Congrats on your gift Basil. Maybe Nordic realized that it was a mistake to not extend that offer to all the Steam users who have both DarkSiders games.
Oh, and for me it shows a 80 % Sale, which is odd because accordingto them, I should have it for free:
- All people who have bought the old Darksiders Frachise pack have the Deathintive Edition automatically unlocked in their library.
- All people who have at least Darksiders II in their library will get 80 % discount on the new Deathinitive Edition during the first week.
- All newbies to the franchise not owning the Franchise pack or Darksiders II will get a 20 % release discount for the first week.
And my list of 25 most played games is (not a pic, sorry):
- Anno 1404_ 270h (and I got it this past Summer Sale... *yikes*)
- Civ V_ 170h
- X-COM_116h
- Borderlands_ 84h
- Titan Quest_ 62h (and I haven't finished it. I'll have to start it again. Someday...)
- Saints Row: The Third_ 60h
- Borderlands 2_ 48h (again, I haven't finished it. There's something about this game that puts me off)
- Age of Empires II HD_ 42h (if only I knew the hours I spend with the original game)
- Sleeping Dogs_ 36h
- Saints Row IV_ 33h
- Darksiders II_ 27h (I couldn't finish the game as my character got stuck. I'll also have to start over again)
- Darksiders_ 27h
- Alan Wake_ 25h
- Prison Architect_ 22h (that many? Colour me surprised)
- FTL_ 21h
- Game Dev Tycoon_ 20h
- RAGE_ 19.7h
- The Witcher 2_ 19.3h (but I only made it to chapter 2. I'll have play it again and finish it this time)
- Batman. Arkham City GOTY_ 19.1h (I'm not sure if I finished it, and I don't care)
- Half-Life 2_ 17.5h (no, I haven't finished this one either)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY_ 16.4h
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee_ 15.6h
- Broken Sword 5_ 15.5h
- Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus_ 15.5h
- Cities XXL Platinum_15h
Valkyria Chronicle would be my 26th with 14.9h, but it will soon rise to the top 20.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.