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Chazore said:

haxxiy said:

But in this case, Linus boasted about "getting the facts straight and ppl acknowledging them", and yet GN pointed out how wrong he was with his own findings which turned out to be true, thus fact.

So really it's Linus bullshit and borked data vs GN's actual data and sources, along with a dev who got fucked over, because Linus was too lazy to shell out another 400.

Linus needs to just take the L and course correct before shit gets worse (believe me, it will with this kind of information, and a dev who's been fucked over, it will spread over time). 

Except for the cooler thing, the rest are non-points. Reviews of PC components are all over the place over the internet because measurement can be done in so many different ways with so many different conditions, some of which are beyond the reviewer's understanding or control.

Of course, if methods change, or something is measured again, they should be open about it, but I don't think GN understands enough of the null hypothesis to realize this proves nothing (well, it does, just not the damning case he thought he had).






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JEMC said:

Thank you both for your comments.

I agree with some of the points raised, the way they handled that prototype cooler was shameful, but other complains feel a bit like... nitpicking.

What other complaints?, you mean the data that was off?.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

Thank you both for your comments.

I agree with some of the points raised, the way they handled that prototype cooler was shameful, but other complains feel a bit like... nitpicking.

What other complaints?, you mean the data that was off?.

Given that I haven't watched the video, I'm using Cyran and Yuri's comments as a basis:

As far as I know, LTT didn't insult neither GN nor HU. He merely said, during the 7600 or 4060Ti 16GB review (I don't know which one), that they had retested all the cards with the latest drivers, unlike the other two sites. That is factually true. Hardware Unboxed answered stating that they do a couple of retest and, if they don't see any changes, they reuse the old data. I don't know if GamersNexus said anything about that before this video, but they post the month and year of the data in their reviews, proving that they don't repeat all the tests every time.

And it's fine, you don't need to repeat all the tests all the time because, more often than not, the results will be the same, but sometimes they change, and you can check the re-review of the 7900XT that HU did a couple weeks ago. So, if some site has the resources and manpower to repeat the tests, then all the better for us.

Another one, using the success of LMG as an argument against it because it has over 100 employees and a CEO is ridiculous. So what, if someone does well and succeeds in life then he no longer can be trusted? What kind of BS is that?

The amount of videos that have to be done in a week surprised me. How can videos do they post on their other site, the plane one? Because they don't post that many videos in Youtube per week.

My last argument would be less of a nitpick and more of a warning. GamerNexus has zero evidence that Linus, LTT or the new CEO are being dishonest because of their past employers or partnerships. Expressing his "concerns" about it in a video where he criticises other LTT practices may give the wrong idea that this is a reality, not a simple possibility. It's a dangerous suggestion that not only damages LTT's credibility, but also puts in question GN's real intention behind this video.

GamersNexus isn't perfect, and they've also edited videos with some text overlay to fix mistakes, although not as many times as LTT (obviously given that they also make a lot less content), and they should be cautios when makes certain claims, or it could backfire and damage their own reputation.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
Cyran said:

The general theme is



Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

From Gaf but I'd seriously watch it. There's some "holy fuck, that is fucked up" moments:


Thank you both for your comments.

I agree with some of the points raised, the way they handled that prototype cooler was shameful, but other complains feel a bit like... nitpicking.

While any individual incident by it self I would not consider a big deal and could be consider nitpicking when looking at a arrogate and the trend where it becomes a bigger issue for me.  There is examples in the video where  mistakes is made.  It corrected.  Then in a future video the same mistake is made.  This is a break down in the process that need to be addressed.

From a larger picture this is my personal interoperation of what going on and could be completely wrong but this is how I see it.

Linus on one hand want LMG to be this large company that not consider just a YouTube channel.  From there merchandise operation, to there floatplane.  On the other hand Linus want his fellow youtubers and viewers to hold him personally and his videos on youtube as if he your typical youtuber.  He want his personal relationship with people to factor into how they are reported on.  Rather them being viewed as a 100 million dollar company with well over 100 employees.  For example if it was still just Linus and Luke then using there personal reputation to back there product is different them when CEO/Owner of a 100 million dollar company says it.

If you read Linus responses it always come down to we trying out best and that people like Steve should know my intentions are good and they honest mistakes and it wrong for them to personally go after me.  While my guess Steve view is he not going after Linus personally but instead holding a 100 million company to the same standard he would hold any other company and Linus the person/youtuber is separate from Linus head of LMG.  

Further more you can read between the lines of some of the stuff said in video (in my opinion as this is never directly said in video) that on one hand LMG get special treatment for being such a large company like direct contact with a google representation and the ability to replace a video with another video (most youtubers would have to remove old video and upload a new video instead of replacing it and keeping view count/comments).  Both things GameNexus don't have but on the other hand because they such a large company and release so much content that they should get a pass for making mistakes since Linus cant check every video for errors anymore.  While GameNexus view is that as a large company that get special privilege's they have a even greater responsibility to put processes in place to find issues.  You don't get to have special privilege's and less responsibility at the same time. 

My personal feeling is that all of game nexus criticism is fair and true, it is also true I don't think Linus intentions or goals are bad.  I think problem is that Linus not capable of separating criticism of his company from personal attacks and on one hand he want to make this self sustaining company that could operate without him but on other hand he still view content creation, processes and criticism as if it was still just him and Luke making video which leaves him blind to changes that need to be made to operate at the scale they currently operate on and the standards they should expect other people to hold them too.  Maybe the new CEO will actually help in this regard if Linus actually lets him.

The Tuesday news:


Steam's Top 10

(Click here for the top 100)

Steam has several new deals and weeklong deals:

The Humble Store has two new sales:

Fanatical ... give it 5 more minutes There you have it: there are two 24 hours Flash Deals




Red Dead Redemption 2 Mod restores content that was cut from it
Modder ‘roastedflamingo’ has released a new mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 that restores content that was cut from it. This mod, titled “Cut Dialogue Enhanced”, restores unused combat lines and miscellaneous player lines.
Going into more details, this mod is heavily inspired by Cut Dialogue Restoration and Enhancement. For those unaware, Cut Dialogue Restoration and Enhancement restores a lot of the cut dialogue seamlessly, with the new dialogue being fully animated and working exactly like standard ambient lines.
Cut Dialogue Enhanced basically expands on it, restoring all the Combat taunts and lines that were not included like Dialogue for buying items, starting a Fight, getting a bullet almost hitting your Character, Winning a fight, buying Clothes, etc.
>> There's an almost 5 minutes video of the mod.

Baldur's Gate 3 modder haphazardly adds lone wolf mode inspired by Divinity 2: 'I have not playtested this mod for more than an hour'
If I got to redesign Baldur's Gate 3 to fit my specific preferences, the first thing I'd do is get rid of the party system. My posse of Shadowheart, Astarion, and Karlach is great, but my favorite character to roleplay is the wandering ronin—the problem solver with an air of mystery who can take care of himself (Geralt of Rivia, essentially). But alas, BG3 is built with a full party of four in mind. You could try to fly solo, but difficulty doesn't scale to smaller parties, so fights would inevitably become impossibly punishing. Unless mods can save the day.
A new mod from Nexus user Mordread256 aims to make solo play viable with buffs inspired by a perk from Larian's previous RPG, Divinity: Original Sin 2. "Lone Wolf" attempts to even the odds in fights by giving the player character extra opportunities to attack and a quicker leveling curve.
>> There are no screenshots nor videos in the article.


Armored Core 6 gets official PC system requirements
Bandai Namco and FromSoftware have revealed the official PC system requirements for Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon. These PC specs also confirm the game’s Ray Tracing, which will be only available in the garage. In other words, Armored Core 6 won’t have any Ray Tracing effects during gameplay.

First 13 minutes of gameplay from Unreal Engine 5-powered Lords of the Fallen
IGN has shared a video, showcasing the first 13 minutes of gameplay from the upcoming Unreal Engine 5-powered action RPG, Lords of the Fallen.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage will have Denuvo and VMProtect DRM
Yesterday, Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Mirage has gone Gold and that it will release on week earlier. So, the game’s new release date is October 5th. And, from the looks of it, Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be using the Denuvo anti-tamper tech and the VMProtect DRM.

Last edited by JEMC - on 15 August 2023

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

Tuesday news, the sequel:

Gallowspire Survivors, a mash-up of Pathfinder and Vampire Survivors, comes to Steam Early Access on September 14
The age of Pathfinder videogames seems to be upon us. Following solid CRPG Kingmaker and its sequel Wrath of the Righteous, just recently we saw the announcement of action-RPG Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults. And joining the party very soon, from the same developer as Abomination Vaults, is Gallowspire Survivors—the biggest divergence from the tabletop game yet. Launching in Steam Early Access on September 14, it combines the setting of Pathfinder with the gameplay of Vampire Survivors.

The events leading up to Starfield include a war, the founding of a space detective agency, and another war
Starfield is less than a month away and the drip-feed of information about the space RPG continues: Bethesda has published a timeline of events leading from the fictional colonization of Mars in 2050 to the beginning of the game in 2330.

Thank God, Baldur's Gate 3 will eventually let you change your character's looks
Fellow fans of a mid-playthrough character makeover rejoice, for Baldur's Gate 3 should be rectifying its biggest mistake sometime in the future.
I have been desperate to give my Baldur's Gate 3 protagonist a makeover for hours now, and thankfully it seems like I'll be able to do it in the future. Twitter user TheTrustedTitan went to director of publishing Michael Douse to say what we've all been thinking: "Sir please let me change how i look in the game. I'm BEGGING!!!!"

Larian boss says we should think of Baldur's Gate 3's entire first act as the tutorial
I've struggled at times on Baldur's Gate 3's normal difficulty, so I can only imagine how it feels for players who are brand new to D&D or Larian RPGs. With very little explanation, it chucks hotbars full of terms like "bonus action," "cantrip," spell slot," and so much more at players. If it feels like you missed a tutorial, you're not the only one, but in an interview with PC Gamer last week, Larian founder Swen Vincke contested that there is a tutorial in Baldur's Gate 3, just not a traditional step-by-step guide. It's all of Act 1.
>> And be careful if you save a lot, you may be using a lot of space.

This debuff in Remnant 2 keeps catching players off guard by making them rip out their friends' throats
I'm never going to stop learning new things about Remnant 2—I've played through one of its worlds, Losomn, about three different times on three different playthroughs. I've still never encountered this event, and if I played through it solo, I might never have spotted this hilarious interaction.
For those new to Remnant 2, each playthrough is technically unique, with a mosaic of procedurally-arranged story beats and encounters to blast through. You'll eventually come to recognise all of them, sure, but it still makes for an experience with plenty of surprises. For example, there's a debuff that makes you do this when you try to revive a teammate.

Diablo 4's trading system is suspended indefinitely while Blizzard tries to stop dupers exploiting it to clone ill-gotten fortunes
Hey, nice pain shards you've got there, my friend. Want to trade them for my collection of unfomented wound imps? Well too bad, because Diablo 4 just suspended trading indefinitely while Blizzard tries to get on top of a player-reported bug in the system that lets scallywags and rascals use it to duplicate their gold and items.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

haxxiy said:
Chazore said:

But in this case, Linus boasted about "getting the facts straight and ppl acknowledging them", and yet GN pointed out how wrong he was with his own findings which turned out to be true, thus fact.

So really it's Linus bullshit and borked data vs GN's actual data and sources, along with a dev who got fucked over, because Linus was too lazy to shell out another 400.

Linus needs to just take the L and course correct before shit gets worse (believe me, it will with this kind of information, and a dev who's been fucked over, it will spread over time). 

Except for the cooler thing, the rest are non-points. Reviews of PC components are all over the place over the internet because measurement can be done in so many different ways with so many different conditions, some of which are beyond the reviewer's understanding or control.

Of course, if methods change, or something is measured again, they should be open about it, but I don't think GN understands enough of the null hypothesis to realize this proves nothing (well, it does, just not the damning case he thought he had).

The issue isn't whether or not Linus makes mistakes or their reviews are different than everyone else, the issue is LTTs unwillingness to correct those mistakes and learn from them but even when they correct them, it's either very late or they only correct some of them. In the 4090 video, there were several issues. First the 4090 being 3x faster than 3090 Ti in Cyberpunk and the second was a 3090 Ti being 60% faster than a 3090 in Shadow of Tomb Raider. Anyone with any technical knowledge about Ampere should have been able to catch that easily. People in the comment section pointed out both but not only did it take several days for LTT to correct the Cyberpunk issue, they never bothered correcting the Shadow of Tomb Raider issue. With Youtube video, time matters especially because the initial days gets the most amount of views. And there's plenty more examples in the video of such cases where it really should have been obvious that there was something wrong with the data.

The other issue is they keep giving bad advise regardless of the data or end up with the wrong conclusion based on bad data and they do not redo testing to correct it. For example the NH-D15. Linus contentiously says it can take on any CPU while his own data shows that a 13900K thermal throttles to 13700K speeds. Yet his conclusion doesn't change on repeated videos. If a casual user buys a NH-D15 and pairs it up with a 13900K thanks to his advise and sees that it thermal throttles, it's a bad experience. And the mouse review that was mentioned where they didn't take the tape off. The list goes on.

The key thing is that this isn't just one video, this happens continuously even to this date. Even the last video they posted yesterday had issues if you read the comment sections. Reviewers can make mistakes but they need to correct and learn from them. They shouldn't just do what LTT is doing and rush videos out with mistakes after mistakes with the unwillingness to correct them and learn from them.

JEMC said:
Chazore said:

What other complaints?, you mean the data that was off?.

Given that I haven't watched the video, I'm using Cyran and Yuri's comments as a basis:

As far as I know, LTT didn't insult neither GN nor HU. He merely said, during the 7600 or 4060Ti 16GB review (I don't know which one), that they had retested all the cards with the latest drivers, unlike the other two sites. That is factually true. Hardware Unboxed answered stating that they do a couple of retest and, if they don't see any changes, they reuse the old data. I don't know if GamersNexus said anything about that before this video, but they post the month and year of the data in their reviews, proving that they don't repeat all the tests every time.

And it's fine, you don't need to repeat all the tests all the time because, more often than not, the results will be the same, but sometimes they change, and you can check the re-review of the 7900XT that HU did a couple weeks ago. So, if some site has the resources and manpower to repeat the tests, then all the better for us.

Another one, using the success of LMG as an argument against it because it has over 100 employees and a CEO is ridiculous. So what, if someone does well and succeeds in life then he no longer can be trusted? What kind of BS is that?

The amount of videos that have to be done in a week surprised me. How can videos do they post on their other site, the plane one? Because they don't post that many videos in Youtube per week.

My last argument would be less of a nitpick and more of a warning. GamerNexus has zero evidence that Linus, LTT or the new CEO are being dishonest because of their past employers or partnerships. Expressing his "concerns" about it in a video where he criticises other LTT practices may give the wrong idea that this is a reality, not a simple possibility. It's a dangerous suggestion that not only damages LTT's credibility, but also puts in question GN's real intention behind this video.

GamersNexus isn't perfect, and they've also edited videos with some text overlay to fix mistakes, although not as many times as LTT (obviously given that they also make a lot less content), and they should be cautios when makes certain claims, or it could backfire and damage their own reputation.

I think you should really watch the video because like I said, the summary doesn't do it justice.

No one is really asking them to redo all their tests, the issue is that there really shouldn't be insane outliers like the ones they produce. In the 4090 video, there were several issues. First the 4090 being 3x faster than 3090 Ti in Cyberpunk and the second was a 3090 Ti being 60% faster than a 3090 in Shadow of Tomb Raider. Those are very obviously incorrect so why not take the time and rest just two GPUs in those two categories? They don't have to retest much, they only need to retest the 4090 in Cyberpunk and 3090 Ti in Shadow of Tomb Raider. That's it. Anyone with any technical knowledge should have seen those outliers and realized there was something 110% wrong. And the issue is that this continues to happen and their process of correcting, fixing and learning from their mistakes is clearly terrible. And that is because of the fact that a) Linus himself openly admitted to the fact that he doesn't want to retest things because it costs money and b) Their staff clearly doesn't have any time to do proper videos as admitted by their own staff. That is the type of attitude that really shouldn't be acceptable.

The issue isn't the fact that Linus has 100 employees and ceo and etc. The issue is that even though he has 100+ employees while many other review outs have less than 10, LTT continues to make bigger and more obvious mistakes than review outlets who have less than 10 employees. And most importantly, they do not learn from them and continues to make said mistakes.

Last edited by Jizz_Beard_thePirate - on 15 August 2023


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Foxconn Enters the AI Race, Manages to Obtain Huge Chip Substrate Order From NVIDIA

Upcoming AMD RADV “Radeon Vulkan” Drivers To Bring Up To 3x Ray Tracing Performance Boost

AMD’s Enthusiast Radeon RX 8000 GPUs Allegedly Featured MCM Navi 4C “RDNA 4” Chips

MLID so take it with some salt but least the picture looks interesting


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

It seems that LTT had hired a lot of former corporate managers from tech producers and now they like to kiss up to their corporate partners and kick down on smaller companies.

Wow just when you thought Linus couldn't get anymore scummy with the cooler thing, he takes it to the next level lmao. It's only 12 minutes guys:

Linus responded in a forum post on LTT forums saying that LTT and Billet Labs (who are the makers of the cooler that Linus sold off) that after they sold it they got in touch with Billet Labs and worked out a number.

But in fact what happened is that LTT only reached out to Billet Labs to workout a number after GNs video went live exposing of them of the problem. Billet Labs told Linus how much the prototype costed. Billet Labs asked LTT if they plan on reimbursing Billet Labs the amount for the prototype and did not get a response until GNs video went live.

For perspective, June 30 is when LTT told Billet Labs they would send it back, then again on July 6th/12th. And then they auctioned it on July 30th. They go over some other stuff in the response too but that's the main thing.

Last edited by Jizz_Beard_thePirate - on 15 August 2023


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850