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Bofferbrauer said:


I agree, 300€ just for some old RAM really isn't worth it. Even 100€ is pretty much borderline, but it's the best one can get anymore.

@Alby: If there are any Computer flea markets in your region, I'd check those out, as it will surely become much cheaper to buy used RAM than new old ones

Thanks for the advice, I wrote my previous answer before reading it. Alas my town, Genoa, suffers from chronic crisis and has an ageing population (weren't for immigrants we'd have a serious population decrease), so hi-tech commerce is quite sluggish.
Milan, the most important Italian town for economy, is not very far away, ~150km, but the cost of the trip is eccessive anyway to just buy a couple of RAM modules, although if I happen to go there for other reasons too, it will definitely be a good idea to look for that RAM too.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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JEMC said:

I doubt they'll bother, specially with DLC being made and a possible PS4 version on the works.

I mean, they didn't bother to fix the problems Far Cry 4 and WatchDogs had with AMD cards (I don't even know if FC 4 finally supports CrossFire or still doesn't), and both are far bigger games than Anno.

Btw, I watched a gameplay video from Anno 2070 and, besides the different setting, it's quite similar to Anno 1404. I would even say that it can be a little easier than 1404. It can be an alternative if you don't want to bother with 2205 because it still looks good and doesn't have UPlay.


Yeah, once I heard of the memroy issues I immedietly thought of current gens "unified memory" and just let out a depressing sigh. After seeing what happened with BLOPS III, AK, MKX, this gen has so far told me that the unified memory system is actually becoming a problem for PC gaming and devs are also not allocating or being allocated the resources needed for decent quality PC ports. I mean there are actual good ports and we've had some this eyar but for the bigger games it's been issues up the arse and even for an exclusive like ANNO I expected better but since an apparent console version might be in the works I'm not going to be surpised any more.

In fact as much as some enjoyed Overwatch's beta, I'm actually going to start watching Blizz closely to see if they fuck up the PC version like they did with Diablo III. I guess I'm being jaded but I've felt this way for quite some time, I just want to play games I love without being treated like shit or gimped and I;m certainly not buying a console version when I;m invested in a platform and market I love. I don't care how good a version a console one is, I'd rather I get the good version on my own PC.

All I can say is next year better be the eyar where devs , especially AAA ones shape the hell up with how they approach PC ports, I'd rather they just make PC versions first since that method has proven to actually work and actually balances out in terms of quality for both PC and consoles. I hope Firaxis don't fuck around with XCOM 2 either because they claim it's exclusive and while I don't care if the game goes to consoles(some console folk on here seem pretty salty about Helldivers for some reason), I just want to work wonders on my setup.


Also today I sent another email reply to Scan UK about my monitor still not being dispatched and I checked to find that it's still in the pre-order status and it's set back to Jan 8th 2016....

And I simply look around for AOC G2460PG 24" 144Hz GSYNC and all the other vendors are still selling that model and none of them apart from SCAN are taking "pre-orders" for a monitor that was released a year prior. It just feels like they are wasting my time andit honestly feels like bullshit how they can't manage to obtain stock for a monitor that's a year old while their competitors have no issues selling the same model. Last email they asked if I wanted a refund or to buy an even more expensive monitor, like the sheer balls they have to suggest I pour more money into buying higher priced monitor from them, where I work that's not really customer service, that's actual cheek to suggest the customer pay more for something.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

I doubt they'll bother, specially with DLC being made and a possible PS4 version on the works.

I mean, they didn't bother to fix the problems Far Cry 4 and WatchDogs had with AMD cards (I don't even know if FC 4 finally supports CrossFire or still doesn't), and both are far bigger games than Anno.

Btw, I watched a gameplay video from Anno 2070 and, besides the different setting, it's quite similar to Anno 1404. I would even say that it can be a little easier than 1404. It can be an alternative if you don't want to bother with 2205 because it still looks good and doesn't have UPlay.


Yeah, once I heard of the memroy issues I immedietly thought of current gens "unified memory" and just let out a depressing sigh. After seeing what happened with BLOPS III, AK, MKX, this gen has so far told me that the unified memory system is actually becoming a problem for PC gaming and devs are also not allocating or being allocated the resources needed for decent quality PC ports. I mean there are actual good ports and we've had some this eyar but for the bigger games it's been issues up the arse and even for an exclusive like ANNO I expected better but since an apparent console version might be in the works I'm not going to be surpised any more.

In fact as much as some enjoyed Overwatch's beta, I'm actually going to start watching Blizz closely to see if they fuck up the PC version like they did with Diablo III. I guess I'm being jaded but I've felt this way for quite some time, I just want to play games I love without being treated like shit or gimped and I;m certainly not buying a console version when I;m invested in a platform and market I love. I don't care how good a version a console one is, I'd rather I get the good version on my own PC.

All I can say is next year better be the eyar where devs , especially AAA ones shape the hell up with how they approach PC ports, I'd rather they just make PC versions first since that method has proven to actually work and actually balances out in terms of quality for both PC and consoles. I hope Firaxis don't fuck around with XCOM 2 either because they claim it's exclusive and while I don't care if the game goes to consoles(some console folk on here seem pretty salty about Helldivers for some reason), I just want to work wonders on my setup.


Also today I sent another email reply to Scan UK about my monitor still not being dispatched and I checked to find that it's still in the pre-order status and it's set back to Jan 8th 2016....

And I simply look around for AOC G2460PG 24" 144Hz GSYNC and all the other vendors are still selling that model and none of them apart from SCAN are taking "pre-orders" for a monitor that was released a year prior. It just feels like they are wasting my time andit honestly feels like bullshit how they can't manage to obtain stock for a monitor that's a year old while their competitors have no issues selling the same model. Last email they asked if I wanted a refund or to buy an even more expensive monitor, like the sheer balls they have to suggest I pour more money into buying higher priced monitor from them, where I work that's not really customer service, that's actual cheek to suggest the customer pay more for something.

You point all the problems of PC ports to the memory leaks and the unified memory of consoles, but can I point (and I admit that I'm probably biased because I don't like it) that leaving Ubisoft aside, because they no longer know how to make PC games, almost every other game with problems features GameWorks?

After all, it's weird and surprising, that the two PC publishers with fewer problems are EA and Activision, which don't use it.


And wtf with your monitor? I hope you've asked for a refund and/or send them to hell. Althought the monitor isn't on stock neither at Overclockers or Amazon uk :-/. Can it be that the monitor is EOL? Or they are sending them all to the US, because does have it on stock.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

For those of you interested on Endless Space 2, there's an interview with the Creative Director over at wccftech:

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

You point all the problems of PC ports to the memory leaks and the unified memory of consoles, but can I point (and I admit that I'm probably biased because I don't like it) that leaving Ubisoft aside, because they no longer know how to make PC games, almost every other game with problems features GameWorks?

After all, it's weird and surprising, that the two PC publishers with fewer problems are EA and Activision, which don't use it.


And wtf with your monitor? I hope you've asked for a refund and/or send them to hell. Althought the monitor isn't on stock neither at Overclockers or Amazon uk :-/. Can it be that the monitor is EOL? Or they are sending them all to the US, because does have it on stock.

Oh yeah I also see them being generally crap with making PC games and gameworks is an actual hinderence from Nvidia than an actual benefit, especially when Nvidia users have to taker a hit to FPS for minimal gains in slight eye candy, not really much of a benefit if we can't handle both.

I just find that ever since this gen started, we've had multiple issues and stories with PC ports being linked to memory issues that spawns from current gens unified memory system, alst gen we didn't have enarly this many issues with AAA games as much, I can play ass creed 2 and Anno 2070 really well and they ran on my frankenstein rig from 2013 quote well and that was with 4 gigs DDR3 and GTX 660ti and a 1st gen i7 and WD *green* HDD. (seriously the worst rig I ever had).

Well I think I'm going to file for a refund because I'm not waiting till Jan for a monitor that's been out since 2014, I'll likeoy pay a little more from someone else who is actually willing to give me what I want within a week than say 2-3 months of waiting while paying premium for delivery when I;m clearly not going to get it on time regardless.

The thing is that all Scan's competitors are both UK and US based and all of them have the model in stock and yet they don't for some fucked reason, it;s been nearly 3 weeks and they still don't seem to have any in stock, just how do you fuck it up that hard to grab a few monitors?.

The fact they suggested I refund or buy a more expensive monitor (the one they suggested was indeed more expensive than the one ordered) tells me that they lack decent customer negoatian skills, I mean I've seen various places that actually value loyal customers (and I have shoped with Scan plenty of times) and try to do what they can to make up for their lack of good service or poor quality, Scan on the other hand is basically like "take a refund or pay us more money for something else, take it or leave it" attitude.


Edit: got an email reply from them this morning, it;s like I'm talking to a mchine giving me the same type of reply and options.

Fuck it I;m filing for a refund, they can jog on if they think I'm going to pay extra for another monitor, maybe I'd go for their suggestion if it meant not paying extra but the chances of them covering that cost are nil as fuck. THey don't value my service, they just want more money like any other business, this is why I trust none of them.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
Chazore said:
JEMC said:

And wtf with your monitor? I hope you've asked for a refund and/or send them to hell. Althought the monitor isn't on stock neither at Overclockers or Amazon uk :-/. Can it be that the monitor is EOL? Or they are sending them all to the US, because does have it on stock.

Well I think I'm going to file for a refund because I'm not waiting till Jan for a monitor that's been out since 2014, I'll likeoy pay a little more from someone else who is actually willing to give me what I want within a week than say 2-3 months of waiting while paying premium for delivery when I;m clearly not going to get it on time regardless.

The thing is that all Scan's competitors are both UK and US based and all of them have the model in stock and yet they don't for some fucked reason, it;s been nearly 3 weeks and they still don't seem to have any in stock, just how do you fuck it up that hard to grab a few monitors?.

The fact they suggested I refund or buy a more expensive monitor (the one they suggested was indeed more expensive than the one ordered) tells me that they lack decent customer negoatian skills, I mean I've seen various places that actually value loyal customers (and I have shoped with Scan plenty of times) and try to do what they can to make up for their lack of good service or poor quality, Scan on the other hand is basically like "take a refund or pay us more money for something else, take it or leave it" attitude.


Edit: got an email reply from them this morning, it;s like I'm talking to a mchine giving me the same type of reply and options.

Fuck it I;m filing for a refund, they can jog on if they think I'm going to pay extra for another monitor, maybe I'd go for their suggestion if it meant not paying extra but the chances of them covering that cost are nil as fuck. THey don't value my service, they just want more money like any other business, this is why I trust none of them.

They're offering you to buy a ROG Swift. Because there aren't better and cheaper alternatives, right? .

I've seen that Alternate has the monitor in stock, but it costs £20 more:

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

They're offering you to buy a ROG Swift. Because there aren't better and cheaper alternatives, right? .

I've seen that Alternate has the monitor in stock, but it costs £20 more:

Yeah the monitor they suggest would cost me£534+P&P+Scan insurance £15-20 which basically means I'm paying close to fucking £600 for a single monitor.

They are definitely the tightest of wads, I think it's time to shop somewhere else for parts from now on like Overclockers and other UK based vendors because Scan clearly doesn't value me as a loyal customer.

The monitor I originally paid for cost just a bit over £300 and they want me to pay enarly £300 more for the other monitor if I wanted to choose that lol, so batshit insane of a suggestion to ever make imo.


I think I'll take up on your findings though since I don't mind paying a tiny bit more for something I'll get well within 11 days and not months while paying out for insurance and stupid P&P.

Also linked them the monitor you linked me in order to let them know how much they fail.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

They're offering you to buy a ROG Swift. Because there aren't better and cheaper alternatives, right? .

I've seen that Alternate has the monitor in stock, but it costs £20 more:

Yeah the monitor they suggest would cost me£534+P&P+Scan insurance £15-20 which basically means I'm paying close to fucking £600 for a single monitor.

They are definitely the tightest of wads, I think it's time to shop somewhere else for parts from now on like Overclockers and other UK based vendors because Scan clearly doesn't value me as a loyal customer.

The monitor I originally paid for cost just a bit over £300 and they want me to pay enarly £300 more for the other monitor if I wanted to choose that lol, so batshit insane of a suggestion to ever make imo.


I think I'll take up on your findings though since I don't mind paying a tiny bit more for something I'll get well within 11 days and not months while paying out for insurance and stupid P&P.

Also linked them the monitor you linked me in order to let them know how much they fail.

Their problem is that the alternative they've given to you turn out to be one of the best gaming monitors available and, as such, it is pricey.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

Their problem is that the alternative they've given to you turn out to be one of the best gaming monitors available and, as such, it is pricey.

See I know they could have gone for a better or different ideas but they simply went for "buy a more expensive product that does exactly the same thing you wanted originally with virtually no difference other than tiny differences and brand logo". They could have offered me something to go with my delivery or money off some piece of hw in the future, anything that keep me with them or hold out till Jan but they aren't making any sort of effort towards keeping me on their side other than "pay us more or refund and jog on". I mean yeah it's a good monitor but the best doesn't really mean the best to me personally, I've got a GTX Zotac 980 and GTA V doesn't run absolute buttery smooth and I'm not even running it at max, what's going to happen if I over splurge on that other monitor?, because I get the huge feeling that it won't give me night/day differences than simply going for the one I originally went for and then of course I dislike colour banding with a burning passion.

This is why I went for the AOC model because it wasn't too cheap but also wasn't too expensive, a friend of mine tells me to splurge on my monitor like I splurge on my GPU but I don't see how that's at all valid since splurging on my GPU so far hasn't given me AAA success with all that power and a very expensive monitor is unlikely to give me huge advantages either. All I want is that GSYNC tech and a monitor that's not got colour banding issues like my current one.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

Their problem is that the alternative they've given to you turn out to be one of the best gaming monitors available and, as such, it is pricey.

See I know they could have gone for a better or different ideas but they simply went for "buy a more expensive product that does exactly the same thing you wanted originally with virtually no difference other than tiny differences and brand logo". They could have offered me something to go with my delivery or money off some piece of hw in the future, anything that keep me with them or hold out till Jan but they aren't making any sort of effort towards keeping me on their side other than "pay us more or refund and jog on". I mean yeah it's a good monitor but the best doesn't really mean the best to me personally, I've got a GTX Zotac 980 and GTA V doesn't run absolute buttery smooth and I'm not even running it at max, what's going to happen if I over splurge on that other monitor?, because I get the huge feeling that it won't give me night/day differences than simply going for the one I originally went for and then of course I dislike colour banding with a burning passion.

This is why I went for the AOC model because it wasn't too cheap but also wasn't too expensive, a friend of mine tells me to splurge on my monitor like I splurge on my GPU but I don't see how that's at all valid since splurging on my GPU so far hasn't given me AAA success with all that power and a very expensive monitor is unlikely to give me huge advantages either. All I want is that GSYNC tech and a monitor that's not got colour banding issues like my current one.

I get what you mean and I agree that Scan has screwed up with you. And given that the Swift has a 2560x1440 res., your card will suffer even more despite the G-Sync.

But I have to agree with your friend. There are three components on every PC that no one should skimp on but most do: Monitor, keyboard and mouse. And the reason is very simple, they will be your tools when using your PC. With a bad monitor you may end with red eyes, with a bad keyboard your wrists can suffer and if a mouse is not comfy... well, it will always feel odd. And they usually also last longer than your average PC.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.