Captain_Yuri said: Meh I don't think it will be that bad. I think Nvidia/AMD/Intel will continue to peruse raw power but either the performance uplift won't be as great as previous generations or the cost of the GPUs will be too expensive. It's kind of like how cars went from simple and cheap to complex and expensive. Plus we have always had some devs that has had shit optimization so that wouldn't be anything new. A brand new honda civic 15 years ago costed like $14k. These days a base honda civic starts at $25k. Hell my 2017 crv got rear ended a couple years back and it didn't look too bad in terms of visual damage but the repair cost was $3500 cause it apparently damaged the side radar. The insurance covered it of course but the point is that modern tech whether it be in computers or cars or whatever is simply getting more and more costly as they continue to add in more and more features. Plus the funny thing is that in my experience, when there's issues with the image... Because of all the shitty effects the devs put in, it's hard to tell if the issue is caused by DLSS or some shat visual style the devs think is good. I have had a few instances in cyberpunk where something looked off so I turned off DLSS and restarted the game and... It still looked off. |
You'll have to forgive my jaded look at it all. it's just that I've seen us come above and beyond over the years, with new medicine, new tech, new methods of transportation, and then I see us somehow take 2 steps backwards and then slightly one step forwards, that it all just gets me asking "why?, why is this our most consistent, negative trait?".
That's the thing about cars though, they have gone from cheap to complicated and expensive, but when are we ever going back to the cheap part?, because to me, not going back to one past pro makes for a bad and consistent negative trait. Like think about it, if the cards keep getting bigger, more power hungry and expensive, then that means we're only left with one pro, some perf gains, but not much else.
Wouldn't it be much better if we as a species, took two steps forward and made the cards smaller, efficient and less power hungry, instead of wasting another 50 years worth of sand to maybe get back to where we once were?. This is why I see Jensen's greed, or any corp greed, getting in the way of progressive tech, because they are happy with keeping their own status quo, means we have to suffer through it, until push comes to shove (and in this industry, we've proven that gamers are absolutely fine being tested time and time again, simply because we allow for it and do not put our foot down firmly and keep it in place at all times).
I do see and agree with the devs tossing in utterly pointless and useless fx into games, because I strongly feel that detracts from the overall IQ and artistic integrity, but on the hardware side, prices going up and up and up is something I'll always contend with, because I know that isn't a market that is evolving/adapting, it's a market that expects it's own customers to adapt to it's own desires, and not the other way around (like it should always be, because without customers, you are not a business, you are worth nothing).
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.