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JEMC said:

You better play Heroes now because, if XCOM 2 is like the first one, you won't play anything else for days XD.

Oh I'll be playing Heroes for a while =P

Found my new waifu for the time being. She's hella op with this build, like a lot:

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
Ka-pi96 said:
Hey guys, could I run GTA V with my Nvidia GT 340?

I meet all the other specs, it's just the graphics card that I'm unsure about.

Just may be able to run it, but I'd say that it could be better to play the PS3 or 360 versions over the PC one on such low settings.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Okay, another month has passed and it's time again to take a look at Steam's hardware survey data.

Let's start with the bad news: they totally fucked up the DX11-section this month, resulting in a huge drop of DX11-compatible GPUs and a huge gain of "DX8 and below" GPUs:

I suppose, they flagged all DX11-GPUs with DX12-confirmation as "DX12" (leaving only a lot of mobile chips in the DX11-category), but forgot to add a DX12-category... so all these DX12-compatible GPUs they are counted as "DX 8 and below" and aren't shown at all.

But that's no big problem, since it is one of the odd month, where the additional "all video cards" section gets updated. And this list seems to be okay, at least all GPUs and GPU series tracked by me follow their trend of the previous months:

Conina said:

Still no separate "R7 300 series" or "R9 300 series" in the list. I suspect that the added "R7 series" are the "R7 300" GPUs and that the "R9 300" GPUs are hidden in the "R9 200 series"... why else should the R9 200 get that much growth?

My theory of last month seems to hold up: the unspecified "R7 series" had again huge gains, so it seems to be the "R7 300 series" and can be separated of the "R7 200 series" data. The R9 380, 380X, 390 and 390X on the other hand seem to be included in the "R9 200 series"... maybe Valve can't separate this GPU refresh of the R9 290X, 290, 280X...

The "R9 Fury series" is still not listed, but the GTX 980 Ti finally shows up with a bang: 0.66% is a fantastic share for such an expensive card! Neither the GTX 780 Ti nor all GTX Titans put together could reach such a Steam share in their best months (as far as I know).

With the added "GTX 980 Ti" data, both my GPU-selection of cards as capable as a PS4 (or at least an XBO, depends on the game) and my GPU-selection of VR-ready cards (even if a GTX 780 isn't officially counted by Nvidia as "VR-ready", it should be close enough performance-wise) get a big push:

Keep in mind that the growth of Steam accounts by 5 million users each month is just an educated guess based on former reported growth... it could be totally off! If Valve reports something like 150 million accounts in a few month instead of my expected numbers, it is easy to fix in my Excel file.

The former most popular GPU on Steam "Intel HD Graphics 4000" is still loing relevance very fast... from September to January it dropped from 3.87% to 3.19%. In the same time, the GTX 960 rose from 1.57% to 2.53% while the low priced GTX 750 Ti grew a bit slower from 1.92% to 2.44%. The "Intel HD Graphics 4400" seems to be standing still.

If these trends continue, both Nvidia cars should overtake the Intel chip in a few months, resulting in the following ranking: GTX 970 > GTX 960 > GTX 750 Ti > Intel HD 4000 & 4400.

Over and Out!

Ka-pi96 said:
JEMC said:

Just may be able to run it, but I'd say that it could be better to play the PS3 or 360 versions over the PC one on such low settings.

huh, well I have a PS4/Xbox One too so probably better off getting it on one of those over PC then.

The PS4/X1 versions are somewhat equal to what the PC version of GTA V would look on high, at 1080p and locked 30fps. Yeah, better get it on console.


@Conina: Thanks for the tables. It still irks me that Steam doesn't separate the different AMD cards by its name. I know that Nvidia dominates the market, but why do they list the 950, 960, 970, 980 and 980Ti (and the same goes for the 7 and 6xx series) and then go with a simple R7 or R9 with AMD? Cause an R9 270 is by no means close to what an R9 390X does!

Sorry, but I can't deal with it .

Also, that kind of ruins your "VR recommended" table as not all R9 cards meet the requirements.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

@Conina: ... Cause an R9 270 is by no means close to what an R9 390X does!

Also, that kind of ruins your "VR recommended" table as not all R9 cards meet the requirements.

Yeah, I know. Only a part of the R9-series will be VR-ready... I would guess half of them are "R9 290 - 390X" and the other half is "R9 270 - 280X". So perhaps I only count 50% of the R9-numbers. Could that work? Or is it too optimistic?

P.S.: I have an Uplay-key for Far Cry 3 to give away... anyone interested?

Around the Network
Conina said:
JEMC said:

@Conina: ... Cause an R9 270 is by no means close to what an R9 390X does!

Also, that kind of ruins your "VR recommended" table as not all R9 cards meet the requirements.

Yeah, I know. Only a part of the R9-series will be VR-ready... I would guess half of them are "R9 290 - 390X" and the other half is "R9 270 - 280X". So perhaps I only count 50% of the R9-numbers. Could that work? Or is it too optimistic?

Mid and low end cards usually sell better than high end cards. With that in mind, I'm affraid that that a 50/50 approach is too optimistic. 70/30 could be better.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
Conina said:

Yeah, I know. Only a part of the R9-series will be VR-ready... I would guess half of them are "R9 290 - 390X" and the other half is "R9 270 - 280X". So perhaps I only count 50% of the R9-numbers. Could that work? Or is it too optimistic?

Mid and low end cards usually sell better than high end cards. With that in mind, I'm affraid that that a 50/50 approach is too optimistic. 70/30 could be better.

Okay, I'm going with one third of the R9-series for now:

And if Nvidia should fuck the GTX 780 / 780Ti users by making these cards incompatible to Oculus Rift and Vive games (even if they are powerful enough), I'll delete these entries, too.

Hey guys, I have a story (don't worry, you can skip it. I'll mark with "+++" where it ends ) and a few questions for you.


Last Christmas my brother wanted to gift me The Witcher 3 but he couldn't find a copy (or so he says...) and instead gave me a 50 € Steam card. The "problem" is that he gave me that on Jan 6th for the Three Wise Men festivity and by then the Winter Sales were over and The Witcher 3 was back to 60 €, so out of budget.

But as we have seen, Valve has been kind enough to make a new Sale for the Chinese New Year and that gave me another oportunity to get the game but... why buy it now? You see, the game is 30 €, but I don't like to buy "incomplete" games (games without story or meaningful DLCs), and the Season Pass isn't on sale making the whole purchase again out of budget. Of course I could still get them but there are a couple of reasons that held me back:

1-I'm 100% sure that, like The Witcher and The Witcher 2, this one will get an Enhanced or whatever they call it edition with all the DLC.

2-My current PC can't run the game. I have an HD 5850 and the min. req. for the game is an HD 7870. That's something that won't change until this autumm (with luck) or early next year.

So I told him that, because I'm this weird and still see those 50 € as his money, and he has agreed with me to skip the game for now, but with one condition: I can buy a couple of games that I want, but I also have to buy another two that I normally wouldn't buy with my own money. And that's why I'm here.


Going with the questions, I have to ask about this games:

>Cities Skylines_ I like city builder games, I want this game and I'm ok with the price... but it has the problem of DLCs. I don't want another Civilization V case where after buying the vanilla game I ended up buying the Complete Edition because it was cheaper to buy that rather than the individual DLCs (that's why I haven't got Beyond Earth, waiting for the Complete Editions). Do you think they'll launch a "Complete Edition"? Do you believe that the Expansions go down in price?

>Fallout New Vegas_ I like RPGs and I would like to try the Fallout series. I could start with Fallout 3 but I'm on Win 7 and I don't want to go through the hassle of making it run. The thing is that I tried Oblivion (I didn't like it) and also Skyrim (found it 'meh'), so would you give it a try? After all, it comes from Obsidian rather than Bethesda. What do you think?

>Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag_ Like the first one, this is another weird question. After AC 3 I was happy to say goodbye to the AC series but I keep hearing that Black Flag is such a good game and that it's very different from the rest of the series. What do you think of the game? Would you get the game?

>State of Decay_ I like the concept of the game, but there's one thing that worries me: the world keeps going on while you're not playing. I'm worried that I could build a good camp, stop playing and once I come back one or two days later, find it all ripped apart. Have you played it? What would you do?

>Euro Truck Simulator 2_ I'm very curious to know what the hell has this game to have so many fans.


Meanwhile I've bought the complete edition of Anno 2070, that wasn't on sale during the WInter Sales.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Well I haven't really taken much of a crack at CS but I can guess the expansions will go down in price.

Fallout NV kinda bored me like Skyrim does, but only after hours and hours of playing. If you mod the game enough you're likely to get some more hours out of it or at least spice things up a bit.

I need to play State of decay again because it;s been quite a while since I last played. I managed to get to the first town and set up base but after some time the game feels too much like a task sim where you're always going out to do tasks for everyone and not get much in return, feels like a set given amount of results each time but that's just me when I end up playing games where you fetch this or that a lot, I really wish games stopped putting too much focus on you doing absolutely everything and not letting some characters do something on their own for a change.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

^Thanks for the input.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.