Captain_Yuri said:
Yea the original is officially going away. It wouldn't surprise me if they had a mode in arcade that's similar to the original but the heroes would still be changed so yea, I'd give the original a go and at least you can redeem the free heroes if you decide to play overwatch 2.
I miss the days when Blizz let us preserve our shit, but these days it's "uh oh, time to put away yours games billy, we've got new ones!".
yes I'm still salty as fuck that I lost the copy of WCIII, that I paid for... (and was told to buy Reforged, fuck that shit).
I think DragonFlight is the only Blizz game I'm actually looking forward to, D4 looks like a monetisation joke, OW2 is just ugh, that Warcraft mobile game looks shit, HOTS is prob gonna die soon, so that's another game I liked going away forever, and they stopped giving 2 shits about a new SC IP.
Like even with some bad apples fired from Blizz, with the founding fathers pretty much gone, the company is def no longer the one I grew up with, and I don't see it returning to form ,if at all.
I was also gonna look into Wrath Classic, since they're giving out a free mount for Frost DK spec players, but I just remembered how they treated Burning Crusade Classic, servers and all, and I cba dealing with that shit and being dropped when sub numbers for classic drop again. Blizz really do care way too much about MaU's.
Last edited by Chazore - on 15 September 2022