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JEMC said:

Ah, sh*t. I spoke a bit too early..

Regarding the 5090 article, we now have two sources saying that it will be a dual slot card. We'll see what magic can Nvidia do.

And who is missing from the handheld PC craze at this point? Are all the AIB parters going to make them now? First Asus, then MSI and now Zotac. How long until Gigabyte comes with one of their own? Or maybe Asrock?
Yeah, the market will soon get a bit too crowded.

My main gripe with this saturation of the market, is that all the others are just focusing on slightly higher res, lower battery life, not so great grip/button layout, and focusing on Windows.

I still feel like Valve nailed it, and that they just need a more refined model, while the rest are still left trying to figure out on what a handheld is meant to be (as in not a device that lasts 2-4hrs only, because they focus too much on screen size and OC'ing to hell and back). 

Also, seeing as how most of the models aren't exactly selling more than the Switch or even the Deck, I doubt they'll outlive the Deck anyway (also warranties seem to be an issue with the other handhelds and that's not exactly enticing for the customer). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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If true, 5090 feels more nerfed than I thought it would be. We will see when it comes to the actual performance tho.

Radeon team has pretty much been getting cucked post RDNA 2 in a lot of ways. Least AMD still has their CPU division but their GPU division needs a revamp or a secret sauce of some kind.

Honestly what we need from Valve is more horse power. If we can have Steam Deck 2 with Zen 5/4/3 with RDNA 4 which looks to be very power efficient with more battery, it would be perfect. As of right now, the deck is really good for older titles but really has a tough time with newer ones.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Well well, what do we have here?


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Yeah, no, this is just dumb on many levels.

Hulst added they are taking a different approach with their single-player, narrative-drive games. The hopes with bringing those games later on is that it will get PC players to buy a PlayStation console in order to play the sequels.

"But with our tentpole titles, our single-player narrative-drive titles that you saw in the presentation the backbone of what PlayStation Studios has delivered in recent years and in our history. We take a more strategic approach and we introduce our great franchises to new audiences and we are finding new audiences that are potentially going to be very interested in playing sequels on the PlayStation platform.

"We have high hopes that we are actually able to bring new players into PlayStation at large, but into PlayStation platforms specifically. 

"Actually the same goes for the work that we do with extending our great properties onto other media. Such as television series and film for example. As you have seen with The Last of Us on HBO or Gran Turismo, the film, that brings in new players into our franchises."

No Sony, you don't seem to quite get how this song & dance works...

See, you told me to get "two jobs" to afford your then PS3 system... then it breaks while still under warranty and yet you refused a free fix or even replacement, so I moved to Xbox. Then I move from Xbox back to PC again and now you want me to come back to benefit your shitty PSN user count?.

Unless you've got the cure to cancer I don't give a shit on where you want me, I ain't moving, and I'm not signing up to your lil walled garden of shit. You want me as a customer?, you sell me the games on Steam, where the majority sell on. Stop being such a pissy little child about trying to dodge the 30% cut down the road (because I know they are, they'd rather you be on their console where they get 100%, than on Steam where they get 70%, and we know they'll prop up a store in time to get that 100% back on PC) and just sell me the damn games day and date or don't bother.

MS was at least more tact with how they approached PC. Yeah they tried pushing Win store heavily at first, but then they realised that wasn't going anywhere, so they went with Steam, and trying to passively slide their other shitty client on the wayside (like I'll ever go there), but at least they got the message and decided to play along. Sony's just being really obnoxious/obvious now with how they clearly want to retain a higher cut, despite them already being so big of a corp, but that they would also value PSN over simply selling copies on Steam day 1.

It's like the most baffling, most stupid strategy I've seen in years, and it's based on the basics of simply selling a product to the consumer, and they can't seem to even get that done properly. 

MS has obviously been doing shit and getting called out for their usual dues, but Sony this year are just being especially annoying, in that they refuse to play along and do something so basic. Their values are also entirely in the wrong place. The ecosystem warring is so stupid, because half these corps think they can bag the whole planet into their walled garden, and well, shit just doesn't work like that, so rather than trying to bag the planet, why not just sell to those who could buy from you without the extra hoops?, surely the money is more important than some shitty user count that won't even begin to matter in 50-100 years time.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

JEMC said:

Sucks to be AMD right now.

I do wonder if the lower demand for its MI300X is because the market has bought the Nvidia hype and refuses to buy AI products from other brands.

Everyone and their mother wants to move away ASAP from Huang's insanely priced hardware. The thing is, they will want to replace Tesla GPUs with their own in-house product, not AMD's alternative.

And that's assuming generative AI proves to be a viable product, an AI winter soon due to diminishing returns in LLMs would screw AMD all the same. Nvidia too, but at least they'd have gaming to fall back into.






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Chazore said:
JEMC said:

Ah, sh*t. I spoke a bit too early..

Regarding the 5090 article, we now have two sources saying that it will be a dual slot card. We'll see what magic can Nvidia do.

And who is missing from the handheld PC craze at this point? Are all the AIB parters going to make them now? First Asus, then MSI and now Zotac. How long until Gigabyte comes with one of their own? Or maybe Asrock?
Yeah, the market will soon get a bit too crowded.

My main gripe with this saturation of the market, is that all the others are just focusing on slightly higher res, lower battery life, not so great grip/button layout, and focusing on Windows.

I still feel like Valve nailed it, and that they just need a more refined model, while the rest are still left trying to figure out on what a handheld is meant to be (as in not a device that lasts 2-4hrs only, because they focus too much on screen size and OC'ing to hell and back). 

Also, seeing as how most of the models aren't exactly selling more than the Switch or even the Deck, I doubt they'll outlive the Deck anyway (also warranties seem to be an issue with the other handhelds and that's not exactly enticing for the customer). 

The problem is that better efficiency comes from more efficient hardware, and that relies on AMD or Intel. They can't really use lower power settings because they'd love with the others in terms of performance, and most people judge a product by how it performs, simple as that. The other option is a bigger battery, like Asus plans to do with the Ally X, but that comes at a price: it makes the device both more expensive and also heavier, which is something people don't like.

So yeah, it's not like there's much they can do, can they?

Valve "nailed" it because they use their own OS, taylored to that AMD hardware. That's why they still haven't released their SteamOS to the public.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

If true, 5090 feels more nerfed than I thought it would be. We will see when it comes to the actual performance tho.

Radeon team has pretty much been getting cucked post RDNA 2 in a lot of ways. Least AMD still has their CPU division but their GPU division needs a revamp or a secret sauce of some kind.

Honestly what we need from Valve is more horse power. If we can have Steam Deck 2 with Zen 5/4/3 with RDNA 4 which looks to be very power efficient with more battery, it would be perfect. As of right now, the deck is really good for older titles but really has a tough time with newer ones.

The GB202 will likely be a bigger chip than the AD102, which will likely make getting perfect chips difficult. It makes sense that Nvidia will go for a slightly cut down version to have enough working chips.

Plus they can use the perfect ones with their more profitable enterprise products.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Well well, what do we have here?

Congratulations, lucky you! I'm sure you'll enjoy it and its great blacks.

If you haven't read it, you may want to check a TFTCentral article where they find that some OLED monitors have brighter images when choosing the “True Black 400” option instead of "Peak 1000":

It may come in handy.

haxxiy said:
JEMC said:

Sucks to be AMD right now.

I do wonder if the lower demand for its MI300X is because the market has bought the Nvidia hype and refuses to buy AI products from other brands.

Everyone and their mother wants to move away ASAP from Huang's insanely priced hardware. The thing is, they will want to replace Tesla GPUs with their own in-house product, not AMD's alternative.

And that's assuming generative AI proves to be a viable product, an AI winter soon due to diminishing returns in LLMs would screw AMD all the same. Nvidia too, but at least they'd have gaming to fall back into.

So, it doesn't matter what they do, they can't win. Yeah, it sucks to be AMD right now. 

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Well well, what do we have here?

Grats! Should be a massive upgrade over your current one. Really want to upgrade too, but prices in the UK are high AF rn.

I guess if the 5090 is nerfed enough I'll save money and still with my 4090.

I want a deck but want to see what the deck 2 looks like. I'm hopeful for a solid jump in performance.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

So GoW Ragnarök requires PSN for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME, which means that this is the way they're going with from here on out, which also means I'm just gonna go back to ignoring them again.

I know where this is headed. They are going to setup for a PSN store client/launcher and pull a Ubisoft, siphon from Steam's popularity, but require you to use PSN and their client alongside Steam, meaning they gain access to the bigger audience pool and have full control and two venues to profit from (Ubisoft does this, but to not much success if any, so I'm certain Sony thinks it can pull this off better than Ubisoft.

This also means for the time being, those territories that do not support PSN will simply be fucked over until Sony sorts something out (which I imagine they are very slowly working on, because why go to these insane lengths to push PSN if they're not going to try getting all territories to support it?).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:

So GoW Ragnarök requires PSN for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME, which means that this is the way they're going with from here on out, which also means I'm just gonna go back to ignoring them again.

I know where this is headed. They are going to setup for a PSN store client/launcher and pull a Ubisoft, siphon from Steam's popularity, but require you to use PSN and their client alongside Steam, meaning they gain access to the bigger audience pool and have full control and two venues to profit from (Ubisoft does this, but to not much success if any, so I'm certain Sony thinks it can pull this off better than Ubisoft.

This also means for the time being, those territories that do not support PSN will simply be fucked over until Sony sorts something out (which I imagine they are very slowly working on, because why go to these insane lengths to push PSN if they're not going to try getting all territories to support it?).

I assume a PSN login, but not an actual online fee based account?  

Hopefully Ragnarok does somewhat poorly and Sony changes their mind quickly.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED