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Slimebeast said:
A Geforce 980Ti is only 50% faster than a Geforce GTX 970. So of course the Geforce GTX 1070 will beat a 980Ti, and we should expect a Radeon 480X to be at least on par with a R9 Fury X.

Like JEMC said, a new architecture plus process shrink is a big thing. Historically it means twice the power.

JEMC, what GPU do you have now?

I have an old and trusty HD 5850. So yeah, I need an upgrade .


Bofferbrauer said:

You said 1070/480 would be as strong as Titan/Fury, not 980/390. You would have to compare the 6970 with the 7770, the 6770 with the 5870, the GTX 560 with the GTX 480 and so on, all of which would fail hard.

If you meant 980/390 with high-end, then I misunderstood you, but when someone says high-end graka I always assume their biggest consumer models, which would be Titan and Fury. 1070/480 being at least ± as strong as 980/390 is basically what needs to happen every generation - unless they're both stalling (3770 vs 2900 XT/ 8800 GTX vs 9800GTX comes to mind)

As for watercooling (Fury X cooling solution), not everyone likes that, for different reasons: too complex, too cumbersome, not silent enough (pumping noises, noisy condensators depending on design) and a general fear of mixing water with electricity. I wouldn't want one, btw, even though my case is made for watercooling

I'll be honest here, with the silly line up that AMD has, I treat the X and non-X variants as the same, so I take the 390 and 390X as the same thing and the 380 and 380X also as the same thing. That's why I used the 480 as their second best design.

I know that it's not the proper way or the best to talk about them, but let's face it: AMD has too many cards on the market. Let's look at the cards now on the market, shall we?

Nvidia AMD
- R7 360
GTX 950 R7 370 / 370X
GTX 960 R9 380 / 380X
GTX 970 R9 390 / 390X
GTX 980 Fury Nano / Fury
GTX 980Ti Fury X

(Note that I haven't listed the Titan because it's an halo product designed for those with more money than brains, so it doesn't really count).

That's 10 cards to compete against 5. And the worst of all is that some of those cards compete with each other, not only in price but also in performance. Just look at the 390X, Fury and Fury Nano, all of them fighting the same spot that the 980 occupies but with price differences of up to 200 $/€ betwen them. It's simply stupid.

So, going back to our discussion, when I say that the future R9 480 should be faster or on par than Fury, I mean that the 480X should be on par or faster than the Nano and Fury with a chance to beat the Fury X. And the same goes for Nvidia's 1070, which will easily beat the 980 and should come close if not beat the 980Ti.


fatslob-:O said:

A new microarchitecture only improves performance by 10% from now on. The reason why the newer GPUs are performing better has to do with the fact that games are now designed to be compute limited so flops will actually matter this time when it comes to game performance ... 

2x transistors =/= 2x performance ...

You can't expect perfect scaling when it comes to increasing shader resources ... 

I know that comparing the number of transistors doesn't translate into actual performance, that doesn't even work with the TFlops battle that console users have embraced this gen (otherwise the 7970 and 290X should have destroyed their competitors, and they didn't).

But the combination of a lor more transistors (the never trustworthy rumors say that both Nvidia and AMD's high end chips will have around 15-18 billion), the improvements from new architectures and the use of HBM2 with up to 1Tb/s of bandwidth should provide a nice and hefty bump in performance.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
JEMC said:

I have an old and trusty HD 5850. So yeah, I need an upgrade .


Bofferbrauer said:

You said 1070/480 would be as strong as Titan/Fury, not 980/390. You would have to compare the 6970 with the 7770, the 6770 with the 5870, the GTX 560 with the GTX 480 and so on, all of which would fail hard.

If you meant 980/390 with high-end, then I misunderstood you, but when someone says high-end graka I always assume their biggest consumer models, which would be Titan and Fury. 1070/480 being at least ± as strong as 980/390 is basically what needs to happen every generation - unless they're both stalling (3770 vs 2900 XT/ 8800 GTX vs 9800GTX comes to mind)

As for watercooling (Fury X cooling solution), not everyone likes that, for different reasons: too complex, too cumbersome, not silent enough (pumping noises, noisy condensators depending on design) and a general fear of mixing water with electricity. I wouldn't want one, btw, even though my case is made for watercooling

I'll be honest here, with the silly line up that AMD has, I treat the X and non-X variants as the same, so I take the 390 and 390X as the same thing and the 380 and 380X also as the same thing. That's why I used the 480 as their second best design.

I know that it's not the proper way or the best to talk about them, but let's face it: AMD has too many cards on the market. Let's look at the cards now on the market, shall we?

Nvidia AMD
- R7 360
GTX 950 R7 370 / 370X
GTX 960 R9 380 / 380X
GTX 970 R9 390 / 390X
GTX 980 Fury Nano / Fury
GTX 980Ti Fury X

(Note that I haven't listed the Titan because it's an halo product designed for those with more money than brains, so it doesn't really count).

That's 10 cards to compete against 5. And the worst of all is that some of those cards compete with each other, not only in price but also in performance. Just look at the 390X, Fury and Fury Nano, all of them fighting the same spot that the 980 occupies but with price differences of up to 200 $/€ betwen them. It's simply stupid.

So, going back to our discussion, when I say that the future R9 480 should be faster or on par than Fury, I mean that the 480X should be on par or faster than the Nano and Fury with a chance to beat the Fury X. And the same goes for Nvidia's 1070, which will easily beat the 980 and should come close if not beat the 980Ti.

And I've got a 5770, even worse

Not listing Titan but listing Fury due to the initial pricepoint is silly imo. Also, NVidia has put the lower Maxwell chips into the GeForce 700 lineup for some reason, so you would have to add 745, 750 and 750Ti. As a result, AMD only would have 1 card more than NVidia, and imo that's the Nano, as it caters for a very special market (powerful mini PCs) where NVidia has no equivalent card.

Bofferbrauer said:

And I've got a 5770, even worse

Not listing Titan but listing Fury due to the initial pricepoint is silly imo. Also, NVidia has put the lower Maxwell chips into the GeForce 700 lineup for some reason, so you would have to add 745, 750 and 750Ti. As a result, AMD only would have 1 card more than NVidia, and imo that's the Nano, as it caters for a very special market (powerful mini PCs) where NVidia has no equivalent card.

We're both in need of an upgrade.

I forgot about the 7x0 seris Maxwell cards, it's true and I admit my mistake, but that doesn't change anything because I also haven't listed the R5 230, R7 240 and R7 250, and the main problem still remains: AMD still has too many cards in the mid to high end of the market. They should get rid of the non-X variants and simplify its lineup.

And if I haven't listed the Titan X is for its price and because they are refered as a prosumer card. And I don't know what Fury has to do with it as it's priced as the 980Ti, which is its main competition.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
Bofferbrauer said:

And I've got a 5770, even worse

Not listing Titan but listing Fury due to the initial pricepoint is silly imo. Also, NVidia has put the lower Maxwell chips into the GeForce 700 lineup for some reason, so you would have to add 745, 750 and 750Ti. As a result, AMD only would have 1 card more than NVidia, and imo that's the Nano, as it caters for a very special market (powerful mini PCs) where NVidia has no equivalent card.

We're both in need of an upgrade.

I forgot about the 7x0 seris Maxwell cards, it's true and I admit my mistake, but that doesn't change anything because I also haven't listed the R5 230, R7 240 and R7 250, and the main problem still remains: AMD still has too many cards in the mid to high end of the market. They should get rid of the non-X variants and simplify its lineup.

And if I haven't listed the Titan X is for its price and because they are refered as a prosumer card. And I don't know what Fury has to do with it as it's priced as the 980Ti, which is its main competition.

Well unlike the Maxwells (not sure about the 745 though) the Oland cards are all OEM only, dunno how they count. NVidia also has their old Kepler/Fermi entry chips for OEM only purposes, mostly because companies still rarely use the iGP and prefer have a cheap graphics card.

I could agree with the 360/370(X), as they are very close performance wise. I'm pretty sure Tonga will replace them as 470(X), and Bonaire might possibly become OEM only. The 380s and 390s however each fill their niches, as do the Furys and Nano (it's not called Fury Nano btw, just Nano).

What does needs to end is the endless variants (2GiB, 3GiB, 4GiB, 8GiB, Ghz edition...), there only shall be one for each chip. This would clean up AMDs lineup already quite a bit.

Bofferbrauer said:
JEMC said:
Bofferbrauer said:

And I've got a 5770, even worse

Not listing Titan but listing Fury due to the initial pricepoint is silly imo. Also, NVidia has put the lower Maxwell chips into the GeForce 700 lineup for some reason, so you would have to add 745, 750 and 750Ti. As a result, AMD only would have 1 card more than NVidia, and imo that's the Nano, as it caters for a very special market (powerful mini PCs) where NVidia has no equivalent card.

We're both in need of an upgrade.

I forgot about the 7x0 seris Maxwell cards, it's true and I admit my mistake, but that doesn't change anything because I also haven't listed the R5 230, R7 240 and R7 250, and the main problem still remains: AMD still has too many cards in the mid to high end of the market. They should get rid of the non-X variants and simplify its lineup.

And if I haven't listed the Titan X is for its price and because they are refered as a prosumer card. And I don't know what Fury has to do with it as it's priced as the 980Ti, which is its main competition.

Well unlike the Maxwells (not sure about the 745 though) the Oland cards are all OEM only, dunno how they count. NVidia also has their old Kepler/Fermi entry chips for OEM only purposes, mostly because companies still rarely use the iGP and prefer have a cheap graphics card.

I could agree with the 360/370(X), as they are very close performance wise. I'm pretty sure Tonga will replace them as 470(X), and Bonaire might possibly become OEM only. The 380s and 390s however each fill their niches, as do the Furys and Nano (it's not called Fury Nano btw, just Nano).

What does needs to end is the endless variants (2GiB, 3GiB, 4GiB, 8GiB, Ghz edition...), there only shall be one for each chip. This would clean up AMDs lineup already quite a bit.

Well, I can find those AMD cards on different stores. Either they aren't OEM only, or it happens the same as the Windows OEM licences.

Also, rumors say the AMD will launch the new cards during the next Summer. Let's hope they listen to us.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
BasilZero said:

I need a ugprade to my PC too.

But I'm gonna build a new one altogether.

The one I have right now is a 2010 HP Pavilion pre-built PC with the only thing I changed was I added a HD Radeon 7850 2GB OC card.

Next one I wanna focus on maybe getting dual cards, 16 or more GB of RAM and a powerful processor. Not only for gaming but for the fact that I render/edit footage from Sony Vegas and that requires a lot of power.


Right now most of my gaming videos are 720p/30 FPS  and my non-gaming vids are 1080p 60 FPS (but they are short).

If I wanna make 20 to 25 min footage with 1080p and 60 FPS - I'll need a stronger PC otherwise I'll be seeing 3-4 rendering for each vid which wont cut it lol....


2016 Holiday! Cant wait ;)!

I'm already thinking of getting a new CPU, I;m sprting an i5-4670k but I'm thinking of going for an i7 for my own video editing purposes, already ordered myself 16gb kit since RTS titles like Planetary Annihilation are now asking for 12gb RAM and Ashes of a Singularity. Also going for another 980 enxt year since I quite fancy the whole SLI steup.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

@Basil: I woldn't go with dual cards, Basil. There's always problems with the drivers as well as other things (noise, power usage, etc).

It's better to get a single, more expensive and powerful card than two lower end ones.


@Chazore: Hey, we have the same CPU! Lucky me I don't edit videos, so I don't need a new one.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The news:

The Tech Report co-creator and Editor-in-Chief Scott Wasson is leaving the site to join AMD



With the release of Just Cause 3, a lot of gamers wondered why the game performs so horribly on both the PC and current-gen consoles, especially when Mad Max was a top-notch title. Was it because the game was developed by the New York studio of Avalanche (and not the Stockholm one that was responsible for Mad Max)? Or is it more of a technical issue? And why was Mad Max supporting SLI but not Just Cause 3? Well, Avalanche Studios has detailed the differences between the Mad Max and the Just Cause 3 engines.



One of the most annoying things in Fallout 4 is when the players gets stuck on terminals. That’s a really awful bug that passed Bethesda’s Q&A. Thankfully, the team has released a new beta patch on Steam that fixes this issue. Moreover, this beta patch brings general memory and stability improvements.



SteamSpy has revealed the November sales numbers for Valve’s distribution service, Steam. According to the stats, more than 35 million copies of games were sold last month. Contrary to our previous report, this one focuses only on the sales that were generated by priced titles (in other words, it does not include free-to-play titles or free weekends sales).

Comparing November’s sales stats with September’s stats, we can see that the figure was raised from 28 million copies of games to almost 36 million copies.

Here are some initial stats:

Total copies sold: 35,943,283
Average price: $5.83
Average discount: 53.34%



Gamestar has shared a video, showcasing the PC version of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. Thankfully, this particular video also revealed the in-game graphics settings for Capcom’s upcoming action RPG, giving us a glimpse at what PC gamers will be able to adjust/tweak in order to enjoy it.



Epic Games has released a new teaser trailer for its upcoming PC title, Paragon, revealing a new in-game playable hero called Drux. Paragon is coming to the PC in early 2016 and will feature five playable characters. And at least from what we’ve seen, we can safely say that it will feature highly detailed in-game characters.

>>Yes, that's a pic of me. But don't judge me, it was early morning and I had a bad night.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

BasilZero said:
JEMC said:

@Basil: I woldn't go with dual cards, Basil. There's always problems with the drivers as well as other things (noise, power usage, etc).

It's better to get a single, more expensive and powerful card than two lower end ones.


Hmm so what card you guys suggest?


Nvidia Titan? Also whats the AMD equivalent to it?

Why do you want a Titan X when a 980Ti is just a tiny bit slower but costs a lot less? And there's no AMD counterpart for the Titan X, the Fury cards "compete" with the 980Ti and, given that they only have 4GB of VRAM, a 980Ti is the better option.

But that's if you want to upgrade now. If you plan to upgrade next Christmas, everything will have changed.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.


I dabbled in the Warhammer: The End Times: Vermintide beta, but being bad at things with strangers on the internet has never been my bag. Ian, however, loved it. Like, 90-score, Editor’s Choice loved it, and apparently 300,000 of you did too, because today developer Fatshark is releasing some free DLC to celebrate.

>>Follow the link to see the trailer of this free DLC.



The latest Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, "Decks Assemble!" sounds like a good one. You'll begin with a small deck and hand of preset cards, and will discover a new card at the beginning of each turn. When you play a card, a copy of it is shuffled into your deck, and at the end of your turn, your whole hand is returned to the deck and replaced with four randomly-drawn cards.



Last year, Overkill released John Wick DLC for Payday 2 that brought the Keanu Reeves action-thriller into the game with a new playable character, weapons, and three—three!—pairs of sunglasses. Now the studio's got something very similar in the works for Point Break. Unlike its predecessor, however, this DLC is not based on the Keanu Reeves action-thriller, but rather the upcoming, entirely unnecessary (and probably dreadful) remake that will feature Luke Bracey in the Reeves role of Johnny Utah.

>>Again, follow the link to see the trailer.



The upcoming fantasy MMO Black Desert Online is now taking registrations for its first closed beta, which will run from December 16 to December 22. The beta promises a number of improvements over the alpha test that wrapped up last month, including greater character customization options, improved class balance, and better weather cycles.



How do you move on from a game like The Stanley Parable? It's hard not to typecast indie devs who suddenly find a breakout game to their name, but Stanley co-creator William Pugh's new studio, Crows Crows Crows, looks to have something... different in the works. Different how I couldn't tell you.



After one of the most effective marketing campaigns in recent crowdfunding memory, Indivisible has reached and exceeded its $1,500,000 IndieGogo asking price. That means if you enjoyed the playable prototype – which is still available on the IndieGogo page – you can expect more in 2017.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.