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JEMC said:

Oh! So that's your Steam ID, I could send you a friend request now...

Vulkan looks good, but OpenGL didn't work and I'm not confident on Vulkan if devs can just use DX 12 and get most of the same results.

You should try a mechanical K-board, not all of them are noisy. Trust me, I don't like noisy devices (my case is an Antec P183, for example) and I looked into their sound and the different switches. If you can't try one by yourself, Youtube is a surprisingly good source. I found red switches to be too loud, just like blue.

In the end, I ended up getting an Antec 710+ with brown, and dampened, switches. The looks of it are very subjective, but I don't care about it.


The biggest problem I see with that new VR Tech is that, unlike LCDs, OLED screens are opaque so they won't be able to use them.

I sport the same avatr over on Steam atm =P.

I do want Vulkan to succeed mostly because I don't really fancy upgrading to 10 after what I;v'0e seen and what I'll lose in the process, especially since Vulkan isn't going towards just on OS while DX 12 will require you to use both the latest GPU and Windows 10.

The reasons I'm not all for them as much is due to both noise and cost, I'd go for a nice looking one that was quiet and doesn't cost £40+, I have a specific limit on price points for K+M.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
BasilZero said:
I wish the PS4 streaming feature on PC was official :(!

Also heard about the Mass Effect Andromeda details - MOAR I WANT MOAR :O

Tbh I don't see the point in either streaming systems, I mean you have to pay £300+ for the console and the games and then at the end of the day you are streaming them to your own rig which is the same as streaming to a tv only you're rig that costs more that can also do better than the console, to me that's just burning money for the sake of not playing a console on your tv or in the same room.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

Oh! So that's your Steam ID, I could send you a friend request now...

I sport the same avatr over on Steam atm =P.

And so do I, but Steam doesn't allow to search users by avatar .

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

You should try a mechanical K-board, not all of them are noisy. Trust me, I don't like noisy devices (my case is an Antec P183, for example) and I looked into their sound and the different switches. If you can't try one by yourself, Youtube is a surprisingly good source. I found red switches to be too loud, just like blue.

In the end, I ended up getting an Antec 710+ with brown, and dampened, switches. The looks of it are very subjective, but I don't care about it.

The reasons I'm not all for them as much is due to both noise and cost, I'd go for a nice looking one that was quiet and doesn't cost £40+, I have a specific limit on price points for K+M.

It's true that they are more expensive, with some of them being crazy stupid.

Personally I don't find my K-board noisy and I don't regret my purchase. The feeling of the keys is a bit different and I really like it, it's more satistying.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Right now, I'm most exited when I read the development diaries for Hearts of Iron 4. Those who played the previous entries will remark just how much it improves and enhances the gameplay, while those who didn't will probably get overwhelmed by it's complexity, as usual with Paradox grand Strategy titles. And this friday's entry will be in-depth explanations about Germany => Superhyped

Edit: here's the link to the diaries for anyone interested:

Well, yesterday I posted the Just Cause 3 PC Requirements... and they weren't true . Instead of a GTX 760 or an R9 280X as Recommended, the truth is that it asks for a GTX 780 or an R9 290.

Sorry, guys.


And AMD has released the new CRIMSON drivers! You can read some of the articles about it here:


In summary, better interface, better user experience and minor improvements in most (but not all) games.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
BasilZero said:
I hope you dont mind that I sent you a friend invite @ Chazore on Steam ;o

Did you end up liking the two Bioshock DLCs? 

Warhammer the End Times: Vermentide is awesome! If any of you guys enjoy Left For Dead set in a more fantasy universe with a heavier emphasis on melee combat it's nearly identical. I have fourtyhours already clocked on it and have beat all stages on Hard and now working on Nightmare :). Is anybody else playing it?


edit - Fourty hours not four lol


I still consider Unravel one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Unravel is a physics-based puzzle game platformer in which you play as Yarny, a tiny new character made from a single thread of yarn that slowly unravels as you move. And yesterday IGN shared a video, showing 9 minutes of brand new gameplay footage.

>>This game is definitely something else. Here's the video:



The three-year anniversary Planetside 2 stream covers some ambitious incoming updates. The first release of new base-building kits are likely heading to test servers this year, with a full initial release planned further down the line.



Epic Games has released a new teaser trailer for its upcoming PC title, Paragon, revealing a new in-game playable hero called Dekker. Paragon is coming to the PC in early 2016 and will feature five playable characters. And at least from what we’ve seen, we can safely say that it will feature highly detailed in-game characters.



Released in 2012, Natural Selection 2 pits a squad of heavily-armed human marines against a horde of alien invaders. It's first and foremost a shooter, but it incorporates RTS elements that, as we said in our very positive review, are what "ties it all together." A couple of years after it came out, developer Unknown Worlds turned control of the game's future development over to a small team made up of members of the NS2 community, so it could focus exclusively on Subnautica. Earlier today, however, the studio took the reins back, saying that it's time to "try something new."



Battlestate Games has released a gameplay trailer for its upcoming hardcore narrative MMO game, Escape from Tarkov. Escape from Tarkov is a new hardcore narrative MMO mix of FPS/TPS and RPG genres in which the protagonist finds himself in modern Russian the city sunk into anarchy: only the fittest will solve the mysteries of Tarkov and get out alive.



GOG is throwing a sale on the GOG-exclusive games in in their library, which happens to include a rather popular roleplaying game called The Witcher 3. The huge RPG is half-price, just in time for the holidays. If you already have The Witcher 3 and liked it enough to play more, the Hearts of Stone expansion is a little bit cheaper. If you want to catch up with the series, The Witcher 2 is 85% off.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Codemasters bundle!

BasilZero said:
I hope you dont mind that I sent you a friend invite @ Chazore on Steam ;o

Hey it's cool, I accepted JEMC's the other night =P.

Just a heads up to anyone here though, I'm not the kind of guy that starts off one on one convos first, I've ore or less been like that since forever.

Also here's my Origin/ names if anyone wants to add me on those:

Origin: Lelouch-x (wasn't original but was made way back in 2007 and EA made it stick once they implemented Origin) Rolex#2404 (EU based)

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.