2 and Spellforce 2: Faith in Destiny. Buy here.
Molyneux to Godus doubters: “I’ll change it and your doubts are going to have to change”

Peter Molyneux’s god game Godus is in Steam’s Early Access program now, meaning it isn’t at 1.0 status yet and 22 Cans can and is drastically changing how the game works on a regular basis in response to feedback. Thus, he told Joystiq at EGX, the haters will have to come up with new reasons for hating each week.
Wolf Among Us PC/Mac pre-orders include “collector’s DVD” once season ends

You can pre-order Telltale’s newest digital episodic adventure The Wolf Among Us — based on the Fables comic — from the Telltale store now for 10 percent off the regular US$25/£18.99 price, and once it ends you’ll receive the season on disc (you pay shipping), something you’ll need when society collapses and the internet shuts down in 2016. No launch date for the season yet, but it will be this month.
Defect SDK Will Use Your Creations Against You
By Craig Pearson on October 3rd, 2013 at 6:00 pm.
Confusingly titled spaceship builder Defect SDK had me staring at my monitor like a monkey at a monolith. Why are they selling a defective SDK? How is that a game? I asked, but the people of Forbidden Chatroom of Mystery were of no help: Jim only communicates with screenshots of Sir, John is singing this song: “I am best! I am best! I’m the best one of the lot!”, and Adam is from Manchester and scares me. I was left to figure it all out on my own. After calling my dad, we had it sussed: the “Defect” part means the crew of your ship could steal if from you at any moment, and “SDK” stands for “Spaceship Destruction Kit”. No, it’s not a very helpful name, but now I’ve had it explained to me I quite like the concept, and the trailer has some lovely moments
Read the rest of this entry »
Indies On SteamOS, Pt 2: Linux, The Controller
By Nathan Grayson on October 3rd, 2013 at 9:00 pm.
Valve? Making its own OS for living rooms? Madness. Pure, coldly calculated and entirely premeditated madness. But SteamOS’ success is far from guaranteed, and it’s got some serious hurdles to overcome before it can establish a New World Order. Last time around, I gathered developers of games like Project Eternity, Gone Home, Mark of the Ninja, The Banner Saga, and Race The Sun to discuss who SteamOS/Steam Boxes are even for and the relative “openness” of Valve’s platform in light of, er, Greenlight. Today, we dig even deeper, into the strange, nebulous guts of Linux and what sorts of challenges and opportunities Valve’s crazy, newfangled controller presents. There are even some hands-on impressions from Dejobaan and Paradox. Read on for THE FUTURE.
Mightier Magic: Warlock 2 Annnounced
By Adam Smith on October 3rd, 2013 at 7:00 pm.
Paradox have produced a rather amusing trailer to announce the upcoming Warlock 2: The Exiled. A sequel to Master of the Arcane is certainly worth paying attention to. The original was a tightly packaged fantasy-civ, with alternate planes of reality to conquer and gentlemanly werewolves. The sequel looks like more of the same – much more – and the slightly unhinged streak is still on display, making the world far more interesting than the usual goblins versus elves malarkey. Prepare for ‘wolves the size of cities’ and ‘cities shaped like wolves’. That sort of thing.
Week in Tech: Ultra-SFF Gaming FTW?
By Jeremy Laird on October 3rd, 2013 at 5:00 pm.
Could it be true? That here in my mortal hand I do hold a nugget of purest gaming? Not exactly. It’s the latest and tiniest NUC, Intel’s so-called ‘Next Unit of Computing’. It’s a full-function PC with Intel’s best graphics ever. And it’s claimed to sport pukka gaming chops. Meanwhile, Valve has been punting SteamOS, the whole Steam Box thang is still on – as far as I know – and Xi3′s Piston has been priced up at a preposterous $1,000. Chuck all that into the mix and you might wonder whether the NUC looks a lot like a entry-level Steam Box, on the hardware side at least. And if so, does the small-form-factor gaming thing add up? Read the rest of this entry »
Tsarist Space Struggle: The Mandate
By Adam Smith on October 3rd, 2013 at 4:00 pm.
There’s a trailer for The Mandate below and today’s challenge is for you to work out what genre the actual game will belong to when Perihelion Interactive release it. Don’t run off to Google to find the solution, just peel back the lids of your eyes and watch the video. You might want to unclog your ears as well so that the stirring, solemn music can distract you with images of the might of Imperial Russia. Tsars in space, that’s the theme, but how the devil does it play? Solve the mystery below.
Well Here’s A Thing: Redigit Tells RPS There’s A Terraria 2
By Nathan Grayson on October 3rd, 2013 at 1:00 pm.
Once upon a time, Andrew “Redigit” Spinks quit Terraria. He’d decided to move on to bigger and better things, mystery projects that beckoned to him from worlds far beyond Terraria’s treacherous loam. Fans were not happy. They scratched angry words into many an Internet, but their cries fell on deaf ears. For a little while. And then, kind of like Gandalf in that one movie (X-Men?), Redigit returned – with gifts, even! Update 1.2 is positively massive, and it’s finally out. But now Spinks is back where he started. Should he stay or should he go? He’s not entirely sure yet, but he was able to offer RPS one piece of enticing news. That mystery project? It’s Terraria 2.
Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition emerging from the dungeon November 15th
CommentBeamdog have finally let slip past their lips the release date for their enhanced edition of Baldur’s Gate II. November 15th 2013 is the fateful day when you can play what is considered one of the very best RPGs of all time in remastered HD.
Riot big up League of Legends Season 3 final with appropriate anime pomp
CommentIt’s difficult to convey the force of the impending clash of League of Legends’ real-life champions at LCS Season 3’s final. They might be cause enough to evacuate downtown LA, but they look like skinny teens in black polo shirts.
Consequently, Riot have turned to the art form best-practiced at portraying standoffs between figures of great power: anime.
PlayStation want to poach PC indies for PS4 development
Comments2The PS4 will be a marginally more open platform for developers, but it’s clear Sony have always seen their role as curative - picking exceptional (and sometimes exceptionally weird) indie games from above, commissioning one of their internal teams to help out, and anointing them with exclusivity agreements. They’ve stepped up that process for their new console, and thechineseroom will likely be the first of many PC indies to be turned to the other side.
Mojang has a new vice president with a familiar face
CommentOver the last couple of years, Notch has been in the curious position of hiring his own bosses - first in CEO Carl Manneh, then in business developer Daniel Kaplan, and now in vice president Jonas Mårtensson. For those three at Mojang AB, an adapted version of the Gabe mantra from the Valve new employee handbook presumably applies: “Of all the people at this company who aren’t your boss, Notch is the MOST not your boss, if you get what we’re saying.”
Survarium Gets A New Trailer That Pits Scavengers Againts Black Market
Vostok Games has released a new trailer for its upcoming free-to-play MMOFPS, Survarium, that demonstrates PvP gameplay of Scavengers vs Black Market fighting on Rudnya location. As the team noted, this video was created based on an early version of the game and does not represent the final quality of the project. Enjoy! Continue reading
Uber Entertainment’s Developers Really Happy With Valve’s Steam Controller
Good news for Valve I guess, as developers have already given its Steam Controller a go and are quite happy with it. Uber Entertainment’s Chandana Ekanayake (Game Dev, Art Director and Exec Producer), Jonathan Mavor (CTO / Co-Founder) and Forrest Smith (Software Engineer) were happy with it, and they were not the only ones who tweeted/shared positive comments about Valve’s upcoming controller. Continue reading
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